Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ps 144 3 O LORD , what is man that you care for him,
the son of man that you think of him?
4 Man is like a breath;
his days are like a fleeting shadow."

When God created man, He put man in the garden to enjoy the fruit of all that God had given to man. The garden was mans paradise. When man fell into sin , because he was cursed , he entered in to an world where God and Satan are at war. All men are under the curse of sin and Satan unless they are redeemed by God. In this Psalm , the Psalmist is appealing to God on the basis of Gods promise to restore mans position as ruler over the creation. The Psalmist is quoting the Ps 8 where it describes Gods purpose in creating the earth and giving man rule over it. But this Psalm is teaching that in order for Gods people to be restored in this creation ordinance they must contend with the wicked.

Satan has taken the rule over the earth. But he opposes God  through his children attacking Gods people. God has created man for one purpose. God created the world and governs it. But He has given man the world as a gift. If God gave man the responsibility over the earth then the only opposition would be the self governing ability in man. But here we are taught that the war is not the self governing ability in man but the opposition that is governed by Satan. In order for man to be restored to the his lawful right of ruling over the earth , he must subdue the opposition. But the problem is that man is unable to overcome the Devil unless God acts to subdues him. We are totally dependent upon God because we have no authority by in claiming the earth by our value or ability. It is all gifted to us so that we are totally dependent upon God. 4 Man is like a breath;
his days are like a fleeting shadow.

Man was created to govern the earth but when he sinned he lost his ability. The Psalms teach that man was cursed with physical and spiritual death. The curse governs mans relationship with God and the creation. So when the Psalmist says 4 Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.its like saying that there is no hope for the man who is cursed. Man does not possess the power to destroy Gods people or the creation. Its like being threatened and disarming the threat by pronouncing the curse. No matter what kind of cultural position of the wicked man, the pronouncement is absolute. This pronouncement is like declaring war on the foreigner11 Deliver me and rescue me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful. ". You see that the Psalmist calls upon God to destroy the opposition by war. So have the pronouncement and then the declaration of war.5 Part your heavens, O LORD , and come down; touch the mountains, so that they smoke".

This Psalm is teaching that in order for Gods people to return to their original rule in the garden ..which is much greater in the new earth..they must subdue the foreigner.  12 Then our sons in their youth will be like well-nurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.
13 Our barns will be filled with every kind of provision. Our sheep will increase by thousands, by tens of thousands in our fields; 14 our oxen will draw heavy loads. "F22 In other words one follows the other. You see Gods rule over His creation is the rule of His government. There is no such teaching int two laws. The law of governing is the law of relationships. So we are taught that the law distinguishes. It divides the wicked from the righteous.

We live in a world where men believe in pragmatism. They do not believe that the world is defined by opposition of evil that is defined by presuppositions. We think that God accepts all men according to their citizenship. So we think that freedom is two different people who worship two different Gods living in the same country. But it is impossible for two different gods to be at peace. Because God established creation by being God. The reason that God cannot have any other gods before Him is because it would introduce threats and violence into the city. 14b There will be no breaching of walls,
no going into captivity, no cry of distress in our streets." So in the ultimate sense there can be not perfect peace unless all opposition in the city is subdued and brought to judgement. But we know that there was never a society that was perfect.

But by Gods standard of justice there is never a time where the idol worshipers are accepted in His kingdom. Some people think that we are prejudice because we desire to have no idol worshipers in the city. But it does not matter what we think because the world was never created to endure opposition. The presence of evil cannot exist in neutrality. Evil brings violence and violence brings destruction. If God allowed a false god then He would be destroying His kingdom. Not only would He be promoting violence but He would be slack at defending His people. You cannot reason that love is acceptance of everyone. Because acceptance of evil is acceptance of violence. In order for the standard of divine love to be seen there must be perfect justice. God must defend by justifying. There is only one real existence of love in the world and it is God. Because arguing for the acceptance of corruption is inviting destruction to mankind. This is why the gospel turns every thing in society upside down.

God cannot allow evil and idols to flourish or they would overtake the innocence and defense of the wronged. So God had to pronounce a curse upon all corruption. In order to be just He had to destroy corruption. The only way that men can be unified in His government is to be justified. This is why we need imputed righteousness. The truth is that no man can prosper in Gods kingdom unless he dies in Christ. So we see that Gods work of grace precedes  the revival of a unified nation.  Because apart from the death of war there is only death by identity. The destruction of the wicked nations precedes the prosperity of Gods nation. 15 Blessed are the people of whom this is true; blessed are the people whose God is the LORD

 Ps 18 46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!
47 He is the God who avenges me,
who subdues nations under me,
48 who saves me from my enemies.
You exalted me above my foes;
from violent men you rescued me.
49 Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O LORD ;
I will sing praises to your name.
50 He gives his king great victories;
he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed,
to David and his descendants forever. "

Our salvation is designed to prosper in the exaltation of Christ over all things. The language of salvation is described in our identity with Christ who rules over the whole earth. It is designed with the vision that we are unable to save ourselves. When we lower the description and the purposes for which we are saved then we begin to devise ways that we can save ourselves. We must understand that the terms of salvation are rooted in Gods work of creation which ordered all things according to His law. David is describing our salvation in the ultimate power of the God-man. Gods elect are given this law that has brought all things under the authority of the God-man through the creation of all things that was planned before the foundation of the world. When we are saved we are implanted with that law in the identity of Christ ruling over all things. In this way as Gods word is the final authority that is the judge of the whole creation, so we possess the power and the responsibility of ruling over the whole earth.

Whenever we describe our ability as we live our lives in the place where we live, it is always in the context of the power that is displayed in the exalted Christ. In other words the christian authority and power is never less than the power that was exercised by Christ in obtaining authority over all things. No matter how small or insignificant is the power of the opposition we are always endued with the power that is beyond our understanding.  We must understand that our faith is as strong as understanding the context of our exalted position in ruling with Christ. Because our identity is based in the success of His law that orders all things. The Psalmist confidence is not in Gods reward for the Psalmist obedience but it is rooted in an identity that has its success in ruling over all things. God creates the king and the kingdom that unites our work with Christ success over all things.25 To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, 26 to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. 27 You save the humble
but bring low those whose eyes are haughty.

Just as God took possession in overcoming all opposition so He has created our lives and our entire being so that He will be source of our security. He works every thing out in our lives by displaying His law in creating our success so that He alone will be our refuge. We are totally dependent upon God as creation is dependent upon its existence. So our refuge, the authority, the success that we obtain is real as Christ legal justification in ruling over all things. This is how the Psalmist views his own identity. 22 "All his laws are before me; I have not turned away from his decrees. 40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes. 41 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them- to the LORD , but he did not answer. 42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind; I poured them out like mud in the streets." ...the legal justification and the power are absolute. In other words God must get all the glory because He is the refuge that creates the kingdom that we experience. He does this by the legal right to all things. The problem with us is that we do not speak or understand the kind of salvation that was obtained and we possess. 50" He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever. "

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Ps138 2b for your love and your faithfulness,
for you have exalted above all things
your name and your word.
3 When I called, you answered me;
you made me bold and stouthearted."

