Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ps 21 1 O LORD , the king rejoices in your strength.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!
2 You have granted him the desire of his heart
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
Every person will be restless until they see that the world is a place where the events of the earth are order by Gods secret counsel. All the events of our lives are ordered according to Gods law. All of our frustration is because we fail to be perfect in thinking thoughts after God.
We must understand that man was made to rule in Gods perfect garden. But when we fell from the original beauty and unity of the culture of Gods prefect creation then we are frustrated because the circumstances after we sinned do not rise up to the level of our needs being met in Gods original garden. Our problem is that we view the world by our experience of corruption and frustration.
This is why God gave us the pronouncements. God determined from eternity past to answer the problems due to the fall of man. Before the fall God made man and walked in fellowship in the garden with man. The purposes of God were not really to answer the problem of sin. But they were to reestablish the fellowship that was lost as a result of the fall. God provided His word to meet the needs as man was made to live in the perfect garden. This is why our natural responses to the pronouncements of the law, curses, covenants, decrees and promises is to view these as extreme.
The only way that God could reestablish the relationship was to provide the communication in His word that established the foundation of the original security that man enjoyed in the garden. When we pronounce the gifts, God is present as if He were speaking. In other words when the only party of the original relationship has not changed then He must act to correct the fall in Himself (the Perfect Man). The history of Redemption is the history of Gods correction. When only one party acts correctly then that party becomes the substitute of the other person in the relationship. God lowered Himself through His word in giving man glimpses of the original fellowship by putting the pronouncements on the lips of man in order to encourage hope, praise, joy, faithfulness etc in cheering God on in the actions of the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises. This is what the Apostle calls our walk as communication.
The gifts not only answer the needs of man as God communicates to him but they also establish the authority of God by the principle of already but not yet. When we are unfamiliar with the fellowship of the garden then we seek to reestablish the relationship on our terms. The Psalms describe this tendency to become our own god as being anxious by not waiting on Gods counsel. The pronouncements were given to us to teach us to wait by cheering God on. These gifts teach us to grow down in order to increase in understanding of God and self.
Ps 21 7 For the king trusts in the LORD ;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken."
The Psalmist is teaching us how to unite our desires with Gods. In the first verse he says that God has given him the desire of his heart. All of our frustration is due to not knowing God and ourselves. The point of meditating on the gifts is to discover who we are by knowing God. The law covenants, curses, decrees etc. answer our needs and refine our desires and longings.
God from eternity past has decreed whatsoever comes to pass in time. In other words our frustration is to experience disunity with Gods order in speaking creation and recreation from nothing. You see the beauty of creation. Everyone has a personal view of that beauty. The Psalmist is saying that the gifts refine his desires so that he experiences the unity of creation in refining his longings.God did not create man to fulfill His need to experience the pleasure of His creation. Frustration is experience when we bring God down man making man part of Gods work. The Psalmist is saying that we are in Gods world.
The world is ordered by Gods strength, desire , blessing,splendor ,majesty, love, and defense. If God were to change then the world would cease to exist. You see that satisfaction is knowing that God orders all things. It is uniting Gods desire with our view of all of our experiences. Pronouncing the gifts increase our desires and create our view. The more that we experience the pleasure of God in our activity the more we are satisfied. He is not just saying that its Gods world and Gods war with Satan. But he is saying that that his history of pronouncing in his view of the events has satisfied his desires because they are untied with Gods.
Anytime David talks about his own happiness, joy and praise it is always holistic in the use of the gifts. All events that we go through in life are view according to our own experience. It is only real according to our view. How we understand God and how our desires are refined by the gifts is how we experience the events in our lives. Our memories of the physical part of the event will always betray us but how we desired in experiencing the event is timeless. When David says that God has given him the desire of his heart, he is talking about his desire in a timeless eternal sense of history. He is describing the desire in the context of the glory of God as he remembers the past events. The only way that he could speak of God ordering all the events is by His view.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Ex 34 28" And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments".
