Saturday, April 29, 2017

Ps 143 5 I remember the days of long ago;
I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
Meditating on Gods word opens up a meta physical world behind the physical world. The reality of the world is according to our view. Each person views the world different from the next person. When we mediate on Gods word we are creating a new reality that the Psalmist calls Gods works. God has ordained whatsoever has come to pass by doing the work necessary to accomplish the creation of every thing. Our view of the world according to our limited space, our imperfect knowledge of origins and the working of all things , and our biased corruption. But God works every thing by creating from nothing. The reality of existence coming into the physical world by the will or desire of God is what the Psalms describe as a wonder
When the Psalmist extols Gods grace he is describing it as being present in a world in which all every thing that exist is a gift. There is a difference between an intellectual knowledge that God gifts us with every thing and sense of the presence of God as the creator of those gifts. The Psalmist is describing the wonder of Gods emanations that come through God speaking the next event into existence. The apostle says that we live and move and have our being in God, In this way as we meditate and consider we sense the wonder and beauty of the creation of the next event. To consider is to be wrapped up in the pleasure of the work of God that exist as the meta physical foundation that prevents men from being consumed by sorrow. This experience is the reality of Gods recreation
When the Psalmist speaks of being blessed by God, he is in some ways talking about being enlarged by this pleasure that is coming toward him In this way we all live beyond the physical experience of this world. We walk around in the meta physical reality which is the measure of the unity and cohesiveness of our experience.Ps 1 "2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers". The Psalmist is teaching that the holistic experience in life is done through the art of mediation. He compares the results of mediation as a tree growing by the source of life. He is establishing the foundation of the existence of the meta physical blessing of God.
This is why the Psalmist teaches that every thing that is put into existence comes from Gods word. Nothing would be exist or be sustained unless God spoke. In this sense as we experience reality in this world we are under the constraints of the creation of all that we experience according to God speaking. 17 4 As for the deeds of men-by the word of your lips I have kept myself
from the ways of the violent.5 My steps have held to your paths;
my feet have not slipped. The Psalmist is not just saying that he walks according to Gods law that prevents him from violent men but he is saying that all the words of God create the environment in which the Psalmist is protected from violence. The Psalmist is not declaring that he has become God by living according to Gods law but that the blessing of the covenant is equal with the total establishment of the sphere of protection. So the actions of men and Gods word are the sphere of Gods creation.107 20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave".19 till what he foretold came to pass,till the word of the LORD proved him true". Gods word is a prophetic pronouncement of a new event that proves that He is true.Its true from the single view from eternity.
12 6 And the words of the LORD are flawless,like silver refined in a furnace of clay,purified seven times. In this Psalm he is teaching that every reality is described by God. All the things that are spoken into existence have a reason and a purpose that can be described by God. The entrance of sin was the beginning of the redefining of reality, You could put into a parenthesis the purified reality of God as Gods kingdom and mans false system or government as mans experience of the curse. When the Psalmist is speaking about Gods word being purified seven times he is talking about its effectiveness to overcome all opposition. And so it is in the context of Gods sphere of protection over His elect; The pronouncement of His laws , decrees, statutes, curses and covenants are the creation of the new reality just as the existence of the law of gravity.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ps 103 1 Praise the LORD , O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD , O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
This is the Psalm that teaches us that we are accepted by our Father in heaven. The Psalms are written in a way that our understanding of salvation is confirmed in speaking them. They are not written like other teaching passages. If we want to know God we must speak to Him correctly. We must know Him by speaking His covenants, curses, precept's, laws etc We see there are words on the page that we must put into the context of the whole bible. But we cannot understand the application of these words by a mere word study or gaining a better understanding of the systematic doctrines.
We learn truth by our experience of how words are used in our present culture. But in the scriptures we are learning the culture by being present before a holy God. This Psalm is describing the disposition of God as our Father. This is really the way the Bible is written. It is God Himself speaking to us as if He was walking with us. It is not just a God who is so holy that we cannot look upon Him. But He is a God who is knocking at the door so that He can come and fellowship with us. Well this Psalm is God speaking to us in the most personal way. We are so easily convinced that if a guy tells us what God is like then we just accept that. We have a hard time learning what God is like by fellow shipping with Him in His word.
