Sunday, September 16, 2018

6971  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: The last stance of the Patriarchal society. on: November 19, 2007, 05:38:52 PM
I have tried to tell you that this life and the answers to problems are more simple than the religious community is telling you. I have been aware of this process for along time. But i guess you got to learn for yourselves. Go ahead and get that how to paper back, i am telling you its not going to do any good over the long haul. Its not that difficult.

 I know your a Calvinist and its so tempting to think that there is more to this stuff than we believe about God being sovereign and everything. But i will tell you, it will lead you backwards. It will lead you to frustration, blaming others, concentrating on everyone else behavior, and a life of worry and regret. But i am telling you that you dont need to worry about everyone else's behavior around you. You may twist their arms and get them to do some stuff, but it is an impossible task  to get someone to change their hearts. Its too hard ,and it takes too much time. And in the end you will have your little group, and all you little rules , but you will be so far away from God that you could not see your way through the forest. Thats were you want to go then fine. It doesnt bother me one bit. I already know it is going to fail, and i will be waiting for you to return.

 Its so simple that its difficult. If you are in trouble the answer is prayer. I know its not asking you to do anything. So , then God will do it . But then we are just avoiding the responsibility He has given us. Go ahead and think that way. Go ahead and get that paper back. I ve done this thing for a long time and i am telling you flat out, it doesnt work. Theres only one lesson to learn in life that matters. Yes , all you guys and gals that are graduating from HS and you got all these goals. So is it that difficult? You are all concerned about meeting that guy and gal, and then you have your standards. I know. I was there . It was all just baloney. I miss the gold through the forest. I was wrapped up in my little world. I was in complete control. THe best lesson that i had to learn is that i was powerless, and i just needed a very simple relationship. THat was Jesus,today tomorrow and now being middle age its Jesus all the time. Its going to Jesus in the morning , and going to Jesus at lunch time and going to Jesus at dinner the rest of the night with Jesus. Its falling in love with Jesus. Thats it, no real difficult search for anything. Once you grow to love Jesus you will be in the place where you will meet others who love Jesus, and are not trying very hard. No blame, no worry, and no shame. But you want to make it difficult, i know.

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