Sunday, April 29, 2018

Ps 10 4 In his pride the wicked does not seek him;
in all his thoughts there is no room for God."....
16 The LORD is King for ever and ever;
the nations will perish from his land."
The saints are completely identified with Christ. But we live with men who redefine Gods law. When the wicked redefine Gods law they create a violent society.
From eternity past God designed the entire time sequence. The Psalmist starts from a presuppostional view point. Gods creation is the evidence of the perfect working of His law. Gods work in creation is the evidence of His authoritative word. When sin entered the world man began to redefine Gods perfect creation. In a sinless world all the things in creation would work together in the display of perfect unity and the highest enjoyment. But when all things were corrupted it created conflict.
But even tho sin brought corruption it did not thwart Gods purposes. When sin entered man began to redefine Gods law. We must understand that if the conditions of the world could lower Gods authority and ultimately bring complete destruction to Gods creation then the saints would have no hope. The question is if man redefines Gods law, is God unable to overcome the culture where men become their own gods?
God has established His authority not only by the original creation but by speaking all things into existence. So all of these generations that go back to the first one have implemented their redefinition of Gods perfect law. The Psalmist says that man devises his schemes on his bed. Then he begins to create the society from his view point by implementing new laws. When men change Gods law they introduce conflict into society. Every new generation that is born is caught in the cycle of the conflict of the prior generations that have created the law and added to it.
God gave His law to establish nations. Without Gods law the people could not be a nation. We call these kinds of societies rogue nations or depots. The question is if nations decline by establishing violence through many generations in redefinition of law then what remedy is given to Gods people?
This creates a moral confusion. If we are born in a world where we are responsible then we cannot be concerned about things that we cannot control. How can we have recourse of the evils that we face if they were devised and ruminated over generations that are already dead? The problem man is the lack of understanding and the narrow view in light of Gods knowledge about the whole process of creating the evils that we face. The world that we are born into is kind of like the cards that we have been dealt with. But as I have stated that this creates a problem with the purpose for which God made us and the frustration that we face in begin opposed by powers that are outside of our ability to change. This is the moral confusion.
This is why it is dangerous to describe the problems in our lives according to the cards that we were dealt. All evil prospers because people accept the social order that is created by the law of man. We could create a society by changing a law that would enforce a standard that is unnatural to man. So we all live being defined downward in accepting the present definitions of man in the social order. This is the problem that the Psalmist is trying to answer in this Psalm.
The Psalmist is breaking the mold of societies definition of man. He is saying that most of our problems originate from the redefinition of law since the beginning of time. In order for us to establish Gods kingdom on this earth we must begin to expand our view how we are being molded by the evils that have not been talked about in our generation. You see it is easy for us to only be concerned about the problems that we can control. But we must not deny the origins and the kinds of evil that we are in opposition to in our world. The Psalmist is saying that we do have a recourse for the evils that have been devised in the past that create our present culture. We are in the presence of a God who knows every new plan of man that goes all the way back to the beginning of time that has created the opposition that we must face in our time. God is satisfied because He views our problems from the beginning of the world. God has not questions. So God has made us like Himself. This is why we have a lot of questions. If we were satisfied with living according to the mold of the world then we would not ask questions. We would simply accept the standards. The problem is that God has not made us to just accept the status quo. He has made us to be satisfied with justice and equity. This is why He has given us the curse of the law. It is the eternal presence of Gods satisfactory justice. .