Saturday, January 27, 2018

Ps 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
The glory of God is His effervescence. The Psalmist teaches that the face of God shines forth His glory. In this Psalm the glory of God is shone in the brightness and warm of the heat and light from the sun. We are surrounded by His creation that describe the work of His laws, decrees, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. So the Psalmist is saying that when we seek His face in these pronouncements the light of His glory shines in our face.
There is only one instrument on this earth that can never be exhausted or fail to add something in order for us to grow. Everything that we receive from God ,whether it is reveal or mysterious is contained in the Psalms.When we view creation we see the unity of all of the parts working together to show forth the beauty of God.When we meditate on the Psalms, anything in us or in the creation that is corrupted is burned up as it is exposed to the heat and the light of Gods glory. Every person was created to view himself according to his understanding that is formed by both the revealed and mysterious communication of God. The Psalmist is not only saying that we must know who we are but the more that we meditate we are led along by something that is too wonderful for us to imagine. We are being converted by seeking something that we do not understand in going from one mystery to another. We are being acted upon by the Spirit as He recreates our world by the pronouncements.
So the Psalmist conclusion is "Who can discern his errors"? In other words the Psalmist is caught up in the wonder as he seeks Gods face ascending into the eternal world as his frustrations grow in being familiar with the corruption in this world. The more that our desires are united with Gods, the greater control we exercise over the entire world. We are tied to this corruption through our familiarity with time and process but the Psalms free us to exercise our control over the world in the creative pronouncements. We free ourselves from this world when the word becomes flesh. By pronouncing Gods language we are uniting our desires with Gods through illumination and creating a new world that contains us. The Psalms are the perfect containment of the new world that is the instrument that contains us. These pronouncements are the only language in this world that have no limit to their success and control.
Ps 10 1 Why, O LORD , do you stand far off?Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
God decreed whatsover comes to pass before He created the world. Its hard for us to accept that our weaknesses are far greater than our ability to change the purpose of our being in this world. The Psalmist is teaching us that our control over our lives compared to the knowledge and understanding of our creator prevents us from understanding the extent of our needs and the work that is necessary for us to change. In this Psalm we are taught that the corruption and evil that existed from the garden determined our position and our ability before we were born. Not only were we prevented from becoming successful but we were born unable to do one good thing. This Psalm teaches us that we must be completely dependent upon God because all of our needs that must be met are outside of our control
God spoke all things into existence. Not only did He decree our spiritual and physical attributes but He also decreed our weakness and sins. God made the things of creation to be dependent upon each other. In order for us to be able to control our own lives the world must be in perfect unity. You see what we need does not only come from God but our needs can only be met by the value of all the pieces that God created to meet our needs. Anything that was planned by God in the history of the world create the foundation of our existence and our success in this life by perfect unity of all the parts of creation. The smallest corruption that is introduced in the perfect unity of history of the world would prevent us from our highest success even if we were perfect. We must understand that God decreed corruption in order to frustrate our ability to meet the standard of perfect unity. God has made us completely dependent by our being subject to His ongoing renewal of all things.
This Psalm is teaching us that we are only secure in a world in which all new life must come from the death of corruption. God exercised His control over all things by speaking each thing into existence. Everything was put in order by God to work together in perfect unity. All the words of man were spoken to advance the success and unity of the perfect culture. But sin brought destruction in all of the things of creation. The weight of the opposition was so great that the first corrupted man prevented all of the future generations from perfect success.The eternal and all knowing God is the only being who understands the history of destruction that created the present circumstances in our war with evil. We are unable to understand the extent of our opposition and the remedy that will make us whole. This Psalm is the perfect expression of our incomplete knowledge and power to address the entire history that has transpired from the beginning of time that has worked to make us who we are in our present world and our dependence upon God to reorder all of the corruption that will redeem us. When we experience renewal it is because God has searched out the entire history that has impacted our spiritual and physical health and the circumstances that we were born into.