What is the relationship between the law and the covenants? Here we are taught that the Ten Commandments are the words of the covenant. All the covenants that God made with His elect are one sided. God established His covenants with the promise that Ps 94 14 For the LORD will not reject his people;he will never forsake his inheritance." Salvation is a covenant that God makes with His elect in which Christ has satisfied the demands of the law for those who are delivered. The righteous mans confession is that Ps 9 10 Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." The covenant teaches us that we are to place all of our confidence on Gods eternal love. Gods covenant is His promise to act on our behalf in order to deliver us from all opposition. The Psalms teach that God acts toward us according to His covenant by being the law keeper.94 12 Blessed is the man you discipline, O LORD ,the man you teach from your law;13 you grant him relief from days of trouble,till a pit is dug for the wicked.14 For the LORD will not reject his people;
he will never forsake his inheritance." The Psalmist is giving us the reason why God disciplines His elect. The last statement in verse 14 is the governing purpose of God as we experience the troubles of this life. The purpose for God disciplining His elect is so that He will protect them from being forsaken.
The Psalmist is teaching a relationship between the law and the covenants. He is teaching that we are in a world where God is demanding an account for those who violate Gods law. The Psalmist is teaching a very distinct difference between covenant and law. Because God works all events to" never forsake His inheritance" , He has turned His law toward the wicked. He is teaching that the troubles that the elect experience are related to this conflict that God has with the wicked. We are taught here the the covenant that God makes with His elect is only understood when it is enforced by Gods law as our defense. And this defense is Gods curses. Here there is a contrast between the way that God deals with His own people and the wicked. These verses are put in the form of a curse against the opposition. God is not only justly declaring a breach of His covenant but He is actively reducing the length and the health of the lives of the wicked. And His people are caught in between.
The Psalmist uses our discipline in the context of our trusting in Gods curses. Because the Psalmist is using the phrase" teaching of the law" in the same way that he expresses "grant him relief." The Psalmist is using the law as an instrument of destruction that the elect use to find relief. The curses rise up to the line of Gods mysterious enacting of His justice. They are Gods expression of divine wrath. God has given us an instrument in which we are strengthened and at the same time the wicked are weakened. 11 Sam. 3 1The war between the house of Saul and the house of David lasted a long time. David grew stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker". Gods covenant blessing is His governing success in every culture through His elect.
Ps 85 13 "Righteousness goes before him
and prepares the way for his steps."
This is the teaching of justification by faith in the OT. This is the last statement in 85 and sums up the entire Psalm. The doctrine of justification by faith comes from Gods covenant of grace that He made with Israel. The picture of justification is Gods relationship to Israel in the fire and cloud. When Israel was led through the desert to the promise land, Gods presence was out in front in the cloud by day and the fire by night. But the presence was also following Gods nation as well. We could say that God had their front and back.
But this picture is described in the context of Gods eternal covenant, So you view this temporal cloud and fire as you are walking on the path to Canaan. In the Psalms this picture of the fire and cloud is described by words that come in twos about Gods covenant communication. So you have His love and faithfulness, righteousness and faithfulness, truth and righteousness..etc. No matter which covenant words are used the entire covenant is describing the government that God is displaying in the fire and cloud. Its more than just Gods faithful communication of His promises but its also God acting in the perfect way to establish his government before his people proceed to the next destination. This is what the Psalmist is describing as God restoring His people along the way so that He secures the safety and health for His covenant people.
We are taught that God has prepared the way for His steps. As He moves He is pleased with His work. Restoration is the ongoing work of God to revive His people so that they please Him. You must understand that there are three people that are involved in this restoration. There are the wicked who receive the displeasure of God. The wicked are under the continual and heavy weight of the curse. The righteous are people that express their desire in this petition. And the third person is God. So you have and opposition that carries the weight that is holding the nation under the spirit of curse. And the elect are trying to break out of their tension that is expressed as freedom of deliverance when the elect curse the curse.
Cursing the curse is described as love and faithfulness meeting together. Righteousness and peace kissing each other. When blessing and cursing meet each other then righteousness is perfect. Its interesting that even tho the land is not displaying the success of Gods kingdom rule yet the steps of God are never withstood by man. This Psalm is written so that the speaking of it creates the kingdom advancement in the mist of the land under the weight of the judgement of God.
These kind of Psalms are written to descend in the judgement as society becomes wicked but to push the judgement down under the righteous curse. So the Psalmist is saying to revive the elect in the mist of the descent. So we can experience restoration in the midst of the worse that the culture can become. The Psalmist is being encouraged by Gods sustaining power answering our natural anger toward the wickedness. And at the same time we are taught to petition God as the wicked are on His leash. So at all times we are able to bring love and faithfulness, righteousness and peace together. We fail to un

Sunday, July 9, 2017

63 3Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.
