Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Ps 18 30 As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD is flawless.
This verse is describing the goal of creating utopia on earth.18 50 He gives his king great victories;he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed,to David and his descendants forever."
Gods kingdom cannot be thwarted by any one or thing on this earth. God only advances His kingdom under the banner of perfect victory. In other words we may describe all the battles that have ever been fought spanning from personal battles ,political battles or wars that are fought , but God works to destroy every evil and corruption that opposes Him in the whole history of the world. When we describe the human struggle and The victory that comes out of the struggle it is always lower and limited from our view. So the freedom comes when we renew our description of how God describes victory.
This description of the Psalmist is the perfect experience of Christ who concurred all of His enemies. This Psalm is describing the work of the law of God as being flawless in the way that we change our view of our past victories. We experience power and victory by our limited understanding . But this Psalm teaches that every opposition that we face must be opposed as God describes in this Psalm. Gods way is perfect in overcoming all opposition because His word is flawless. Flawless means that there is not even a small corruption in His battle victories. You see we teach ourselves that all of our past victories where accomplished in the context of limited powers, corrupted strength, being limited by our sin and the struggle that we have in guilt, shame, and fear. We limit the kind of victory that we rejoiced in because of our corruption.
Not only is our problem our limits of understanding the amount of power and perfection that was required. But we are always in denial that the standard of Gods work was insignificant. This way of thinking about the past does not motivate us to a hope in the future that Gods victory will be more glorious. We naturally limit God by not renewing the our victory as God describes it in this Psalm. But the eyes of faith look beyond the limits of human power and limited resources and it brings the future eternal judgement and victory back into the present. This is what we call the blessing and the curse coming together. We rise up to the full effect of the curse by describing how God accomplishes the victory.

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