Sunday, December 31, 2017

How build the character of Christ.
In the eternal counsel of God ,He designed and created all things according to His covenant -law. His description and reasons for creating all things was worked out by a covenant oath and the order of His perfect law. The desire of man to meet the laws demands was worked out by God in fulfilling mans purpose. But when sin entered into the world, man became blind to the covenant. Man only sees the laws standard. The law was separated from the covenant by the fall. Christ had to unite the law and the covenants once again by His incarnation. The struggle in all creation with sin and corruption is our loss of control living in the unity with Gods creative authority of covenant- law.
Gods covenant is the foundation of creating all things according to His perfect law. Our personal struggles as Gods elect with creation and in relationships is according to the tension we experience by the power of evil to separate Gods covenant from His law in which the unity is the basis of our experiencing rest. Our power to unite the covenant- law is in pronouncing the curse.
When man sinned he was cursed with blindness to the covenant oaths of Christ. Without understanding covenant faithfulness the wicked are forced to live under the law. The entire struggle in relationship with evil and the wicked is in exercising our covenant rights as we pronounce the law to oppose the violent threats that keep us from living in Christ covenant faithfulness. Separating the covenant from the law is like the person being divided. The perfect image of the real man is fulfilled in the covenant law keeper.
God has given us the means to wrestle and destroy all opposition. We are given eternal weapons to engage in hand to hand combat with spiritual forces of evil. Gods elect live in a world of violent hatred to the unity that comes from the power in laws work that is founded upon covenant. This personality of grace of covenant law is obnoxious to the natural disposition of the wicked. Gods elect have unlimited power in pronouncing the covenant oaths, arguing and pronouncing the laws standard and cursing the violators who are separated from the covenant. And the wicked have unending blindness and hatred toward this unity. Gods elect control the creation of this unity in pronouncing the covenant law and the curses which work beyond the blindness of the wicked so as to unite the creation.
Christ is the covenant keeper. The covenants are the legal authority that was given to Christ to carry out the law and the curses. Christ obedience is put to our account upon the swearing of His own hurt if the covenant failed. We are tied to the unity of the covenant law as our experience with eternal rest. The only power that we have to overcome our insecure separation of covenant law as the force of the opposition is the pronouncement of death upon law breakers. Knowing Christ is intimately tied to our own healthy disposition.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Ps 8 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings F18
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD , our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
This Psalm is teaching that before the worlds were created God planned the beginning of time to the end. The creation is evidence of Gods majesty from eternity past. In other words everything that ever comes into existence created according to the standard of eternal powers and beauty. We see the visual beauty but the designing and the creating was beyond our understanding. In Gods majesty we must accept the descriptions of all the things that He created as within our own small view. So we must be able to distinguish the truth in drawing a line between mystery and fact in describing our motives. In other words we can exaggerate the words and create a false image by our reaction.
The great battle of the garden was not between man and God. But it was between God and Satan. Man was Gods prized creation. We must always keep in mind that we are not the center of this battle. This Psalm is teaching that man got caught in the middle of the battle between the Creator God and the avenger. So we are not born in a world where man is god. We are born in a world where we are caught in between the war of Satan and God. Man is just a son of Satan.
We are taught that God was always in control , even when man fell into sin. Because man is defined by the Second man. I do not believe there was ever a time where the creation was threatened with extension. In other words God did not have to act in response to total destruction. But the great dividing that was part of the opposition of Satan was destroyed and unified by Gods free will in response to the sin in the garden. I mean that God even preordained sin and the right to rule over sin by willing it and the overthrow of it without opposition.
When we think about the strength of sin and the inability of man to overcome sin in himself we must always exalt Gods free will in our salvation. Because if at any time God would respond to the disaster of the fall then He would not be free. In order for God to be free every thing that is ever created must be unified or God would not be free. The only reason that we are saved was because it was ordered by God to bring all things into unity that we cannot understand. Our confidence then is in Gods free choice of us . If God were not free to choose then we are in bondage. In this sense there is no other reason from any one that can move us.
So really salvation cannot really be described in our emotional attraction to the objects of our love. Because perfect unity is found when the blessing meets the cursing. Salvation is the blessing coming from God and the cursing opposing our salvation. So Gods choice of us is what brings the blessing and the cursing together. This is what God preordained to keep the foundation of the majesty of His creation. So we can see that God had absolute control over all things when the opposition came together with the purposes of God in the Cross..the Cross united every thing going backward as well as forward. Because the blood of bulls and goats could not atone for sin. So the ot salvation and the nt salvation are unified.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Ps 28 3 Do not drag me away with the wicked,
with those who do evil,
who speak cordially with their neighbors
but harbor malice in their hearts.