God is the God of all gods of the earth. This means that no one has a right to claim they are the absolute judge. An absolute judge has the power of cursing and blessing. The absolute judge must be able to allow and prevent by having omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. So God must reveal His control over everything. God reveals that control by gifting us with His word. Gods word is His revealed judge. This is why the Psalmist is connecting the Name of God with His word. Gods word has designed , created and renewed all things. He spoke all reality into existence. So God rules over everything.

Without Gods word nothing would exist This why the presence of love and faithfulness is the basis of the existence of God. If only man existed there would be no presence of love and faithfulness. So we need Gods word like we are dependent upon food to live. We must understand that Gods word is the word of blessing. Everything that was created by God must be under the authority of Gods word or it is cursed. If there is any corruption in the creation then it must be put to death. The Psalmist is using these twin terms as a metaphor for Israels sojourn to the promise land. God led them out of Egypt  and protected their rear by fire and cloud. The love and the faithfulness , word and name was seen in Gods leading in fire and cloud.In order for God to provide Israel confidence and safety He created their defense in the curse and He provided their success in the blessing.

We must understand that in order for anything to be restored to its original perfection in the creation it must die. And it must be given new life or recreated by God. So God provided a kind of sanctuary for Israel by destroying their enemies in pronouncing a curse as they advanced down that path. So in this sense as God destroyed their opposition He provided blessing in their way. This is a picture of salvation. So the Psalmist is describing the success of His meditation as metaphor for Israels sojourn. The Psalmist is using Gods spoken word in the law, covenants, curses, and promises the same way that God provided success on their way to the promise land.  So there is a relationship to the potential dangers that we face that are more than physical opposition. You see we live in a cursed world in this relationship with pain ,fear, guilt and sorrow. In other words how we react to these curses is how we live in blessing. We must understand that anytime we do not measure up to the law of God , it is like cursing ourselves. It is impossible for a christian to be condemned by the curse but it is possible that we could suffer with the effects.

So God has implanted in us His word. We are given the seed of the word of God. This word is complete. The word is both understandable and mysterious. Who can understand the depths of his own soul? But we do not believe in contradictions.  The word must meet our holistic desires. It must be united to our natural wants and meet our individual needs. The entire circumstance of our souls is a communication of Gods design and purpose. This communication that mysterious is the exhaustive description of His revealed word. The Palmist is saying that when he pronounces Gods revealed word it enlivens all of the mysterious desires and communications of according to Gods exhaustive description. This is why he says that his meditation made him bold and stouthearted. Its like being made aware of himself in a way that is pleasing. So the laws, covenants, etc are like an outline to Gods purposes and desires in creating and recreating.

So we can see that life is kind of like having fire in the hand and tossing it away. In other words any time we fail to desire what God desires then we are falling into a disposition is like our old life under the curse. In this sense the reminder of who we are is fortified in the exercise of pronouncing the curses and the blessings. The Psalmist describes it as Israel moving down the path that is recreated by God 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me." Its the way that we are taught to kill the sin by word and Spirit. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

PS 34 7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him,
and he delivers them."

We are taught that salvation is a covenant relationship with the Lord to deliver us from all troubles. We are opposed by supernatural opposition. This is why the Psalmist teaches that every saint has an angel as a body guard.  Not only do we need supernatural protection but we need to learn how to uses supernatural means. We need understand that we are helpless in ourselves. Not only do we lack the power to overcome the opposition but we lack the foresight and the fortitude of our souls. This is why our only means of protection is by word and Spirit. You see God has designed our defense by acting according to His law, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. Not only has God acted perfectly but He has given us the description of His success in legal language. In other words He has sworn to do according to the written legal documents upon His own hurt. These covenant documents are His laws, decrees, statute, curses etc.

But we are not fighting a secularist battle of law. We are fighting against spiritual forces in the heaven-lies. This is why the Psalmist teaches that the angels are given to us to carry out Gods covenant actions.  Ps 35 1 Contend, O LORD , with those who contend with me;
fight against those who fight against me. 2 Take up shield and buckler;
arise and come to my aid. 3 Brandish spear and javelin F64 against those who pursue me.....5 May they be like chaff before the wind, with the angel of the LORD driving them away;" Here the Psalmist is not engaging the enemy but He is petitioning God to protect him with the angel. The battle is fought with Gods shield and buckler. He is saying when I am opposed ,defend me with your weapons.

We must understand that we share in the same sin with the wicked. So we must distinguish the causes and the kind of evil that we are fighting. We are fighting the wicked but they are under the domain of sin and Satan. This is why pragmatism is so destructive. Because when we use weapons that are not ordained by God we actually promote the evil. Its like throwing gas on the fire. We must understand that any time we use weapons that are not spiritual we encourage idol worship. Not only are we fighting against the spiritual forces but we are fighting with our own tendencies of reacting with human anger and to cause more anger and harm.

God has created us by designing us and speaking both our physical and meta physical make up into existence. Every thing that makes us who we are is a description in words. So all of our corrupted opposition is the redefining of Gods description of us. Any time that description is redefined or falsely imaged it is a violent act. This is why the bible says that sin brought complete darkness to mankind. Not only did corruption prevent man from self knowledge in the light of Gods design but it made man unable to be a peace maker. You may believe that you can love and promote peace but the bible says that it not in our ability but in our natures. We must understand the causes and the remedies. So anytime we redefine Gods design of us or of others we think a wicked curse. This is why all psychological , emotional and physical problems are related to anger. We either cures ourselves or curse others by our corrupted nature. So lack the ability because we do not measure up to the standard not just that we desire to curse. This is why Christ had to die to free us from the destructive nature of evil.  Now we are able to oppose the evil in ourselves and in the world.

But we must understand that Christ does not measure our new relationship in a sliding scale. Every thing that is under blessing is legally justified. This why when the Psalmist says   5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame" .he is not talking about a mystical light. He is comparing Gods defense on the battle field with His control in governing the world. God is the only one who completely delivers man. But God must radiate His deliverance by complying to the legal justification of His elect. We see this in the parallelism. (radiance...without shame.) So the weapons of word and Spirit are our legal defense. We could say that the radiance is our new deliverance. It is using Gods means with Gods armies to be delivered. So we find that all men share in the problem with sin and are in danger of being eternally cursed. But we are engaged in a war with spiritual weapons that prevent us from being cursed and prevent those who are unable to overcome from being consumed by the curse.  