130 5 I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope.
The Psalmist is saying that our desire that God has given to us is like a seed planted in the ground. All reality is from our view. Every person views the world according to their own reality. There is not one who understands the pure truth. But when we are saved that seed that was implanted is the entire reality of God according to all of His word. At any time we understand those things that we have been taught in His word. But we believe that one word is the spirit of all the words. In this sense God does not look upon us as having parts of incomplete understanding. God is sovereign and just like He holds together everything that is created so also He holds us together by the complete implantation of His word. This is what the Psalmist prays for when he ask God to search the Psalmist. The Psalmist understands that God has spoken all reality in to existence and God is able to unite the Psalmist with the perfect unity of all reality. The Psalmist is teaching that our desires are molded by Gods mysterious love. He says that Gods love is better than his view of life. In other words when the Psalmist experiences Gods mysteries there is a unity that is beyond his understanding that fulfills him.( your love is better than my life)
The Psalmist is saying that God has given His elect just enough of His revelation that can be understood and used to create success. The Psalmist never teaches mysticism. The mystery of God is created by Gods perfect word on the lips of the Psalmist. He is not teaching that good feelings come from Gods revelation but that when Gods elect have the law, covenants, curses promises etc on their lips no matter what the circumstances in life are , the elect control the world by these pronouncements. The future word that he hopes in is as real as the future event that he has created by the pronouncements."in his word I put my hope". Now listen.. all words that a person uses to describe his own circumstances and view of life are subject to the pronouncements of God. The word is like God bringing all men before Him at all times in the judgement and pronouncing life and death. There is no such thing as God occupying space that is taken by evil. God has absolute sovereignty over all space and time. Now listen , this sense Gods word both revealed and mysterious is pronounced as the future reality that unites our purposes with our success. We live in complete dependence upon His word just as we experience our own reality.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Isa 24 6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt. (Alternation with the second phrase)-Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are left." ( not contrasted)
Gods word orders the whole creation. He is the governor in the sense that He orders the activities of the nations as He orders all creation. His law is compared to a furnace that is purified seven time. It is a metaphor for the accumulation of the pronouncing of His curses and the furthering of the success of His eternal purposes in His blessing. As the curses are loaded on the scale of the powerful and out weigh the suffering of the poor and afflicted, Gods word is purified seven times. This is the picture here of the earth being burned up. It takes away the life of the inhabitants of the earth by the destructive judgement of disease.
Guilt is the powerful agent of the destruction of the soul. The weight of the curse is successful in the power of the guilt of force men into the identity of judgement and slavery. It crushes the blessed success of each mans giftedness. A man who experiences the weight of the curse is a man who is consumed by His own hatred as a result of the weight of guilt. When God is alienated from man they feel the weight of their own powerlessness in the judgement of the earth. So the curse is an addition weight that is added to equal the laws power to identify and condemn the sinner. As time goes on the curse is piled up until the man is crushed under weight of death.
This is why the law is either that which piles up in condemnation or that which is used to as an instrument of the righteous to further the destruction of the wicked. The law is never neutral! To believe that the law is neutral is to accept the weight of the curse. It is to bring into the bosom all of the evils of corruption.
All of the judgements of God are good and righteous. The elect never oppose the good or the bad that comes from Gods hand. We believe that all events are the actions of God taken from His desires of pleasure. God is pleased to bless His people by rewarding them. God is also pleased to judge the wicked by being paid the price for their wickedness. Gods is pleased to avenge. God is the only one who has the right to avenge the righteous. To believe that there is no universal judge who adds every thing up and will reward or punish is to believe in humanism. It is to say that there is no retribution that is absolute. There is no one to answer for the suffering of Gods elect. It is to believe that the eternal judge is not concerned for every thought.