4 Repay them for their deeds
and for their evil work;
repay them for what their hands have done
and bring back upon them what they deserve."

Most religions focus on mans attitude in repentance. Men think that the bible puts repentance in the context of the spirit of fervency. They will say that sin is one one side and repentance is the proof of the evilness of sin. In two line we are taught that repentance is a gift of God but under sanctification it is a work.This is the problem with two line. It says that repentance through grace is one line and repentance through works is the other line. These two are in direct opposition to one another. We are taught that this is a contradiction. This can influence everything that is taught. Its sort of like Bob Carol Ted and Alice.Its ok to commit adultery as long as you talk about it with your marriage partner. If they both cancel each other out then there is no real repentance. Its not settled is outside of Gods work. This is why I have never written in the fashion of faith that is contradictory. Because I believe that pragmatism is the last man centered focus that dies. I actually put the curses back into the doctrines of grace.
So here in this Psalm the Psalmist is teaching that when we are saved we are given a gift. It is the gift of knowing that we are sinners. Do you realize that the repentance that was preached in the Nation of Israel was to comfort Gods elect? Because anyone who did not see themselves as a sinner could care less about the call to repentance. It was only the elect that set the standard of acceptable citizenship under the law of God. It was a confession that would eliminate lawlessness from the world through a legal war. Why would the Psalmist express his human wishes in this Psalm instead of coming to God through the repentance? Why would the Psalmist blame the wicked for being a road block to eliminating judgement from Israel? He is saying dont let me go where my neighbor is going. Instead please send him there so we can enjoy national unity.
We must understand that the Psalms teach that if we know that we are sinners then we can show our faith by appealing to God for being unfair in treating us like the wicked when we struggle with pain from our weakness. That our sin as Gods elect is looked on as weakness and not a curse. You see the reason that we are gifted with the ability to know that we are sinners is because we cannot be deceived when we pronounce the curses. We cannot be consumed in human hate. The thing that seems to be the most vulnerable to us is to our most advantage.The motive to use everything negative about us as fuel in our prayers and worship is denied by focusing on the fervor and contradictory ideas about repentance.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Ps 31 3 Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
4 Free me from the trap that is set for me,
for you are my refuge.
5 Into your hands I commit my spirit;
redeem me, O LORD , the God of truth".
Every person will face many trials in this life. Here the Psalmist is describing the road that we walk has traps. These future events are troubles that we face. The world is filled with evil and trouble. But the Psalmist puts all trials in the context of salvation and deliverance. The Psalmist never describes troubles as a process , as being good in themselves or divorced from level of evil that permeates society. All troubles are described as a pit that is put in front us to cause us to stumble. This pit is distinguished from a permanent eternal judgement that the wicked slide into. But here the Psalmist says that the future trouble is described by another metaphor. This metaphor is a trap.
We must understand that all our trials are good in the sense that they motivate us to seek the Lord with more fervency. So when the Psalmist is describing the trial as a trap , he is saying that there are evil people who use the prophecy of scripture to describe the troubles of the elect with an evil prophecy. This what Christ was saying about the Pharisees. In other words there are some people who practice viewing the weaknesses of others being in need of trials to correct those weaknesses. So they are always viewing people in which the evil that falls upon them as necessary. They are always wishing an evil prophecy.
This self righteous attitude is common in this world. We live in a world where evil is so familiar and the trials are numerous. We just assume that it is the normal way of life. I believe that this problem is enforced by believing there are two equal systems that conflict that can never be reconciled in this life. Anytime you put these words like trials, deliverance, salvation, sanctification etc in the context of a contradiction you deny the reality of both. In other words teaching one truth at the expense of another and vise versa is teaching they both are unexplainable. When you teach contradictions you become the arbitrator.
But all trials in the bible are put in the context of deliverance and not growth. We must always put these words of salvation and sanctification in the context of deliverance and not process. When the bible uses the term of process it is talking about putting the evils on a chain by the curses. This is why the Psalms describe the trials as being a war with an evil prophecy about us. So we get tripped up into pits along the road but we must face the trap that is like the evil prophecy about us. See the danger is not the evil event but its wicked cursing us. Remember this that in all trials God is defending us from the evil events that are designed to destroy the wicked. All trials are common among all men. When the elect get caught in the trap there are millions of other men who are caught. These trials seem to be directed at us but we are only caught in the trial because God is bringing judgement on the wicked. For our trials to be profitable they must have boundaries. All men are blind to their own judgements but describe the judgements of other men with perfect detail in the context of a false justice. It is impossible for a wicked man to escape the evil prophecy of the trial that is in the curse. It is impossible for us to be imaged by the evil prophecy from the curse. Every man is unable to understand the level of evil that is in a trial. This is why the Psalmist is saying the context of deliverance is centered in overcoming the evil prophecy which is the trap.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Ps 130 7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD ,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins."
