Sunday, September 16, 2018

6982  Forums / Main Forum / Re: A Raw State of Repentance on: November 15, 2007, 10:32:01 AM
It may surprise you that i believe that we are capable of doing the most vile of sins at any time. Even tho it may be from a steady declining in our fervency, sins power is capable of getting us all at one time, and the fall can be great. In fact , very little is depends on our avoiding it. In fact the first cause in all of sin is really not what we do to avoid it. All of these potentials, these powers of temptation, these deadly deli ma s of the vileness of our lives is dependent on grace. We live in sin or die in sin in relation to grace. Where ever grace is sin is overcome.

 If we thought that we were righteous in ourselves then the tension between our ability and overcoming that sin would be from a legal paradigm. The power of sin does is not just from a spring of being overcome by an addiction, having a ruling effect, but it is also from the law. When the law revives- sin revives and we die. The law strengthens the desire to sin. Our problem is that we do not understand the other problem with ourselves other than the addiction or the sin. We are naturally blind to what was so apparent to us when we first came to Christ. We had a very real understanding of the power of God, because we had such a clear back ground of what we experience having a rebellious heart and living under the power of sin without any other remedy. We were so thankful for forgiveness that we experience grace as if we were clean having a direct renewal of the Holy Spirit by going from the height of sin to the glories of renewal.

 So we start viewing ourselves as not only having this new power, but also thinking that we deserve it. What we struggle with is not necessarily the sin, by being exposed to the law, but this delusion that we are somehow deserving of this new power. Then in this paradigm of secularism , the doctrine of Justification by faith, and the understanding of definitive Sanctification are not part of the paradigm that are given to us so that we can relive the freshness of our conversion experience. For some reason we get this attraction to the law by being under the allusion of trying to obtain righteousness through being good, instead of having the view of the law in the cross , so that Christ work on our behalf gives us a view that is perfectly complete, so that we now can be involve in all the praise and glory in Christ , so that we can live in the first love paradigm.

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