This is why we get into extremes. If we are not familiar with Gods Fatherly care then we teach that He is unapproachable by our lack of familiarity by knowing Him. We are like an open book and we are read by people in our general disposition and the way we talk about people and where we get our answers. We may be able to describe the intellectual understanding but our hearts are always exposed by the personal application of scripture. So God is speaking to us in this Psalm like He is drawing us into His fellowship by the very words that answer all our needs.
Who forgives all you sins and heals all your diseases? The point of this question is that our Father is asking us this personal question. The question itself draws us to a single answer. Its like a parent wanting a hug and speaking acceptance to us with open arms. Its a question of total acceptance and a promise that is always kept.
Our Father is describing His faithfulness in the covenant that He swore to uphold. He says he forgives all our sins, heals all our diseases , he crowns us with the foundation of His law so that the most rest that we can have is to enjoy the limits of our responsibility and at the same time rest from our works- in crowning us with love and compassion, does not treat us as we deserve because we are sinners, He has removed the problem of being motivated by guilt in forgetting our sins. He has dealt with us according to our needs and not according to our responsibilities because He knows that we are too weak to perform in our own strength. And then the Father reasserts His covenant with us. Of all the words He speaks it is a reaffirmation of His covenant love for us. He curses the wicked and at the same time He loves us with and everlasting love.
When He speaks His covenant to us He focuses on His faithfulness , kindness and love as that by which we are confident that we will be sustained when we are weak and sinful. You mediate on this Psalm and in pronouncing Gods whispers as our Father we are bold as lions in overcoming all opposition in this world.
A lot of people live in the culture where the Bible is a book that is mainly for interpreting and applying. In other words its a book that gives us confidence so that we can accomplish a task to overcome a problem in our lives. So we approach the Bible as it it gives us the right medicine to take.
But the bible is really Gods spoken word to us. We should have respect when we hear it or read it as if God were talking to us. So the bible is a book that tells us who God is by His word. God has created us like Himself. And yet each one of us is completely different than the other guy. This means that God created us with one purpose that is essential to fit together with other men who have a different purpose. So you can imagine if all men were talking to God then He would be looking at every persons desires being expressed in the most free way to achieve what they are fulfilled in accomplishing. And yet God has made each sovereign free action of a person to fit together like a puzzle that brings about the most positive unity of the world.
But when sin entered the world the free exercise of all the gifts of men became opposed by everyone sinful actions.This opposition is what the bible describes as redefining or rebelling against Gods word. Every problem that man faces both interior and in the word is a form of communication. You can see that when sin entered the world the communication of man became extremely complicated. In a world where there is no opposition to Gods word is a world that is very simple. There is a myriad of evil thoughts that do not exist. There is a myriad of evil responses that are not being experienced. So God had to reorder and renew all things by His word.
Most of our problems come from a disconnection with Gods order. If there were no evil or corruption in the world then all men would be free to exercise their gifts to the fullest and the most honored. In other words there would be the highest connection to Gods creation and the experience of a totally unified culture. But man fell from this kingdom that was created by God into complete darkness. Man was disconnected from the order of that kingdom which we call total darkness. Could you imagine a world where every communication of pleasure, beauty , honor, glory and praise was coming at you instead of you working for it. So we say that there is nothing that we can do to be connected to this reality unless God comes to us.
You must understand that Gods word never returns void because it goes out and renews the reality back to the kingdom of God. It sets every thing in order we begin to experience connection to every thing as God created it. Now dont miss interpret what I am saying. But God never accomplishes anything outside of the working of the word and Spirit. His word can never be thwarted. We can picture every thing in our christian experience as being real because it is designing our reality in coming to us. I mean we could complain, question, experience the most awful shame and disconnection but it does not prevent the success of Gods word coming at us. This is why the word itself attest the truth of its reality. This is why the word itself is the remedy.
Ps 56 7 On no account let them escape;
in your anger, O God, bring down the nations.
8 Record my lament;
list my tears on your scroll -
are they not in your record?
9 Then my enemies will turn back
when I call for help.
By this I will know that God is for me.
10 In God, whose word I praise,
in the LORD , whose word I praise-
11 in God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?