The bible teaches that Christ is the Lamb of God who sits on His throne. This lamb has paid the price so that all things could be renewed by God. The Psalms describe Redemption as God loving us with an unfailing love. Gods unfailing love is the only foundation of our relationship with Him. The Psalms teach that we must approach God according to His unfailing love. This means that we must order our words according to His laws, decrees , statutes, curses, covenants and promises. We are required to have an understanding of who we are approaching, what He has accomplished, the kind of attitude that we must display and the kind of confidence that is necessary to receive all these gifts from God. So when the Psalmist is describing Gods history of redemption it is always written in Scripture according to Gods laws, decrees..etc.
In order for us to know who we are , we must know and be convinced that there are clear doctrines set out in scripture that provide us with the standard that cannot be crossed. Once we redefine what is clearly taught then we worship another god. It is a god that we make up in our own minds. So the question is if we must not cross the line of the doctrines then we are required to be perfect in our knowledge and understanding. So this is why our only confidence of knowing God stands on the foundation of His unfailing love. Because God cannot be known in the fullest sense.
So God has communicated to us in baby talk. God has not left us without enough knowledge to know who He is and to know what he wants. We must understand that God has created all men and implanted His law in their hearts. All men exist by reasoning according to Gods law. So all of these terms of salvation are not just potential actions of God but are rooted in the legal justification of the existence of all things. This is why God establishes the existence of all things according to Himself. Nothing can be described and explained by any other being. God is the only one who knows the beginning from the end. God must justify the actions that result from the ends of all that He has created. This is why redemption is based upon the work of God alone. For all corruption and sin there must be a price that is paid. But it must be paid on the standard of the Perfect man. For corruption and sin to be justified it takes an eternal sacrifice.
We must understand that we who have been given Gods law are frustrated by the inability for us to unite Gods purposes with our judgements. This is why hope is inseparable from Gods unfailing love and His work of redemption. Without a work that unites Gods purposes with His judgements we all would be hopeless. This is why God has not only gifted us with the grace of salvation but He has also gifted us with His revealed word that teaches us to speak to God according to the way that He works out every thing in this plan of redemption . He has not left us to be in the dark and frustrated with our inability to justify the purposes of all things but He is pleased to listen to us according to His laws, covenants etc. So when the Psalmist proclaims that God Himself will redeem us from all of our sins and troubles He is coming to this understanding as he speaks in these pleasing ways. We are not left to just conclude that God is sovereign and we are frustrated.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Ps 19 12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression."
This Psalm is describing the two revelations of God. One is natural and the other is special revelation. The Psalmist describes how big of a gulf there is between Gods acts in creation and in His written word. He describes the impossibility of man to share in Gods actions of His revelations. God pre ordains whatsoever comes to pass by speaking it into existence and sustaining in His written revelation.
The Psalmist describes Gods creation of all things as a daily preaching of His laws, decrees, statutes, curses and covenants. He is saying that all the truth of reality is described by God in its perfect symmetry and completeness as we live in this time sequence. In other words every man has a biased view of the reality of Gods description that exist as we view it. The words of God describe reality beyond the constraints of time and the meta physical description from mans view. The works of God in these revelations are the boundaries of blessing of His government that define the terms of our salvation. When the Psalmist thinks of the detail and the ability to perform these works of creation and them meta physical works in man , he is confounded. In this mysterious disposition the Psalmist finds that it is impossible to get forgiveness without understanding the gulf between Gods works and mans ability. It is not found in horizontal relationships.
We must understand that when man talks about his needs being met it is always in the context of his view of forgiveness. Our view of God then determines our understanding of forgiveness. You cannot separate God and salvation from your view of forgiveness. The terms and the reality of forgiveness are not found in forgiving one another. The great war of finding forgiveness is our growth in understanding who God is. Forgiveness is not a action that we achieve. Gods forgiveness is not natural to us. It is antithetical to the way that we reason. This is how the Psalmist finds forgiveness. It is in the works of God that are described by the words of the law, covenants, statutes ,curses and promises. The Psalmist is saying that he is satisfied by understanding that Gods view of the Psalmist sin the necessary work that is needed to meet the Psalmist needs is so great that if God revealed the total sin and corruption that was in man , then all men would be vaporized in a second.