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


The Psalmist is teaching that all the problems we have that are too heavy for us to handle come from the corruption that is in the world. We have been delivered from the curse of sin but we still are touched by the corruption of the curse. Whenever he addresses God describing his inward corruption under the power of Gods spoken word , he is describing reality as it is even tho he does not understand all of the reasons that he feels the way that he does. Some problems that we experience are not as weighted as other problems. Here the Psalmist the weight of the problem is affecting his general disposition. There are times in our lives where we experience darkness even tho we have expressed our inward turmoil to God. Even tho we may not have an immediate answer to lift us out of the darkness we must press in and describe to God what we are experiencing. This is what the apostle was teaching when he pleaded with God three times to remove the thorn. I believe the grace he received was the freedom that is taught in these psalms to approach God and to describe our helpless experience. The Psalmist is teaching that in these deeper issues were we feel disconnected from our circumstances , even tho we cannot climb out of the darkness , there is value in this transparency before God. In this way there is something that we need that must come from God. Eventually God will provide what we need even tho it seems hopeless right up to the point where He gives it.

 The sword was an instrument of the Angel of the Lord in judgement upon the nations. God actually used the sword to destroy His own wayward people. Not directed at the remnant but to the false religious system that brought violence to the nation. The evidence of Israels waywardness was political. They showed the rebellion of Gods covenant by destroying the most venerable in society. The gospel is the reality of Gods language being established in the culture of passive resistance. Man is guilty of adding to grace by not falling back upon Gods word. Rather man seeks to complicate society with his own false view of reality. He goes outside of Gods boundaries with impunity. (God is dead movement to the introduction of social studies that replaced individualism in the bill of rights). God established His law and covenants as the peaceful language that would cause all the nation to prosper. But they sought to redefine Gods covenant language and cast doubt upon Gods goodness.. They sought to destroy the simplicity of the gospel for the reasons that they were unable to meet the requirements of the most simple standards of grace. The natural outflow of mans heart is to destroy his neighbor by becoming his own god. In order to prevent the total destruction of Israel God had to bring the sword against this terrible violence against the helpless. Gods word cannot fail and He will fulfill His promises to His covenant people in bringing swift destruction on His chosen nation. This is very precise.

 own post.The vine is also a reference to the spread of the gospel through Gods covenant promises to Israel. When the nation prospered it was described as this vine growing from Israel and filling all of the land...over the mountains and into the valleys. This was actually a description of the success of the eternal Son of God. In other words the spread of Israel was the Father showing forth the Son who gives eternal life. The Son who created life and sustains the universe. The spread of the vine is determined upon the Fathers acceptance of the Son. The Father looks upon the Son is a reference to the nt gospel that prospered through the coming of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit was given because Christ work was completed sufficient and acceptable to the Father. He looks upon Christ and the church is revived. Gods kingdom cannot be thwarted because it is Gods choice to give some men eternal life. But the bible also uses the wine as a drink of the power of the evil kings. So the wrath of God is given as a sweet wine that the evil kings drink down to their own judgement. There is an attraction to the cup of Gods wrath in which the evil kings will drink the whole cup. This is a reference to Gods complete destruction of the powers of this earth and the subsequent new kingdom that will be established without any opposition. So the grapes are both pleasant and destructive ... its dependent which cup man is drinking .. the cursed cup or the blessed cup of eternal life.

 Behar's post.

The gospel is a gospel of peace. The gospel is the power of God to everyone who believes. Gods power is absolute. It is displayed in how He created the world. He spoke all things into existent God speaks life where there is death, corruption, sin etc. Not only did God speak the creation into existent but He overcomes all opposition so the His word recreates the paradigm of death to life. How did God over come corruption? Through the death and resurrection of Christ. In order for their to be new life there is a death that is required. God never gets revenge..He simply orders all things according to His will. This is the way that God reorders and renews all things. The gospel is gospel of peace because it is the only message where the death was successful in giving life. The gospel has no successful opposition. The gospel is the vehicle through which all of Gods word never returns void. It is always successful. The gospel is the only reality in the world where all men live before God in view of His blessing and cursing. In this way there is no man who has the power to be the absolute judge. All judgement is in Gods hands. In order for righteousness to rule God must provide the ability. In this way all mankind are completely powerless and helpless in bringing about the events in time and creating the success in the events. God is ordering the events according to His standard of judgement. Every event in time must meet the requirement of Gods justice. The line He draws between blessing and cursing. In Gods view everything that is corrupted in reality must die in order for it to be recreated. There is no man who can measure up to this standard of justice. The gospel of peace will always be successful because it is the only vehicle that puts recreation into motion. In the final judgement all men will agree with Gods eternal absolute judgement because they will see that it was only God that prevented violence in working through the gospel of peace.

 "Gods covenant of grace presupposes Gods determination of the salvation of man. The spirit of the covenant is the spirit of grace. Salvation is a foreign procurement that determines the just consequences in time and in eternity as that by which identity is confirmed in terms of its future effects in us and in our eternal state in heaven. The cross is not the process to produce these effects in us but it has produced salvation in this foreign idea of its full effects in the initial saving event. This definition of a lack of self reliance is an understanding of the nature of the powers of the world to come. A real assurance is a covenant assurance which is the exercise of the understanding that God is a saving God. " me
 Horse Inn's post.

If you own your sin then you must pay for them. The penalty for sin is death. We all must die because of sin. This is why Christ death is so important to us. Because if Christ did not die for our sins then we are required to pay for our sin. There is no such thing as a small sin. If we break one law we are condemned by all the law. So if we own our sin then the whole weight of the law must fall upon us. There is no way that we can be accepted by obedience to the law. The smallest law broken contains weight of all the law. We must be freed from the bondage of the law. We are freed when we are accepted by the only Judge who condemns sinners to death. Christ is the only Judge who punishes people for their sins. There is no one else who is qualified to judge. When we are freed by the judge we are no longer condemned for our sin. All of our acceptance comes from Christ obedience to the law. If we no longer are judged by the law then we are completely free in Christ.
Truth's photo.

Can we imagine the eternal Son of God taking on human flesh ...becoming a man who was subject to human weaknesses that resulted from being in a universe that He Himself created 2000 years earlier. Not only did everything come into existence by His breath but He ordered every molecule so that all of time could be played out in perfect symmetry and purpose in His present view. You look at His view from Heaven that is described in the Revelation. The description of the order of time from His view is told in a language that is very hard to comprehend. But from Christ view all of the entire physical paradigm is in His view so that no matter how many years pass by He describes the earth with all of these potential problems that all of mankind struggle with...putting them in the categories of the kinds of diseases and death that they will face in exact numbers. This is described over thousands of years of history. Not only does He describe the details of the fate of mankind but He also describes the destruction that will result from the corruption of all of the earth. He describes this as if He is looking back from the final judgement over all the history of mankind. So Christ dwells as God outside of time and yet knows the existence of every particle with a view that He is looking at it to examine it. This God who was a baby in the manger was as aware of the whole creation as if He was still viewing it outside of time. Its a wondrous thought that He lived among His creatures with a mysterious awareness that viewed each one of us in the future in an individual way before we existed. We live in a universe in which every square inch is inhabited by God.