The Psalms teach that the two roads of salvation and deliverance and the other of destruction and suffering are two different communications. Every person lives according to what he believes. There is no person even if he believes something that is not correct that will not die for that belief. But the problem is that those who are wicked do not understand that they live in darkness. Most of the troubles in this world are done by people who reason from blindness but will swear that they are right.
The bible calls living in this blindness a path of destruction. When man fell into sin the Devil presented an argument that was not entirely correct. He told Eve that she would have knowledge as God if she partook of the fruit. But it was knowledge that was under the power of sin. It was the possessing the curse. Man now knows guilt , fear, shame, and hate. The opposition to the success that man enjoys has created a war within man. That war is the presence of pain. The level of pain is the anger that man feels in fighting against the pain.
A lament is an expression of sorrow or regret. It is anger that is experienced as pain being rolled over to the God. The result of the experience of being opposed is to weep. Anger is a gift of God that prevents us from being consumed in our sorrow. But the anger that is sinful is selfish anger. This anger is the sinful way to deal with sorrow because it adds to the sorrow. In other words it is like the pain of a sore that we suffer from and if we are angry for the wrong reasons then we will infect that sore and cause more pain. We will add to the heat of the anger. But God has given us the way to use the anger to deepen our convictions.
We must learn that Gods wrath is without regret. Gods wrath is always completely justified. This is why anger is not uncontrolled outburst or sharp words that destroy. But Gods anger is who He is. Rom 9 33 "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall,and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame."
When we are angry at God we just experience more destruction. His anger defines His hatred for violence. But righteous indignation is pleasurable in the sense that the anger is justified in the defense of Gods purposes. The righteous anger is not uncontrolled outburst but a having a lack of feeling as we experience the pleasure of being defended by God. But the inward struggle to unburden the anger is the lament.
When we are saved we go from being enemies of God ...who are at odds with being friends of God. The Psalms teach that a friend is a friend of a friend of God. So there is no longer a difference of personal friendship and the community of friendship. As we are friends with our brothers we are kind to ourselves. The reason that we now are friends with God is because He has lifted the curse from us. Everyone in the community have been set free from the bondage of sin and death. Now listen...the curse of the law is the same as God coming to us first and addressing the problems we have with anger. In other words God shows His kindness to us by giving us a sure way to find relief in His justified wrath in using the curse to prevent us from being selfish with our anger. Gods love is always controlled towards us in His decrees from eternity past. He loves us as He loves Christ. He loves us justly. So the love is not emotional but legal. But we are always wanting to be loved emotionally.
The problem with being loved emotionally is that we approach God according to our present feelings. But the truth is that God never delays His response in meeting our needs according to the amount of emotion that is necessary to get a person to move. Rather God simply speaks and it is done. So too with Gods anger. God does not burst out with hot anger. But God simply speaks the judgement and it is as if it was always experienced as something that was decided in eternity past. If we pray to God and address Him according to His responses to the injustices of the world we will learn that it is always satisfied in the pronouncement of death. It is simply Gods avenging His own purposes. Its not boiling over. And if we approach God as a God who simply speaks and it is done then we are absent of the emotion that has no basis of our trust and we will be empty of our vain selfishness. Then the emotions will flow out of us. This consistent place of Gods justified creation will unite us to Gods presence in the word and Spirit. We will experience the overflowing love of God coming to us.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Ps 103 1 Praise the LORD , O my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
2 Praise the LORD , O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
and crowns you with love and compassion,
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.
This is the Psalm that teaches us that we are accepted by our Father in heaven. The Psalms are written in a way that our understanding of salvation is confirmed in speaking them. They are not written like other teaching passages. If we want to know God we must speak to Him correctly. We must know Him by speaking His covenants, curses, precept's, laws etc We see there are words on the page that we must put into the context of the whole bible. But we cannot understand the application of these words by a mere word study or gaining a better understanding of the systematic doctrines.
We learn truth by our experience of how words are used in our present culture. But in the scriptures we are learning the culture by being present before a holy God. This Psalm is describing the disposition of God as our Father. This is really the way the Bible is written. It is God Himself speaking to us as if He was walking with us. It is not just a God who is so holy that we cannot look upon Him. But He is a God who is knocking at the door so that He can come and fellowship with us. Well this Psalm is God speaking to us in the most personal way. We are so easily convinced that if a guy tells us what God is like then we just accept that. We have a hard time learning what God is like by fellow shipping with Him in His word.