The Psalmist is teaching that he can never find satisfaction in knowing the true state of his own heart as God knows it. It is finding rest in Gods knowledge of the Psalmist strikes against the Psalmist natural way of reasoning. In other words the Palmist need is not met in his ability to control forgiveness but in Gods right to forgive the Psalmist according to Gods mysterious understanding of the Psalmist sinful condition. You see how hard it is to understand forgiveness? We must give up control to get it. If we can control forgiveness then we can control God.
Ps 68 1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered;
may his foes flee before him.
2 As smoke is blown away by the wind,
may you blow them away;
as wax melts before the fire,
may the wicked perish before God.
3 But may the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful."

The Psalms are spoken about the earth and the events of time from Gods view point. It is a book that teaches us that God lowers Himself to our level and speaks according to His view. You cannot assume that the expressions of the normal way that we communicate with one another are the only ones. This is what is confusing to people who have never prayed the Psalms. The normal person who has a knowledge of the Psalms but does not pray them does not understand that the Psalms are contained within themselves. In other words the terrible expressions in the Psalms are there for the people of God to develop in a relationship with the Father and not through meeting the requirements in order to develop the relationship.You see we were made like God and the Psalms teach us that as we think and desire like God , that unity that is developed comes through a growing freedom in which the fellowship is in the contained pronouncements of the Psalms expressed in unity with our Fathers desires.
So we find two extremes expressed side by side with each other. The reason that the Psalms express extreme anger and the highest joy is because we are always motivated in whatever circumstance that we are face by the understanding that God can change everything in our lives by speaking one word. We are never motivated by anything that opposes us. There are many things like pain, people, corruption, sin etc. The Psalms teach that all opposition must be opposed by Gods word. In other words the opposition pushing us in the opposite direction of our desires. We oppose all opposition through Gods pronounced words. We never think of any opposition according to our experience or according to our view of the power of that opposition. We wrestle with opposition as it is defined in the time we oppose it in the pronouncements. One pronouncement leads us to another pronouncement until we are satisfied that we will overcome. This is what is being taught here..i will further explain.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ps 19 12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression."
This Psalm is describing the two revelations of God. One is natural and the other is special revelation. The Psalmist describes how big of a gulf there is between Gods acts in creation and in His written word. He describes the impossibility of man to share in Gods actions of His revelations. God pre ordains whatsoever comes to pass by speaking it into existence and sustaining in His written revelation.
The Psalmist describes Gods creation of all things as a daily preaching of His laws, decrees, statutes, curses and covenants. He is saying that all the truth of reality is described by God in its perfect symmetry and completeness as we live in this time sequence. In other words every man has a biased view of the reality of Gods description that exist as we view it. The words of God describe reality beyond the constraints of time and the meta physical description from mans view. The works of God in these revelations are the boundaries of blessing of His government that define the terms of our salvation. When the Psalmist thinks of the detail and the ability to perform these works of creation and them meta physical works in man , he is confounded. In this mysterious disposition the Psalmist finds that it is impossible to get forgiveness without understanding the gulf between Gods works and mans ability. It is not found in horizontal relationships.
We must understand that when man talks about his needs being met it is always in the context of his view of forgiveness. Our view of God then determines our understanding of forgiveness. You cannot separate God and salvation from your view of forgiveness. The terms and the reality of forgiveness are not found in forgiving one another. The great war of finding forgiveness is our growth in understanding who God is. Forgiveness is not a action that we achieve. Gods forgiveness is not natural to us. It is antithetical to the way that we reason. This is how the Psalmist finds forgiveness. It is in the works of God that are described by the words of the law, covenants, statutes ,curses and promises. The Psalmist is saying that he is satisfied by understanding that Gods view of the Psalmist sin the necessary work that is needed to meet the Psalmist needs is so great that if God revealed the total sin and corruption that was in man , then all men would be vaporized in a second.
The Psalmist is teaching that he can never find satisfaction in knowing the true state of his own heart as God knows it. It is finding rest in Gods knowledge of the Psalmist strikes against the Psalmist natural way of reasoning. In other words the Palmist need is not met in his ability to control forgiveness but in Gods right to forgive the Psalmist according to Gods mysterious understanding of the Psalmist sinful condition. You see how hard it is to understand forgiveness? We must give up control to get it. If we can control forgiveness then we can control God.