To believe that Gods vengeance is meted out in response to mans obedience is to bring God down to mans level. It is to teach that God judges on a scale. Both of these teach that God is only human. We see here that Gods curses are weighted according to His predetermined choice. The weight of His curses are eternal as the amount of vengeance that He receives according to His standard. God communicates to His elect according to the weight of His glory and His curses. God controls all powers in His defense of us in piling one curse upon another. The universal weight of the curse holds the earth under the rule of God eternal government.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

My family and I went through Andrew. As you know I had decided to memorize the nt and some of the poetry books. It was when I was 22 that I began in Rom.6,7,8. I was memorizing 2 verses a day. I was not sure at the beginning if I could pull this off. But as I began to add the verses and remember whole books I began to experience a power that I cannot describe. So the memorization turned into an insatiable desire to meditate for long hours. And eventually has I added 4 more books the meditation had consumed most of my alone time and my desire to achieve satisfaction in my life.
I can only explain it as the voice I experienced in Andrew. You have all of these events going on in your life and they all seem to be orchestrated by the hand of God. But the experience was the joy that you would experience with your first child. So your getting the clothes and your preparing the room. And you have an expectation that you never experienced before. And the memorization was like a baby to me. The times you play with the baby and your interacting with him your filled with life and satisfaction. So the memorization was like waiting every day for a baby. I treated it like a baby. I would go through a pocket testament and wear it out. And I would be thinking about replacing it before the pages would fall out. It was very important to me.
The meditation would act upon me. I used to wonder why a teaching by the apostle would infuse me with power and satisfaction. The more I meditated the more I would experience the light of the glory. As I look back , I have been taught that the doctrinal sections have confessions in them. The confessions where put their to experience the teaching. This began to consume me. I would meditate for hours on the road or in the quite of my mind and I could not stop.As I started in the Psalms i came to this particular one that described a storm that came from the desert and passed through Israel. I had become very schooled in the discipline at this time that it was beginning to flow through me and into my physical exertion.I literally would wake up in the morning and be driven by this power. At times I felt like my eyes were open so wide and my mouth was controlled. I went from pursuing God to God pursuing me.
As you can see after a year of meditation on this Psalm I was wondering what it was like to hear the voice of God in the storm. So when Andrew turned and the eye headed right down my street it was for me in my mind an illustration rather than an event. Because I had decided that I would meditate on this Psalm for the entire time the storm was passing by. Its hard to say this but I was more interested in the work that God was dong than the destruction that I witnessed.
This storm brings me back to the power and the awesome presence of God. I stayed in a house that belonged to a friend because Sandy and I had started our marriage by buying a trailer on 152. I can remember being on the second floor of this house when the gale force winds began. At the corner of this two story house was a big banyan tree. As the winds began to swirl the tree that went up 30 feet in the air came crashing down on the center of our roof and the limbs extended over to the opposite side. We could see the limbs extending in the windows. At this point I got a little scared. But I persevered through by focusing on this Psalm.
As the storm moved over the house the winds got really loud. I still have this noise in my memory. It sounded like breathing. The winds would die down and then begin to blow to a full blast. And then they would start over again. As the winds were picking up speed we began to wonder if the next exhale would blow the roof off. It was teaching me that God works by giving us success that is followed by more trials and opposition. As I look back on my life ive been on the mountain and back down to the valley. But the winds have never let up, they just die down.
Then after Andrew went over through we the next morning we had to get help getting out of the house. The bushes and the trees had all blown up against the doors. When we got in the car to drive around it was like a war zone. Every tree in the path of the storm had blown down. The experience of the storm was etched in my memory as an illustration of Gods power but the devastation was startling. I had began to understand the peace and quite that had resulted from the destruction. You could not hear a sound at night.God had totally turned our lives upside down with 5 hours of wind. The quietness from the total destruction is still something that I have never forgotten.It gave me a living reality of the power of God in delivering us from the opposition. He speaks in a way that there is no question who is in control and after words He leaves a peace in our hearts that is beyond the peace of this world.Ps 29 1 Ascribe to the LORD , O mighty ones,
ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
2 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name;
worship the LORD in the splendor of his F51 holiness.
3 The voice of the LORD is over the waters;
the God of glory thunders,
the LORD thunders over the mighty waters.
4 The voice of the LORD is powerful;
the voice of the LORD is majestic.
5 The voice of the LORD breaks the cedars;
the LORD breaks in pieces the cedars of Lebanon.
6 He makes Lebanon skip like a calf,
Sirion F52 like a young wild ox.
7 The voice of the LORD strikes
with flashes of lightning.
8 The voice of the LORD shakes the desert;
the LORD shakes the Desert of Kadesh.
9 The voice of the LORD twists the oaks F53
and strips the forests bare.