This is why we get into extremes. If we are not familiar with Gods Fatherly care then we teach that He is unapproachable by our lack of familiarity by knowing Him. We are like an open book and we are read by people in our general disposition and the way we talk about people and where we get our answers. We may be able to describe the intellectual understanding but our hearts are always exposed by the personal application of scripture. So God is speaking to us in this Psalm like He is drawing us into His fellowship by the very words that answer all our needs.
Who forgives all you sins and heals all your diseases? The point of this question is that our Father is asking us this personal question. The question itself draws us to a single answer. Its like a parent wanting a hug and speaking acceptance to us with open arms. Its a question of total acceptance and a promise that is always kept.
Our Father is describing His faithfulness in the covenant that He swore to uphold. He says he forgives all our sins, heals all our diseases , he crowns us with the foundation of His law so that the most rest that we can have is to enjoy the limits of our responsibility and at the same time rest from our works- in crowning us with love and compassion, does not treat us as we deserve because we are sinners, He has removed the problem of being motivated by guilt in forgetting our sins. He has dealt with us according to our needs and not according to our responsibilities because He knows that we are too weak to perform in our own strength. And then the Father reasserts His covenant with us. Of all the words He speaks it is a reaffirmation of His covenant love for us. He curses the wicked and at the same time He loves us with and everlasting love.
When He speaks His covenant to us He focuses on His faithfulness , kindness and love as that by which we are confident that we will be sustained when we are weak and sinful. You mediate on this Psalm and in pronouncing Gods whispers as our Father we are bold as lions in overcoming all opposition in this world.
Ps 31 6 I hate those who cling to worthless idols;
I trust in the LORD ".
When we are saved all of those former things that we trusted in have been put to death by our being united with Christ in His death and resurrection. When the scripture speaks of our identity with Christ in His death it is saying that we died to those former ways by the law cursing them. Even tho we still are corrupted yet in order for us to be labelled "Idol worshipers" the law that speaks death on our behalf would no longer be Gods enforcement that keeps us from being condemned. This is why the apostle never addresses us as proud but as saints. The problems that we had under the domination of the sinful nature are now a reason for us to learn how to use the law correctly to kill what has already been rendered powerless. These sinful courses are no longer powerful enough that we are identified with the wicked.
The Psalmist is repeating the first commandment with the punishment to those who worship other gods.The Psalmist uses the curse as an instrument of divine wrath to kill the opposition. But we are not under the bondage of a law as a rule. But we have been made free to choose for ourselves what is most pleasing to us. So the thing that an unbeliever is marked as an idol worshiper in the pleasure he enjoys of that idol does not apply to us in how we receive pleasure from that same thing.In other words our hatred is not separated from our physical desires. We are not disembodied angels who represent Gods standard of law keeping. But our physical desires are part of our spiritual desires.This has become reversed. Now when we attribute idol worship to the physical attraction to a thing we sin in lowering our identity to the shame that Christ has freed us from. 31 7 I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul.8 You have not handed me over to the enemy but have set my feet in a spacious place."
In other words God is not looking to see if the desire is evil but He is eying the difference between the old disposition of bondage and the new disposition of freedom...or spacious place. The point is that the unbeliever uses these things for the purpose of preventing us from being successful as God has opposed idol worships in the curse. To be free in the christian life is to be dead to that thing...our christian state that is most opposed and hated...not to avoid it. So the circumstances of bondage in the unbeliever is a threat to the believer. The covenant language is never abusive or threatening. But it is a language that kills the guilt virus. It prevents the believer from being captured by the idol worshiper. We live in a world where blind hate is like physical murder. It overcomes the bondage and allows us to enjoy those things for Gods glory.
A lot of people live in the culture where the Bible is a book that is mainly for interpreting and applying. In other words its a book that gives us confidence so that we can accomplish a task to overcome a problem in our lives. So we approach the Bible as it it gives us the right medicine to take.