I agree im speaking in the context of the covenant child. There are many questions about Gods wrath. Does God have a passionate wrath? The question is do our feelings have any positive work for the good in this world? I think this is why the Psalmist explains our feelings in the context of Gods unfathomable power. If God allowed us to feel on His standard of understanding then we would vaporize in a millisecond. Whatever height of anger we experience Gods wrath is able to swallow it up. The Psalms express Gods wrath in absolute terms at all times. Its an eternal wrath. We could explain it as Gods wrath is an expression of His full curse. There is no time where God looks at corruption and reacts in a lesser way. Because we base our reaction on emotions we fluctuate up and down as to how we respond to corruption. This is what it means that God cannot look on sin...that He is perfect in His response to sin. Gods curse is always fully working in all of time at the exact object and extent. But this is mysterious to us as God is eternal. If we were able to live with a complete understanding of Gods full curse then we would not question the reasons that He allows evil to prosper. Because of His full curse would swallow up our feelings. This is exactly what happens to the Psalmist . These prayers and songs are given in order to raise us up and unite our desires with Gods power. God has given us examples in creation and as we see the language that God uses in the Psalms in pronouncing judgement according to the standard of these creative disasters, like hurricanes, volcanoes, and feeling the movement of the earth ...we begin to experience the power of Gods curse. We are not so much moved by our personal feelings.

I agree that its unconditional. Unconditional in the sense that we cannot earn Gods love. But God has stated conditions for Him to show Himself faithful to His covenant to us. And in fulfilling these conditions He is loving us. This is why He has given us His word. So that we might know what is pleasing to God or what He has promised us in this covenant. Its interesting that God has made it so that we can unite our desires with His promises or covenant conditions. I think people treat this relationship with and eternal God as following a rule book. But God has made our unconditional experience where we grow in confidence as we hold Him to His covenant conditions. We naturally are confident in ourselves , but as we learn how to boldly hold Him to His promises we learn confidence and boldness through His power and ability. This is why the words of the Bible are not really written but as if God was speaking them to us. The language of God speaking to us and the language of God teaching us to speak to ourselves. This language is the holistic creative power of God in all reality. We can say that every word is in the bible is spoken by the Trinity. Its a language of fellowship. The highest success that we can experience is speaking to God as we think thoughts after Him. In this way everything that we experience in this world has in it the compete reasons that God has ordered it for His eternal purposes. We struggle in our understanding so that we are in need of an understanding that is beyond our understanding. This is experiencing a lack of tension in mystery. The apostle prayed that we would be given and understanding that was beyond our understanding
 Gods love for us is based upon His righteousness. The only way for us to be accepted is to be loved according to Gods standard of justice and faithfulness. If God loved us according to our standard of righteousness then we would need to be compliant in order to be loved. But the bible says that we are loved with an eternal love...or a love that is unfailing. So the love is set apart from all other loves. i think we can conclude that Gods love is worked out through His eternal government. When we talk about God being righteous it is in the context of Him ordering all things. When we appeal to Gods unfailing love as the basis of our receiving anything the gifts success and purpose would be in the context that is outside of this worldly system. The gift could never be thwarted by any other will.
 of Truth's post.

43 "1 Vindicate me, O God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation; rescue me from deceitful and wicked men.
2 You are God my stronghold. Why have you rejected me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?
3 Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.
4 Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God.
5 Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God". I do not know why this was separated from 42 but in my opinion it is part of 42 In our culture we separate our personal religious experience and the reasons that we are struggling from the culture that we live in and the purposes that God has created for us. But in the Psalms Gods justice and faithfulness is displayed in bringing all things into unity. In our culture we are always looking at our personal problems and how they effect us. So when we describe sin it is how our personal sin has made us a certain way. So we describe dealing with our personal sin as being happy when we deal with it. We become guilty of reducing Gods purposes to our own private struggle. It becomes our own private interpretation. The theologians used to call this romantic application...... not theological application. The Psalmist describes his inward struggle in a universal context of Gods justice prevailing. The principle cause of problems in this this world for the christian is a wicked man who we have no personal knowledge of ,who is causing the pain. The secondary cause is our sin.
Rick the creation of wealth is the least way of measuring success in this world. Because God uses the creation of wealth to promote His purposes . The creation of wealth is best promoted by godless men because they spend the most time seeking it So in a sense the creation of wealth is done in order to increase the value of the curse. This is what the Psalms teach that all men are blind as to the reasons that God orders the success of His purposes. This is why He uses wicked men to promote His purposes because the wealth that they create is always in Gods hands. The Psalms teach just as a society is moved along by the creation of wealth so does evil increase. Because the principle is that the more evil men there are the more destructive society becomes.This is why God ordains wars. He does this in order to right the scales. In the end God takes the slave wealth of evil men and gives it to His people to promote His purposes. God looks at the transference of money in this world is a kind of extortion. Because He has made money an expression of the value that He places on the things in His creation. But because man is corrupt he miss represent the true value that God places on all forms of communication that are spoken in the corrupted language of value by men. We can trust that God will repay us for the problems we experience in this world in being devalued. It will be paid back by Gods judgement on evil men in this world and in the future world of our rewards. We do not need to be overly concerned about being cheated.

 Lapworth's comment.

All of Gods ideas are put into existence by creation. God orders all things according to His word both revealed and mysterious. When the scripture teaches that God gave Israel the law ,covenants, statutes, curses and promises it is teaching that Gods original creation was conceived in eternity past as God existed as the supreme being in eternity who works through these revealed gifts as supreme Governor of the creation. So when we look at the time sequence of His creation we are seeing the eternal purposes of God. He has given us a very small understanding of the whole knowledge of God in His revealed word. Our understanding of the revealed word is describing who God is and what His purposes are. If we are incorrect in what we are required to understand then we are describing someone is like God but it not God. Our clear doctrinal understanding is the only way that we can avoid idols. Ignorance is not bliss but because God has given us a way to approach Him without a good understanding we are blessed with His way of accepting us. He does not accept us based upon our understanding but upon Christ complete identity. Even tho we may fall short in our understanding we still are accepted in Christ. But our lack of understanding has consequences as to the rewards we will miss out on.