And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"
10 The LORD sits F54 enthroned over the flood;
the LORD is enthroned as King forever.
11 The LORD gives strength to his people;
the LORD blesses his people with peace.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Gen 1 27 So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.And it was so".
God gave man His law. He implanted His law in mans heart. Every man is gifted by God with the ability to rule his own kingdom.Ps 115 16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD ,but the earth he has given to man." God gave man every thing he needed to prosper. Every thing in Gods creation works according to Gods law in its kind.
God has made the world complete from the beginning of time to the end. God has shown His glory by being absolutely free to do as He pleases. The earth is a place that is controlled by God. If God was not absolutely free then man would never be able to be a reflection of God who does not face an opposition that thwarts His will. If man is not absolute sovereign over His own choices then God is not sovereign. If man is not able to be as successful as God is in using all the gifts that God has bestowed upon man then man would not be free. So God gave man His governing law and established man under His eternal governing success. We believe that the principle of Gods government is that nothing every happens unless God allows or prevents it. Man would not be able to make a choice for his own pleasure if God was not free to allow and prevent.
But when the serpent entered the garden, He tempted man to create his own government. The serpent was the first governor to enact violence into Gods universe. God had to prevent man from governing over his garden because man was unable to be free to chose for himself by creating his own success. God had to redeem all of the legal troubles of mans fall. God had to return man to his original innocence by doing the work necessary to provide man complete deliverance from his guilt.
We must understand that God never lost control over His creation when man sinned. God always established man with the authority to rule the earth as He created man for His glory. Man never lost the ability to choose freely according to mans pleasure. God was never thwarted by mans fall into sin. He preordained man to fall into sin. Even before the garden God created mankind and foresaw mans sin. If God was absolutely free then He had to be completely successful in dealing with sin and corruption and on the other hand the purpose to glorify Himself. He had to completely destroy the government of the serpent at the time of the fall of man. So before the fall God chose to exercise His authority in His foresight by enacting His control to free mans will by the absolute standard of the line between blessing and cursing. God cursed the wicked , creation and the serpent in order to re establish His government through the righteous seed. Gods success through His elect is the complete deliverance over all opposition.He established His government over the earth in cursing the serpent. All earthly governments that followed the attempt of the serpent to thwart Gods power were destroyed by the absolute power of the curse.
David expressed Gods pronouncement in establishing His kingdom over His creation through man in this absolute statement. Ps 9 4 For you have upheld my right and my cause;you have sat on your throne, judging righteously.5 You have rebuked the nations and destroyed the wicked;you have blotted out their name for ever and ever.6 Endless ruin has overtaken the enemy,you have uprooted their cities;even the memory of them has perished". David is teaching that because God covenanted with His people to provide them with all that they needed in this life that God gave man an understanding and awareness of His sovereignty that is expressed in thinking thoughts after God.David was teaching that as he pronounced Gods laws, covenants, curses, statutes and promises that God would be free to allow and prevent David from destruction as the way that God established Davids freedom over all that God gave him. David is saying that these gifts united his desires with Gods absolute pronouncements of blessing and cursing at all times and throughout Davids reign. Gods kingdom dwells in His people.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Ps 58 9 Before your pots can feel the heat of the thorns-
whether they be green or dry-the wicked will be swept away.
10 The righteous will be glad when they are avenged,
when they bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked.
11 Then men will say,
"Surely the righteous still are rewarded;
surely there is a God who judges the earth."
Why do the people who have been gifted with Gods protective law suffer so much on this earth? Why is it that the people who are the most violent and destructive control the governments on this earth? The first reason is that God has decided from eternity past to be the only one who has the right to shorten a mans life. You see if every one who was violent and rebellious against Gods law were swiftly taken from the earth then the righteous would not feel helpless.
God has decided to delay His pronouncement of death to the wicked until the day of judgement. Gods standard of justice is to completely silence all those who are opposed to His government. You see that the law penalizes law breakers but this is not a sufficient way to end the spread of evil. Because men who become little gods , use the law of God to further their evil reign. Gods demands are only met when the wicked receive the punishment of the law which is the curse.So we find ourselves as Gods elect frustrated by the success of evil rulers.
This Psalm is not teaching that we must wait until the judgement. The Psalmist pronounces the curses as the future judgement in light of God speaking these pronouncements upon the wicked. He will chain them in hell and they will suffer for all eternity. The Psalmist is teaching that God has spoken the pronouncements of the future judgement in this Psalm.