But the bible is really Gods spoken word to us. We should have respect when we hear it or read it as if God were talking to us. So the bible is a book that tells us who God is by His word. God has created us like Himself. And yet each one of us is completely different than the other guy. This means that God created us with one purpose that is essential to fit together with other men who have a different purpose. So you can imagine if all men were talking to God then He would be looking at every persons desires being expressed in the most free way to achieve what they are fulfilled in accomplishing. And yet God has made each sovereign free action of a person to fit together like a puzzle that brings about the most positive unity of the world.
But when sin entered the world the free exercise of all the gifts of men became opposed by everyone sinful actions.This opposition is what the bible describes as redefining or rebelling against Gods word. Every problem that man faces both interior and in the word is a form of communication. You can see that when sin entered the world the communication of man became extremely complicated. In a world where there is no opposition to Gods word is a world that is very simple. There is a myriad of evil thoughts that do not exist. There is a myriad of evil responses that are not being experienced. So God had to reorder and renew all things by His word.
Most of our problems come from a disconnection with Gods order. If there were no evil or corruption in the world then all men would be free to exercise their gifts to the fullest and the most honored. In other words there would be the highest connection to Gods creation and the experience of a totally unified culture. But man fell from this kingdom that was created by God into complete darkness. Man was disconnected from the order of that kingdom which we call total darkness. Could you imagine a world where every communication of pleasure, beauty , honor, glory and praise was coming at you instead of you working for it. So we say that there is nothing that we can do to be connected to this reality unless God comes to us.
You must understand that Gods word never returns void because it goes out and renews the reality back to the kingdom of God. It sets every thing in order we begin to experience connection to every thing as God created it. Now dont miss interpret what I am saying. But God never accomplishes anything outside of the working of the word and Spirit. His word can never be thwarted. We can picture every thing in our christian experience as being real because it is designing our reality in coming to us. I mean we could complain, question, experience the most awful shame and disconnection but it does not prevent the success of Gods word coming at us. This is why the word itself attest the truth of its reality. This is why the word itself is the remedy.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ps 60 1 You have rejected us, O God, and burst forth upon us;
you have been angry-now restore us!
2 You have shaken the land and torn it open;
mend its fractures, for it is quaking.
3 You have shown your people desperate times;
you have given us wine that makes us stagger.
4 But for those who fear you, you have raised a banner
to be unfurled against the bow.
5 Save us and help us with your right hand,
that those you love may be delivered.
There are two things that God has purposed for our salvation. God acts according to His sovereign will for the purpose of defending His elect while at the same time through His creation He destroys His enemies. We can be sure that if there is no one who can thwart Gods will then these two characteristics define the purpose of His sovereignty. We may not be able to understand all the troubles that we experience but we know that God does not act according to His purpose to prove that He is sovereign but for the purpose of defending us.
We do not live in a world where we are taught two opposing set of principles. We may enjoy getting knowledge of the scriptures but God is not like a teacher in heaven proving that He is sovereign by thwarting all men. This argument is good in a class room but it is an incorrect application of scripture.
God has ordered all things as He has qualified every thing that exist in a universe where good and evil exist. In every reality of the existence of Gods creation good and evil always rise up to the level of life and death. First because anything that is out of order as God has created it is the existence of a lesser god. This is why any foreign reality that exist in Gods creation must be extinguished. The scripture defines any reality that does not originate from Gods word must originate from a false image of Gods word. That false image is a dead idol. No matter how small the lie is it compared to dropping a deadly disease of liquid that contaminates the whole ocean.
This means that anything that opposes His elect must be fully extinguished. This is the definition of full and final salvation. Anything short of extinguishing that foreign object would dethrone God and redefine every teaching about salvation in the bible.This is why in the Bible the evil that we oppose is more than an action but its a mysterious existence of spiritual destruction. It rises the the level of the spiritual weight that we experience.