 There is no one who believes something that he will not die for. Because knowledge cannot be pragmatic. Although there are pragmatic ideas in the world, it only exist because there remains ignorance due to the human inability to know all things. But this mixture of knowledge and mystery in ones view is predetermined by God. We can only escape what is harmful to us through revelation or illumination. So the defense of truth is more than just based upon our confidence that we know the truth. Whatever knowledge we have always rises up to the level of life and death. The bible is all that we need to live a life of Godliness. This means that the revealed knowledge is a shorten version of all the knowledge of God. In other words both the shortened version and the exhaustive version are going in the same direction. There is no such thing as two equal lines of truth. We have enough revealed knowledge to escape death and embrace life. But what we believe is always under the obligation of our survival in this world. We receive life or death by our doctrinal description. This is what the bible means when it makes a distinction between the righteous curse and the wicked curse. The bible teaches that if we belong to Christ we receive every pure description or doctrine as if it is defining the kingdom that we belong to. Even tho we are ignorant at some point yet the principle of Gods kingdom is that if we understand the smallest truth we understand the whole truth. Because the Spirit of one word contains all Gods ideas. We are able to be ignorant but fully able to express Gods curse to its fullest. And we are able to receive Gods absolute blessing. We must understand that a person believes truth about themselves in which the blindness that their ignorance represents is the inability for them to embrace life. And for us the ignorance represent our inability to embrace the curse.
 " The cross is the symbol of the contrast of two worlds. It is the line between two realities. The former reality that we lived in had to die. Now we live in eternal life. Eternal life is the beginning of the reality of renewal. When Christ died , He destroyed the kingdom of darkness. Christ ended the reign of the curse of the law. We were slaves to sin and the curse. We were paupers who loved to be controlled by the corruption of the world. But that old life had to die. It was never rehabilitated. When Christ died He ended the hope of our being rehabilitated. We have no hope of trusting in our former image as paupers. Christ had to end the legal pronouncement of the law ...which was the power of the curse that was over us that through His resurrection we might be legally justified to receive all that He has purchased. We went from being paupers to kings and priest of the Most High. We now stand on the other side of the curse of the law looking down at the kingdom of darkness. The curses are no longer against us but for us. We are already justified so that the new reality of our renewal is successful as the old is killed and the new reigns. We reign through word and Spirit. Now we simply pronounce the curses to kill the old image that represents our legal justification and we pronounce the blessing ...which is the kings language of word and Spirit the new reality that is creating all our renewal.The cross is the line that we crossed from death to life. We look at the cross as the symbol that made all those past realities powerless to effect us as if when we look at any corruption that controls all those who belong to the former life that we killed and are killing those corruptions by word and Spirit. We run from those old identities in pronouncing cursing and blessing. This has no relationship to the effects of evil in society. It is a spiritual kingdom. Its all about escaping the control of what is controlling other people." me
 The incarnation defines true value. It was the first time that a man was born who defined true blessing; He came for one purpose. To save His people from their sins. He was the walking reality of salvation. He fulfilled all righteousness. He overcame the power of the curse in being familiar with the true value of all things. Even tho He was God yet He was also the only real man. IF Christ had not become a man and lived a perfect life then there would be no hope of our being accepted by the Father. We would cease to understand the value of life. No one could be saved. There would be no existence of true hope, love , and blessing in this world. We would not have a standard of righteousness and blessing that we could trust. We could never have confidence in our relationship to corruption if there was no real man who overcame all the sinful causes of the curse so that we might be freed from the weight we experience from that curse. Everyone would be in complete darkness ...never being able to comprehend their own true self image. We all would be subject to the domination of the curse of sin. We all would be overcome by the weight of the sorrow and destructive potential of the full curse. Christ incarnation saved us from ourselves.

I like the biblical description of those things that oppose us as sin and corruption. When I think of my weaknesses I try not to use these psychological terms that are used to describe the human condition. Because in trying to describe the moral problem ...using medical terms or psychological terms we are guilty of changing the christian context that defines the our culture. There is a reason that bible uses these simple terms like sin and corruption because our opposition includes the corruption that we cannot understand. In other words sin is much deeper than what we think it is. So the biblical term sin is speaking of a spiritual problem. I think we are always battling with over defining our opposition so that we think the term "sin" is an old fashion term. But there is no better term to define personal identity than speaking of ourselves as intrinsically sinners. I accept the bibles definition of who I am as a happy source of protecting me from other judgments of men who do not like the old terms.


Yes Denise...thats why I included corruption because I believe the bible teaches that when we are saved we no longer are under the legal pronouncement of death because of sin. So when I talk about sin I believe that under the new creation our sin is looked on as weakness and interchangeable with corruption. So we can use sin to our advantage when we petition God in overcoming all opposition that we face both inward and outward. I ve prayed the Psalms for 30 years and this way of approaching God has drawn me near at times I struggle with sin the most.
  I dont like medical or psychological labels.....these terms may be used in a very light sense the current culture but our corruption is a spiritual enemy. I spend very little time thinking of this philosophical approach to life. Everything that Ive gone through in my life has been squeezed through meditation. I believe that our sin and corruption are from our old state under the curse. But the curse has been lifted and yet we still struggle with it because we experience the effects of physical death. In this sense we feel our sin the most when we suffer physically...rather than in our old life we experienced sin under the legal obligation of guilt. Our spiritual preservation is tied into our physical health in the sense that we can struggle with the experience of the weight of the curse. This is why we have petitions of creation let, let not, do not grant the desire..etc. All of these petitions are our obligation to unite our desires with Gods desires...these affect the general health of our physical and spiritual deposition.
 McGee's post.

I agree Vicky...loving our brothers in Christ is not an option. Yet most people think that God needs them or the circumstances to promote the growth of others. This is why Ive been going at pragmatism for quite awhile. Because pragmatism is really based upon how I see the other guys experience through my own experience. Ive ween myself from this view because it is very painful. Ive seldom feel that the pragmatic ends of my experience would be as I imagined. This is why we always need to put Gods ends off everything before our minds in the scripture. Because all the things we learn about others and ourselves come from an indirect source.. instead of communication...comes illumination...instead of hot disagreements ...pronouncing the curse of the scripture upon Gods opposition...instead of focusing on the need for rewards ...praying the blessing of scripture for others through which we all catch the united focus of giving. Any other application Ive learned ends in pain. Because im focused on the reaction of others.
 Truth's photo.

