Sunday, October 29, 2017

God acts in all circumstances by His creative word .No matter how hard men seek to change the world ,they cannot achieve it by their actions. There is nothing that transpires in this world unless God decrees it. Now listen ...we are Gods creation. Our physical and spiritual being is a collection of God speaking the smallest atom into existence. We cannot even breath without God speaking it.
God has decided to recreate every future circumstance by His spoken word. His words prophecy future events. Because there are no events that come into realty that are different from the war between good and evil. Evil is always the same and good is always the same. The arguments between constitutional governments and rebellious nations have always been the same since before the foundation of the earth! Because Gods creative word never violates His law ,covenants, statutes, curse and promises. Never!
When we speak Gods covenants as pronouncements we are prophesying future events. I prophesied this present political struggle 15 years ago. I have been pronouncing this event for 30 years.The event is Gods law that becomes clear as the vehicle to awaken our nation so that once again there is a clear choice between Gods law and the evil corruption that man has achieved. Now listen our feelings of worth and success are tied to finding the revealing of Gods law that smashes the corruption of the nation. We are never done until the eternal judgement. But for me it will be an answer to thirty years of pronouncing. The life that I feel will be like being shocked by the breath of God if Trump wins... I will gain a new level of confidence in pronouncing....

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ps 35 7 Since they hid their net for me without cause
and without cause dug a pit for me,
8 may ruin overtake them by surprise-
may the net they hid entangle them,
may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.
9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD
and delight in his salvation.
10 My whole being will exclaim,
"Who is like you, O LORD ?
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,
the poor and needy from those who rob them."
The christian faith is a faith of having a family of friends. The Psalms teach that a friend of God is a friend of a friend of God. We are taught that when we are saved we become soldiers who fight along side of each other in the same trench. In this way salvation is not a positive verse negative message. Salvation is not ignoring the negative. This verse is teaching us that we when we are saved we can identify with Christ in His healing or His defending His people. Salvation means that we are saved from evil and the schemes of the Devil. So we believe that encouragement in the bible is from the positive side which is to speak in a way that upholds a person. But it is also expressed in a negative way which is the defense of the person.
The reason that people do not understand our responsibility to defend is because they view the christian life is trying to make people happy. But we cannot approach our relationships on just the positive input. The Psalm teach that our christian experience is either going up or going down. We reject the idea that Christians are described as staying in the same place.
We must understand that being on top of the mountain is no different than being in the valley. Because we are baptized into Christ. So we have been given His life. Christ enjoyed the company of sinners as well as enduring the pain and suffering on the cross. Christ took all of the emotion of the experience upon Himself in identifying with us. As for the potential that we enjoy ...we have been promised more than we could ever ask for. And as to the trials of this life we have our captain who endured the curse for us. So He took our curse upon Himself.
This means that the negative experiences in our lives have already been overcome by Christ. This means that we no longer need to atone for our weaknesses and sins. If we had to atone for them then we would need to take the curse upon ourselves. But we no longer are under the power of the curse. So we now can use the curse to go down in identifying with each other. We no longer are under the power of Satan or sin. So we are not motivated by emotion or the experience of the trial but we are motivated by the gift that we are given to use the curse to overcome the trial. So we have been given the simple way to motivate what has already been accomplished. Now because Christ accomplished everything then His word is yea and amen.
Now we can control the good and the bad by the use of praise and cursing. We can overcome any opposition through the curse. This gives us the ability to spend our time defending our brothers rather than simply identifying with them in their trial. Because our working out salvation is a legal defense by blessing and cursing. To neglect our encouraging others is the same as the neglect of defending their purposes by this legal responsibly before God. This Psalm teaches us how to get joy out of going down to the level of a persons trial and defending them.