This is why God must act as Someone who not only acts perfectly according to His law but He must be familiar with and able to understand the heaviest weight that brings about the lowest experience of opposition by taking that upon Himself. So God deals with us on a level that so humble that He could heal us beyond a supernatural touch. He could heal us by being so attractive in the low estate of carrying that weight that we become self forgetful. He would show in taking upon Himself our weight that it was communicated to us beyond the opposition that He took our place. This is exactly what you find in this context of teaching of the Remnant in Israel acting as a go between for the rebellious nation. Salvation is in this context of the strength of the curse meeting the blessing of substitution. Death to the opposition and blessing to the Nation
1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
The Psalmist is teaching there are two kingdoms. There is the kingdom of all the words and ideas that oppose Gods word. God has spoken all things into existence, speaks salvation, speaks war, victory, life, death, and sustains all things. Anyone who speaks in a way that redefines or opposes Gods word are called wicked. The Psalmist is saying that these Psalms not only give wise counsel through the laws, decrees, curses, covenants etc but they create the universe where the conflict is clear.
To stand in the way is to be in danger of some kind of physical attack. To sit in the seat is to be in bondage to a violent man. These descriptions cross over to the experiences of fighting in a war.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.
When we meditate on these Psalms we are being revived in our souls, made wise, given light to our eyes, and being under the constraints of eternal life. So the act of meditating is like fighting hand to hand combat against the wicked men who rule in the kingdom of evil.The tree is a man who rules by Gods law that has been implanted and he creates Gods kingdom on this earth. Israel was surrounded by the rivers that provided them with Gods gifts of creation and they became fruitful and prosperous by war and spreading that kingdom to the whole earth. The vine of Israel invaded the mountains and valleys around the nation that was gifted with Gods law as the foundation of enjoying the sovereign rule over the earth. As God was successful in creating and governing the nations and the creation so Israel was acting as Gods nation to rule the earth.
How did they rule? By meditating the pronouncements of Gods covenants, laws, decrees, statutes and promises and by presenting these arguments before the tribunal of God.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
This is the pronouncement of a curse. The prophets acted as a go between on behalf of the people to adjudicate in the presence of the Most High. The Psalms are teaching that this responsibility of defending Gods causes is absolutely necessary to enjoy Gods blessing. One who ministers the word is a defense lawyer who is more familiar with wining his case before God on behalf of the people than other responsibilities.
6 For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.
As we speak these laws, decrees, covenants, curses , promises and statutes we rise up in worship of high praise, being exposed to the light of the glory of God, and enjoying the success that goes to the highest powers of governments. There is no limit to the blessing that we can garner from God . Watching is being illuminated by word and Spirit so that we are able to pray according to Gods will in order that we might have all of our needs met.
I agree with this. And yet we are to submit to all the words of the Bible. The truth is that there is nothing that happens on this earth that will not be fundamentally a part of the judgement in eternity. And we are also taught that our position in the kingdom of God is dependent upon what transpires in this life. You find in the Revelation that the Lamb of God is on His throne. The name Lamb of God is that which connects the temporal with the eternal. Because the Lamb of God is the Lord of Redemption.
Now we see Christ who is the Lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. Who is in heaven with His humanity. He has the scars that speak of the price He paid in order to purchase a people for Himself. In Revelation the Lamb is the one who judges the earth in response to the suffering of the saints. We find that the purchased price of redemption is for this suffering. The prayer of the saints in heaven is "How long until you avenge the blood of your people?" The price of the suffering is valued according to the saints suffering. The connection of the temporal to the eternal is God justifying the people and events in time by His just punishment. But the rewards to His elect for their suffering is measure according to Christ suffering. So the Lamb of God makes Gods absolute judgements at all the times on this earth rise up to the eternal justice of God in the curse.
What frees us from our personal complaints and desire to avenge our adversaries? There is no time where we are able to remove these offenses from our memory. God has made it so that each one of us are a little government. He is able to deal with the sovereign rule of each man that he has created. God has loved us enough to make us free to choose. He has not created robots. The evidence of our respect is according to the full freedom to choose for ourselves.God is not threatened with that freedom. Because God had to come as a Man and obtained the full free exercise of our choices in completing the work of Christ making all the choices as God designed the perfect man.
So God has given us the ability to rise up to a level of freedom by not being prevented from the highest expression of our governing abilities. This is why when we are wronged or we are prevented from doing good we become angry. If we did not react with righteous indignation then we would enjoy violence. But God will not allow us to be right in our personal anger. Rather God who has written the history of righteous indignation has expressed it in His pronouncing curses on all destruction. In pronouncing these curses He has swallowed up our reaction to injustice. He has spoken His eternal judgements that are in the future to be brought back into our time. In these spoke curses we find comfort and hope of the future where we will be vindicated. He swallows up our anger in His eternal judgments.
