Sunday, September 16, 2018

7011  Forums / Main Forum / Re: Reconciliation on: November 06, 2007, 09:25:02 AM
 Because salvation is not just a matter of the intelligence and having faith, but having a view of the glory of Christ as the most beautiful object of our love, while we are in this body of death. Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to see things as they really are ,in lite of the bigness of our view and the vast gulf it produces between men and God ,as to effecting the power of change.

 In this exalted lite of the excellency of Christ we can now look at this love- hate relationship to the world, the things of the world, and the state of our own corruption as we live in this world. And as we have been taught by our Lord Himself, that seeing and worshiping Him brings us to a place where we are looking upon that work in HIs eternal Sonship, as being a work, that as we compare all other works, in themselves, is the difference between love and hate. In other words unless we understand Christ in a saving way ,we would never understand the relationship we have with love and hate.

 That is why in His exalted position as our mediator ,we see Him in such a way that all other objects are as if we hate them. In our view of Christ in His divine beauty, it is incumbent for us to come to a place where all other objects are ugly as compared to His divine beauty.

 His work on the cross brought love and hate together, and now in Christ all of the redemptive workings overshadow the condemnation ,because He has not come to condemn the world but to save it. The beauty of Christ saving people is on Him and not on the messenger. It is strictly because of His work, that salvation is given to man. His working makes Him the most beautiful object of our affection ,so that there is nothing that even compares with that beauty, not even one. Compared to Him we are all going astray and not having any good.

 In our journey of looking on Christ in His word, and being changed from glory to glory, we will experience a profound change in our view of this world , the people , the things, and all the circumstances that come into our lives. This experience cures a low disposition. It  is in the constant experiences of this kind, that will accumulate in us to see the reality of who we are in this world, in lite of eternity. All of the changes in this life, for the good, will not be experienced until we have an experience of the nature of these things . This is different than fellowshipping in the milk of the word, as being exposed to the nature of these things, as if we were standing at a distance. What changes us from spiritual babies, to young men ,and then to mature adults ,is the experience we have in the divines s of these truths, as they come to us in the power of God ,so that we know the nature of these truths and not from a moral system of philosophy.

 When we are raised up from our natural deafness,we begin to love being raised up, and we begin to hate being naturally dead. But in the being raised up we go from our natural deafness to His divine aliveness in that nature. When we look from being raised in our minds and in our views ,we begin to hate ourselves with a good hatred. The self image is becoming alive to reality. In the reality of our position in this universe of Gods immensity, the nearness between the  physical particles under His present nature is compared to the unfathomable amount of the blindness we have of His glorious beauty. If our spiritual eyes could be open, we would only see Him and all other things and people would fade away into a far distance. In other words in the beatific vision the experience we have is reversed. Not only do we come to our senses in being raise up to see Christ, as our all in all, but we begin to have a proper hatred for everything in this world as compared to Him. It is because we do not treat these things in this world as neutral, but as being in Him, a hindrance ,we begin to live in the reality of who God is. Our self image is formed by the experience of the nature of eternal things so that we can face reality.

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