i do not believe that the bible says that our prosperous times are gonna outweigh our troubles in this world. Salvation is in God alone. The bible teaches that salvation is a gift of God that is potentially too wonderful for us to imagine. So faith has this fundamental basis for the entire paradigm of Gods causes and potential. This is why the Psalmist proclaimed that the wicked said to Christ on the cross..."He trust in the Lord ,let the Lord rescue Him. " These words express how a person places value on things in this life. Those who are outside of salvation are living according to a working principle. The power of the curse is in the obligation to work for value in this world. In this way they are saying that a person cannot be valuable by a simple trust in God. Tho these words are the basis of the wicked curse , they are the confidence that we have which reduces all of false value that the world has taught us to a simple defense of our faith ...which is the power of the law that curses those who work for value. This is the point of the Psalm 30 "For his anger last only a moment. Weeping may remain for the night but joy comes in the morning". This is the way to express our dissatisfaction with suffering. The Psalmist always complains about suffering as Gods expression of anger. Most people teach that the Psalmist is talking about Gods dealing with sinners..but the Psalmist thinks of salvation as being in Gods hands the molding of a Pot. Gods anger is always expressed toward the nations...God declaring war upon the nations in order to save His people. The Psalmist is saying that God who never turns His anger toward His elect is as concerned for the Psalmist suffering as He is for the way the Psalmist feels about his suffering. This is the way that we learn to hate pragmatism...or thinking that God needs circumstances to change us. This voice that a person should trust in God to rescue him as if we are mocking grace is our natural response to the suffering in this world. We do not share in the power of the saving effects as if God needed anything outside of Himself to bring glory to Himself. But the suffering that we endure is also being redeemed by God.Whatever anger we experience in suffering, we must see that since God directs His anger toward the opposition that we experience in the cause of our suffering that salvation is based upon our full rescue from all that opposes us. This is why the expression of the curse is the anger we express to all the opposition to God and everything that opposes Gods elect. This is the standard of wishing blessing in all circumstances. Unless we are expressing the curse toward the opposition to the full salvation of all of Gods people then we are in some ways remaining in our own hardness. We must hate as God hates all suffering in this world in our expressing the curse. The Psalmist is teaching that we must seek Gods anger and His love in cursing and blessing in order to find pleasure in both of these dispositions in which we are not naturally balanced. The cry of the Psalmist at night brings joy in the morning.
When God devised the creation , He made it impossible to fail because the shear number of the parts make it impossible to overcome by an attempt that is has lesser parts than Gods parts in creation. So all governing systems that protect and uphold freedoms are formed in parts that are sovereign in themselves.
Gods creation then is the working of the law that is weighted by the parts that cannot be numbered. So all the creation is forced to be restrained finding rest in their natural desires under the weight of the parts of the law. This is why you can have an family that is not well educated or is poor and yet those parents are still the best educators that fitted for the child. When you follow the natural desires you fall under the weight of the parts of the law. Nature itself teaches what cannot be taught in opposing the law. This is how God describes the spiritual effects of the blessing that produce the success.Its the same way of saying that Gods view of the history is reasoned out in such a way that no one could question it because it answer all the parts that are too much for us to disagree with.
Its the same principle as learning. Gods word does not teach every little practical thing of life. But the weight of Gods word is the natural way of receiving knowledge and unites Gods blessing with the learning. The question is what does nature teach and that is what unites the weight of the law with the most success of the action.
Ps 63 8 My soul clings to you;
your right hand upholds me."
Gods word is timeless. His word is His revelation and prophecy. It teaches us who we are and what our purpose is. It is the only revealed communication from God on this earth. When we meditate on His word , we are listening to God speak as if He were speaking to us from the mouth. There is nothing that exist by chance. If anything comes into being it is from the mouth of God. So God pronounces the existence of all things as time goes on. In Gods world nothing is out of order so that nothing surprises God.
This eternal word never changes. We may view things in a time sequence but the world is eternal. Everything that God created will be renewed. Every space in the universe is owned by God. Now listen, because God rules every square inch of time and space it is the same thing as saying that God performs in our world by His covenants. His covenants are yea and amen and they also preserve our lives through all eternity. God acts to deliver us in the absolute sense by His right hand according to the persevering power of His right hand. Now listen, at any time this right hand action is available to us as the means of being delivered from all powers that oppose us.
This means that Gods wings are His ability to contain our preservation through His word that creates our safety.God pronounces recreation through His laws, decrees, statutes, curses and covenants. So God word reorders all of time. When we mediate on Gods word we are speaking to Him in praises, petitions, pronouncements and confessions. As we meditate on His law we are reordering all things according to His desires.
We must understand that when we are saved we are implanted with the seed of the word of God. This is why we are taught in Psalm 1 that the man who mediates on Gods word is like a tree planted by the source of life. Our growth in faith is germinated. We are implanted with the whole word of God. God has given us a holistic salvation. The problem is that we must know what we have obtained. This entire kingdom of words is like finding gold. The Psalmist expresses its value by comparing to being in the heat of battle and in danger of death but being delivered by God. So we believe that these pronouncements in the Psalms create the quality of our salvation. What we do not know is to our disadvantage. As time goes on we add to our own grief by our neglect.
The reason is that our salvation is designed to always dominate by the laws pronouncements. In other words our quality of our faith should always be on the level of destroying the opposition through pronouncing the, covenants etc. We should be like the warrior who has fought and won every battle. This is what the Psalmist is speaking of when he says "Your right hand holds me fast". In other words when he prays he has experienced the total destruction of the enemies of Israel and feels contained in the creative language of his prayers.
You see God word is timeless. Meditation transcends time. A meditation that was 30 years ago is part of the present experience. So these former times revisit our present experience. This is what the Psalmist means by Your love is better than life. Life is lived in time and circumstance. But Gods word breaks into time and space. The former praise generates the present praise.
This is why the Psalmist compares Gods word to feasting. Because Gods word answers our frustrations and meets our needs. This is what it means to be indwelt by the Spirit of freedom ..where the Spirit is there is freedom. We are people who cannot live without knowing God. And we cannot be free unless we know that who we are so that we can know what we need and be satisfied that we are enjoying our freedom. He is saying that knowledge of God comes from meditating on Gods word. But the difference of God knowing us and our knowing ourselves is that God must teach us about ourselves as we seek to know Him.You see God is the only one who knows us better than we know ourselves.
God must impress upon our minds the immediate answers to our individual needs but He must also grow us up so that we are able to enjoy a relationship of equals. In other words we know God enough to understand how He works. God not only creates the culture and the things of creation but He creates the foundation of our security. God communicates on our level and teaches us about ourselves that no one else could communicate to us.
Ps 37 4 Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your way to the LORD ;
trust in him and he will do this:
6 He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
7 Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when men succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked schemes."
This Psalm is teaching that we are born in a world that is controlled by God. But the world system is geared toward work and action. So the world is a system where born into where men are born and become successful. This is a very simplistic view of the world. And when we have a simplistic view we are denying the realty of the turnover of man life to death as time goes on. So if you think about it this year we have new opportunities but every day we see someone that we knew that had passed on. So the question is since we see people prosper in this world is that the focus when we consider how much time is involved in becoming successful against the loss of the generation that is played before our eyes.
This is what the Psalmist is trying to get us to step back and think about in eternity and death. So we must begin to think about life in the passive sense. What do we think about when we rest, how a loss has nothing to do with our gains, and how we create anxiety in ourselves because we do not believe that being responsible is living as seeing that the passive is more important than the active.
The world system is geared toward working in order to create value and to create success. But in Gods world it is turned upside down. This is what is so hard for us to come to terms with. Because we think success is what we achieve in order to have a good reputation in this world. So we even make God like us. We say if we are not successful then it reflects upon God. So we are always using these terms of repentance, self denial , love, faithfulness in a wrestling relationship with God. In other words the Lordship of Christ is something that is like a carrot that we are chasing. And we never catch the carrot but in trying we are always moving toward that carrot.
This is the same philosophy that makes the movers and shakers in this world. We always like to say that the world is moved by type A personalities. But this Psalm is giving us the long and slow view of how God works. Have you ever heard that the wheels of heaven turn slowly while the wheels of earth are churning?
And the Psalmist is saying to us that the reality in this world and the reward and the punishment are not as it seems to be. The Psalms teach us that we are born into a world where God is the absolute ruler. So God does not act according to our system of justice. Gods justice is always absolute. Just place yourself in Gods shoes. Every minute someone dies and they are brought before Gods judgement. We start thinking like this then we are not so quick to look at the success of men in this short life. Because in our view each man seems to have control over his own life. But the truth is that every man is under the scrutiny of God. When we think about judgement in the eternal sense that time clock is moving awful fast.
The Psalmist is saying that the world and the descriptions of movers and shakers and the respect that they get are not real. This world is run by the absolute Lordship of God. God is describing that person who gets respect in this world as some one who is the object of judgement in the other world. Because in Gods view the world is one wicked man being born and then dying.
Our problem is that we do not believe that God is controlling the world by His predetermined choice. We are always looking at God as someone who is slowly getting control over the evil deeds of men and paying them back. We do not naturally believe that what the man does or how successful he is has no bearing on reality. You see our reality in this world is living in the confidence that God is in absolute control. Our problem is not that we succeed in this world but in going ahead of God, always wanting quick change and making fast judgements without first stepping back and viewing everything in light of Gods absolute control. So this is the struggle of understanding true religion. Man is forever looking at the world with the wrong glasses . He is always distressed and not understanding that God is always the same and never moves from His preordained choices.
Ps 28 3 Do not drag me away with the wicked,
with those who do evil,
who speak cordially with their neighbors
but harbor malice in their hearts.
4 Repay them for their deeds
and for their evil work;
repay them for what their hands have done
and bring back upon them what they deserve."