Im gonna try to correct some miss understandings about the use of the Psalms in addressing sin and the curse. I believe these Psalms are mainly confessions to be spoken in prayer and in meditation,,,quietly or as the conflict rises so they are spoken loud as if your fighting a war. There are some Psalms that are written to be shouted as the battle begins.
There are 7 penitent Psalms.In my speaking them for 40 years I find there is only one that teaches confession of sin in the orthodox way that we are taught. The other 6 are complaints about suffering physically and spiritually.
I understand the Psalms as teaching that there are no steps to God. There are pressing issues that we want addressed so we must see that in the beginning the Psalmist teaches us a universal principle that provides us with the confidence that God would listen to us according to our struggles and not according to our sin. Ps 5 7 But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house;in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple." The Psalmist is teaching that we always approach God and enter because of His unfailing love. His unfailing love is the foundation of our petition and not our confession. His unfailing love can be expressed as His mercy , long suffering, gentle , kind, and forgiving. These words are all covenant promises that are the legal justification of being accepted in HIs presence. The whole covenant language of God is defined by His unfailing love. 6 4Turn, O LORD, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.-{ covenant love}44 26 Rise up and help us; redeem us because of your unfailing love". Anyone who is familiar with praying the Psalms knows that Gods unfailing love creates the face to face history of a saint with God that is supported by the history of answered petitions. So its like starting with small battles that increase as we trust more in this face to face interaction.
Psalm 103 is a true teaching of the saints confession of sin. It is not a complaint or a curse. You see in these other Penitents there is a curse. 6 2 Be merciful to me, LORD , for I am faint;
O LORD , heal me, for my bones are in agony. 3 My soul is in anguish." Here he is complaining about a physical injury and his sin. But he curses those he blames. 10 All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace. Again in38 3 Because of your wrath there is no health in my body;
my bones have no soundness because of my sin.4 My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear." he complains about a physical injury and his sin. But then he curses again.16 For I said, "Do not let them gloat or exalt themselves over me when my foot slips." Stop them so that i will not suffer. And you can see this in the other Penitent ones.103 1 Praise the LORD , O my soul;all my inmost being, praise his holy name.2 Praise the LORD , O my soul,and forget not all his benefits-
3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who satisfies your desires with good things
so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's." This confession is totally directed at the Psalmist. There is no complaining or cursing. The Psalms teach that God does not count our sins. 12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us."In other words God does not require us to do certain steps to enter His presence. We confess freely because God has already taken care of our sin. Or we confess in order to present our petition in light of His unfailing love. This whole Psalm is a general teaching of the most exhaustive statements throughout the Psalms.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Ps 128 2You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours."
Let me discuss the biblical teaching on receiving life and avoiding death. We are taught that salvation is receiving eternal life by the implanted word of God. The bible calls this regeneration. It is re-inception, recreation, or inspiration...which is the breathing of new life. So the result of regeneration is that we are given eternal life through the word by the Spirit.
The Psalms describe the germination of new life as the entire reality of the kingdom of God. So the gospels teach that we have a kingdom living inside of us. We are the kingdom of God. The Psalms use the words for the senses as being exercised under the boundaries of the kingdom. In other words the word that was implanted in us cannot be separated. The entire revelation is tied together by a string. Here in 128 the Psalmist is comparing eating to the blessing. You will find that Solomon also compares the senses to the curses. Pr 1 31 they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes." So we see that being regenerated is receiving eternal life which is the same thing as saying that we are shielded from death. Being without eternal life is receiving death and being prevented from eternal life.
So the Psalmist is saying there are only two realities...the reality of blessing and being regenerated as well as being infused with more eternal life unto rewards, or being cursed and receiving death and destruction unto eternal punishment. We must understand that eternal life is not just enjoying one time regeneration but it is also receiving new life in recreation. The reformers call this an infusion of more life.We must understand that in regeneration God must unite His purposes with mans will. God must do all the work in order to provide the blessing of man desiring what God desires. If God left any thing undone then we must be cursed. So the blessing involves the whole man. This means that our human desires are interrelated with our new desires. This means that all of our senses are under the rubric of blessing. The reason that we are not divided is because enjoying eternal life does not just involve our spiritual senses. .