We must understand that Gods curses are not dependent upon time or space. Gods curses are predetermined to enact His justice upon that group of men who have been chosen for eternal punishment. At all times in all places God is absolute and final in His choice. This is the holistic disposition of Gods people as they become proficient in pronouncing the curses.
Now listen to me. God has gifted each person with His law. Each person has the gifts of the law, covenants, promises, curses and statutes that are given for the purpose of each man ruling and subduing the earth . These Psalms are given to us in order to unite our desires with Gods gifts. When God created the earth ,He acted according to these pronouncements. But God also ordered all things by a much greater understanding than these Psalms.But these Psalms not only unite our desires to subdue the earth but they also unite our finite understanding with God eternal purposes. We are gifted with a holistic unity of our purposes with Gods eternal purposes.We who are corrupt and finite can unite our faulty desires by being consumed in Gods desires. The pronouncements are spoken as if Christ who lowered Himself and walked the earth , who was also the creator and the ruler over all things was ordering all things as He walked the earth, according to these pronouncements.
Gods word is eternal. It supersedes all other world views. God does not share His glory with any man. He rules over all things according to His decretive will.These pronouncements are yea and amen. This Psalm is spoken as if we were standing on the other side and we were present in the final judgement. The Psalmist expresses the confidence that he has as if the final judgement was present in all of the victories of Israel. 91 7 A thousand may fall at your side,ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you.8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked." The Psalmist is comparing the pestilence that overcomes a flock of birds with Gods final pronouncement and the sending off of each man into the judgement. The Psalmist believes that speaking these realities will unite the future judgement with his present confidence. We never face an enemy that does not give us an added reward in the future judgement when we speak these pronouncements.We can prosper as the world is sinking deeper and deeper into wickedness.
Isa 24 6 Therefore a curse consumes the earth;
its people must bear their guilt. (Alternation with the second phrase)-Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up,
and very few are left." ( not contrasted)
Gods word orders the whole creation. He is the governor in the sense that He orders the activities of the nations as He orders all creation. His law is compared to a furnace that is purified seven time. It is a metaphor for the accumulation of the pronouncing of His curses and the furthering of the success of His eternal purposes in His blessing. As the curses are loaded on the scale of the powerful and out weigh the suffering of the poor and afflicted, Gods word is purified seven times. This is the picture here of the earth being burned up. It takes away the life of the inhabitants of the earth by the destructive judgement of disease.
Guilt is the powerful agent of the destruction of the soul. The weight of the curse is successful in the power of the guilt of force men into the identity of judgement and slavery. It crushes the blessed success of each mans giftedness. A man who experiences the weight of the curse is a man who is consumed by His own hatred as a result of the weight of guilt. When God is alienated from man they feel the weight of their own powerlessness in the judgement of the earth. So the curse is an addition weight that is added to equal the laws power to identify and condemn the sinner. As time goes on the curse is piled up until the man is crushed under weight of death.
This is why the law is either that which piles up in condemnation or that which is used to as an instrument of the righteous to further the destruction of the wicked. The law is never neutral! To believe that the law is neutral is to accept the weight of the curse. It is to bring into the bosom all of the evils of corruption.
All of the judgements of God are good and righteous. The elect never oppose the good or the bad that comes from Gods hand. We believe that all events are the actions of God taken from His desires of pleasure. God is pleased to bless His people by rewarding them. God is also pleased to judge the wicked by being paid the price for their wickedness. Gods is pleased to get revenge. God is the only one who has the right to avenge the righteous. To believe that there is no universal judge who adds every thing up and will reward or punish is to believe in humanism. It is to say that there is no retribution that is absolute. There is no one to answer for the suffering of Gods elect. It is to believe that the eternal judge is not concerned for every thought.
To believe that Gods vengeance is meted out in response to mans obedience is to bring God down to mans level. It is to teach that God judges on a scale. Both of these teach that God is only human. We see here that Gods curses are weighted according to His predetermined choice. The weight of His curses are eternal as the amount of vengeance that He receives according to His standard. God communicates to His elect according to the weight of His glory and His curses. God controls all powers in His defense of us in piling one curse upon another. The universal weight of the curse holds the earth under the rule of God eternal government.