Most religions focus on mans attitude in repentance. Men think that the bible puts repentance in the context of the spirit of fervency. They will say that sin is one one side and repentance is the proof of the evilness of sin. In two line we are taught that repentance is a gift of God but under sanctification it is a work.This is the problem with two line. It says that repentance through grace is one line and repentance through works is the other line. These two are in direct opposition to one another. We are taught that this is a contradiction. This can influence everything that is taught. Its sort of like Bob Carol Ted and Alice.Its ok to commit adultery as long as you talk about it with your marriage partner. If they both cancel each other out then there is no real repentance. Its not settled is outside of Gods work. This is why I have never written in the fashion of faith that is contradictory. Because I believe that pragmatism is the last man centered focus that dies. I actually put the curses back into the doctrines of grace.
So here in this Psalm the Psalmist is teaching that when we are saved we are given a gift. It is the gift of knowing that we are sinners. Do you realize that the repentance that was preached in the Nation of Israel was to comfort Gods elect? Because anyone who did not see themselves as a sinner could care less about the call to repentance. It was only the elect that set the standard of acceptable citizenship under the law of God. It was a confession that would eliminate lawlessness from the world through a legal war. Why would the Psalmist express his human wishes in this Psalm instead of coming to God through the repentance? Why would the Psalmist blame the wicked for being a road block to eliminating judgement from Israel? He is saying dont let me go where my neighbor is going. Instead please send him there so we can enjoy national unity.
We must understand that the Psalms teach that if we know that we are sinners then we can show our faith by appealing to God for being unfair in treating us like the wicked when we struggle with pain from our weakness. That our sin as Gods elect is looked on as weakness and not a curse. You see the reason that we are gifted with the ability to know that we are sinners is because we cannot be deceived when we pronounce the curses. We cannot be consumed in human hate. The thing that seems to be the most vulnerable to us is to our most advantage.The motive to use everything negative about us as fuel in our prayers and worship is denied by focusing on the fervor and contradictory ideas about repentance.
Ps 8 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings F18
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD , our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
This Psalm is teaching that before the worlds were created God planned the beginning of time to the end. The creation is evidence of Gods majesty from eternity past. In other words everything that ever comes into existence created according to the standard of eternal powers and beauty. We see the visual beauty but the designing and the creating was beyond our understanding. In Gods majesty we must accept the descriptions of all the things that He created as within our own small view. So we must be able to distinguish the truth in drawing a line between mystery and fact in describing our motives. In other words we can exaggerate the words and create a false image by our reaction.
The great battle of the garden was not between man and God. But it was between God and Satan. Man was Gods prized creation. We must always keep in mind that we are not the center of this battle. This Psalm is teaching that man got caught in the middle of the battle between the Creator God and the avenger. So we are not born in a world where man is god. We are born in a world where we are caught in between the war of Satan and God. Man is just a son of Satan.
We are taught that God was always in control , even when man fell into sin. Because man is defined by the Second man. I do not believe there was ever a time where the creation was threatened with extension. In other words God did not have to act in response to total destruction. But the great dividing that was part of the opposition of Satan was destroyed and unified by Gods free will in response to the sin in the garden. I mean that God even preordained sin and the right to rule over sin by willing it and the overthrow of it without opposition.
When we think about the strength of sin and the inability of man to overcome sin in himself we must always exalt Gods free will in our salvation. Because if at any time God would respond to the disaster of the fall then He would not be free. In order for God to be free every thing that is ever created must be unified or God would not be free. The only reason that we are saved was because it was ordered by God to bring all things into unity that we cannot understand. Our confidence then is in Gods free choice of us . If God were not free to choose then we are in bondage. In this sense there is no other reason from any one that can move us.
So really salvation cannot really be described in our emotional attraction to the objects of our love. Because perfect unity is found when the blessing meets the cursing. Salvation is the blessing coming from God and the cursing opposing our salvation. So Gods choice of us is what brings the blessing and the cursing together. This is what God preordained to keep the foundation of the majesty of His creation. So we can see that God had absolute control over all things when the opposition came together with the purposes of God in the Cross..the Cross united every thing going backward as well as forward. Because the blood of bulls and goats could not atone for sin. So the ot salvation and the nt salvation are unified.
Ps 86 11 Teach me your way, O LORD ,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name."
The Psalmist is teaching that we are being renewed on a daily basis. When we are renewed we are being changed to be more like Christ. This change is taught in the Psalms as being converted. But at the same time we were completely converted when we were saved. So the Psalmist is pronouncing the complete change in order to unite his vision with Gods activity. So he says "give me an undivided heart" that is united with 12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;I will glorify your name forever.13 For great is your love toward me;" He is teaching that we go through change by being converted. There are conversions that we go through that so small we do not realize they are happening and there are conversions that we experience that are testimonies.
Our hearts are being more and more enlarged as we experience Gods eternal love. But we are frustrated and opposed by our corruption. We are taught that we are saved and righteous in Christ but we are also being saved or delivered. He calls this future salvation as a word of salvation or a testimony of conversion. This is why he prays 86 17"Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, O LORD, have helped me and comforted me". So the Psalmist is distinguishing between these secret changes and the outward change.
We must understand that the Psalmist teaches that we are all born into a world where wicked men and self righteous men have planned the evil that is in our world. We must acknowledge that the evil is preventing us from these outward testimonies. In Ps 59 the Psalmist is complaining about the evil that prevented the Israelite from taking part in the first Passover. He is saying that Israel was prevented from the Passover because of the presence of Idol worshipers that were in their cities. So the second Passover was a testimony that God had removed the idol worshipers.
We must understand that all the circumstances that we find ourselves in are created by God. Our experiences are always under the power of God who allows or forbids. All human frustration comes from being anxious and restless in the circumstances that we find ourselves in. We are taught in the Psalms that all reality is Gods pronouncement of allowing and preventing. We think that the lean and slow times are from our sins .On the other hand we think that the active and successful times are from our abilities. But the Psalmist practices pronouncing the law, covenants, curses, and promises as the future word of salvation.
No matter what we go through or how we relate our experience with our failures and successes we cannot change the way that God decrees everything in our lives.Our problem is that we do not believe that the world is moved by God allowing and preventing. We must understand that God decrees everything as it relates to our potential of being in danger. He is not really trying to enforce moral change in us. Because the Psalmist is teaching that we are already righteous before God. God does not need to force us to be righteous. Its hard for us to learn that we are no longer in a relationship with God as a school master. We go from total rebellion against God in our former life to being in danger of harm from the world. The Psalmist is describing the process of renewal that answers our hope as moving from one testimony to another. He is saying that sometimes when we think that we are only turning our wheels is when God is hiding us from danger. And when we are successful God has removed the opposition. So the Psalmist is always looking for the testimony that allows the success from the deliverance from the opposition.Ps 86 11 Teach me your way, O LORD ,and I will walk in your truth;
Ps 36 9 For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light"