This is why we believe that all things are obligated to die before they can be renewed. So everything that we go through rises to the level of life and death or blessing and cursing. If we divide the spiritual senses from the physical then we would divide ourselves. So we in essence would curse ourselves. This is why we focus so much on inability. Because every person is not the same in the way that eternal life is applied. Because every person has different desires and different boundaries. We must always look at the entire man in order to promote renewal.
The Psalmist teaches that we must know God and know ourselves. Because every person confronts the opposition to eternal life like Superman was in danger of the kriptonite. When we are talking about life and death we are saying that the blessing and cursing are defined in the experience of enjoying the fruits of life and death through our senses. So a threat to one man may not be a danger to another. This is why we do not stop in just knowing God. But the total self of the new man is his goals and his likes and dislikes united with His desire for God. So we must step back and acknowledge that the Psalms are vital in this whole teaching of the blessing and cursing. You see because every situation demands a completely unbiased approach. We are terribly dependent upon the illumination of the Holy Spirit.
The warning of rejecting the gospel is for those who do not believe the gospel is good. The warning of rejecting the gospel applied to those who believe the gospel is good is unbelief. Those people who are warned of rejecting the gospel should reject it because it is so free. The goodness of the gospel should make man feel small. It should separate the chaff from the wheat in responding to its goodness and free reception between those who increase in praise as it is received in greater freedom and those those people who retreat in grief as it is exalted in the work of Christ.
We do not believe that unbelief is healed in the warning but we believe that it is made right by receiving the gospel message. So the healing is not in the message of the gospel but in the gospel itself. To believe the gospel or to be encouraged in the gospel must be through the gospel message.
This is why the gospel does not rehearse our choice to believe. It simply states that we are Gods chosen people. We are Gods covenant people. When a christian looks back at the beginning of his salvation He can only trust what God has promised and not the genuineness of his own choice. Because the gospel is only free when it comes by Gods choice. This is expressed in the OT in the teaching of Gods unfailing love. The love of God is perfect toward us in acting according to His law in granting us all that we need. This salvation is in God alone. In order for God to meet the demands of His full and free offer He must do the work necessary to make salvation complete so that we are preserved to the end. This use of the petition of Gods unfailing love by David is the foundation of his confidence that he will receive from God all that he needs.
David uses the unfailing love of God in an impersonal way so that it is not dependent on any other object than in God alone in order to receive deliverance. Gods law that is satisfied in Christ now becomes our advocate. In Christ the curse of the law has been lifted from us. The curse was the weight that enforced the warning of rejecting the gospel. But now the laws pronouncement in the curse has become the legal enforcement that delivers us. We believe that when we are saved we are definitively sanctified . We are made as holy as Christ. We are already complete in Christ. But we still must oppose the cursed world and the corruption that dwells in us. But if we accepted that we are obligated to the law that produces fear, shame, lack of faith, and pain as the necessary good that produces patience then the law has not fully been satisfied in Christ. The work of the curse in us is Gods will.
But we believe that shame has been destroyed. If shame was a positive work done in us by the law then the curse works to make us holy. But we know that the power of the curse was destroyed in the work of Christ. So the curse of the law now becomes our protection against blame, fear, unbelief etc. The curse represents Gods judicial pronounce in proving His covenant faithfulness that He alone will preserve our salvation from one deliverance to another. To pronounce the curse is to grow in our confidence that we will not trust in any love that does not rise up to the level of goodness as displayed in Gods perfect law.
Ps 25 3 No one whose hope is in you
will ever be put to shame", Not by our effort but by God opposing it in the curse..3b.but they will be put to shame
who are treacherous without excuse".
Ps 40 15 May those who say to me, "Aha! Aha!"
be appalled at their own shame.
16 But may all who seek you
rejoice and be glad in you;
may those who love your salvation always say,
"The LORD be exalted!".... We stand on the other side of the law as in pronouncing.