Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ps 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
The glory of God is His effervescence. The Psalmist teaches that the face of God shines forth His glory. In this Psalm the glory of God is shone in the brightness and warm of the heat and light from the sun. We are surrounded by His creation that describe the work of His laws, decrees, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. So the Psalmist is saying that when we seek His face in these pronouncements the light of His glory shines in our face.
There is only one instrument on this earth that can never be exhausted or fail to add something in order for us to grow. Everything that we receive from God ,whether it is reveal or mysterious is contained in the Psalms.When we view creation we see the unity of all of the parts working together to show forth the beauty of God.When we meditate on the Psalms, anything in us or in the creation that is corrupted is burned up as it is exposed to the heat and the light of Gods glory. Every person was created to view himself according to his understanding that is formed by both the revealed and mysterious communication of God. The Psalmist is not only saying that we must know who we are but the more that we meditate we are led along by something that is too wonderful for us to imagine. We are being converted by seeking something that we do not understand in going from one mystery to another. We are being acted upon by the Spirit as He recreates our world by the pronouncements.
So the Psalmist conclusion is "Who can discern his errors"? In other words the Psalmist is caught up in the wonder as he seeks Gods face ascending into the eternal world as his frustrations grow in being familiar with the corruption in this world. The more that our desires are united with Gods, the greater control we exercise over the entire world. We are tied to this corruption through our familiarity with time and process but the Psalms free us to exercise our control over the world in the creative pronouncements. We free ourselves from this world when the word becomes flesh. By pronouncing Gods language we are uniting our desires with Gods through illumination and creating a new world that contains us. The Psalms are the perfect containment of the new world that is the instrument that contains us. These pronouncements are the only language in this world that have no limit to their success and control.

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