The Psalmist teaches that Gods attributes and displayed are order in creation.  5 Your love, O LORD , reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains, your justice like the great deep." So we believe that all reality is spoken by God from nothing. If God designed and created the universe then there is no other reason or word that can be outside of Gods work. So even our vocabulary consist of boundaries that were given by God. So we say that even our words are borrowed from God. Everything that we are and have is dependent upon God. This is why the Psalmist says that truth is only true by how God views it. "In your light we see light." We believe that our faith is built upon pre suppositions.

A lot of people describe their ability to listen to another view as being neutral. They believe that they can view life by being totally objective. But this is not true.   Every man will swear that he is teaching the truth. There is no man who is able to teach different from what he does. He would need to have two minds. You ask a person why he does what he does and he will give you a reason that represents the belief that he would die for. So you can see there is a million trillion views of the truth.But there is only one person who is able to act perfectly according to the truth.

This means that in order for someone to be consistent in his claims he must know everything. He must be intimately involved with the smallest particles and the most hidden events.  There is nothing that is hidden from him and nothing that he does not understand. So  we would say that when we describe the truth there are two areas that give us the proper perspective of our interaction with others. The first area is that God has revealed Himself in clear and understandable truth to man. The second way is that God knows the truth that is mysterious and hidden from us. But we must understand that Gods mysterious truth does not contradict His plain understandable truth.

We must understand that even tho we understand the gospel , yet it is not true because we describe it. The gospel and the revealed things do not need us to prove they are real. So the Bible truth is set apart from all explanations because it self revelation. The Bible is true because it is reality. The Bible is the only book where the event that has already happened was planned before the foundation as if it had already come into time and space. All the words of scripture are prophetic. This is why God says that His law ,covenants, curses, promises ..etc are the building stones of His creation and recreation. So God says that the expanse of the heavens are like His love. And the expanse of the sky is like His faithfulness. You see there is nothing around us that has not happened that was not preordained by God speaking.

So the Psalmist pronounces the law, covenant etc as the declaration that it is an exercise of "in Your light we see light." This experience is both understandable and mysterious. So we are required to know that which is revealed. Every person has the responsibility to know enough to not be deceived. God has not left us with a dissociated doctrinal system. He has given us a system that is holistic. In other words one doctrine is the foundation and logic of the next doctrine until it explains the end times. So all the doctrine is tied together by a string. So we should be able to identify the inconsistencies in listening to others. But questions is does that fulfill all of mans needs?

You see it is true that we can have a peaceful quality of life by understanding the doctrine as a holistic truth. But the bible says that God is much bigger than our set of doctrines and our ability to identify that false teaching. The apostle prays that our understanding might be enlightened. That we may know beyond our ability to understand. So in this sense our growth in Christ is reaching to the height of mystery and finding more mystery. Its like an athlete who is training for the Olympics. He trains every day for hours and hours and then he does his craft in the Olympics that takes thirty minutes.He actually spends more time training than he does in performing. This is the way that are made to seek and know God. Because Gods revealed word causes us to think and ask questions. It opens our minds and our imaginations. This is how the apostle prayed . He was praying that we might know by revelation a greater understanding. This is what happens when we apply the Psalms in prayers. We experience something greater than we ever imagined.  In you light we see light..we experience your beauty and power.      
Ps 143 1 O LORD , hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;
in your faithfulness and righteousness
come to my relief.
2 Do not bring your servant into judgment,
for no one living is righteous before you."

The bible not only teaches that God has died for sin but that He died for the heinousness of sin. He leaves our salvation open on our sin side because He does not keep a record of our sins. Ps 143 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand?" He is saying here that there is forgiveness with God. The "forgiveness" in the context of the law turned away from His elect as a curse to the wicked.143 2 Do not bring your servant into judgment,for no one living is righteous before you." in the context of 143 12 In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;destroy all my foes,for I am your servant". "No one living is righteous before you" is drawing a line between the righteous and the wicked. The apostle addresses our responsibilities in the spirit of singing Psalms. The motive for obedience is in ability to keep the opposition on a leash.{In the context of deserved judgement or the heinousness of sin} So this is why the Psalmist argues that the reason that God will grant him grace is because the wicked are a lot worse. He is arguing from the greater to the lesser. So where sin abounds grace much more abounds. Or if God excused the wicked He would need to apologize to the elect.25 7 Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;according to your love remember me,for you are good, O LORD . " Remembering is more than forgetting the sin but its erasing the memory and justifying the curse against the former accusations.(" remember me , for You are good" ) God never judges on a sliding scale. God always curses or blesses. So when the apostle teaches on the fear , righteousness, obedience or justice is is always in the context of our justification being the leash that keeps the opposition under the curse of the law.143 2 "for the wicked are not righteous before you"