Sunday, December 31, 2017

How build the character of Christ.
In the eternal counsel of God ,He designed and created all things according to His covenant -law. His description and reasons for creating all things was worked out by a covenant oath and the order of His perfect law. The desire of man to meet the laws demands was worked out by God in fulfilling mans purpose. But when sin entered into the world, man became blind to the covenant. Man only sees the laws standard. The law was separated from the covenant by the fall. Christ had to unite the law and the covenants once again by His incarnation. The struggle in all creation with sin and corruption is our loss of control living in the unity with Gods creative authority of covenant- law.
Gods covenant is the foundation of creating all things according to His perfect law. Our personal struggles as Gods elect with creation and in relationships is according to the tension we experience by the power of evil to separate Gods covenant from His law in which the unity is the basis of our experiencing rest. Our power to unite the covenant- law is in pronouncing the curse.
When man sinned he was cursed with blindness to the covenant oaths of Christ. Without understanding covenant faithfulness the wicked are forced to live under the law. The entire struggle in relationship with evil and the wicked is in exercising our covenant rights as we pronounce the law to oppose the violent threats that keep us from living in Christ covenant faithfulness. Separating the covenant from the law is like the person being divided. The perfect image of the real man is fulfilled in the covenant law keeper.
God has given us the means to wrestle and destroy all opposition. We are given eternal weapons to engage in hand to hand combat with spiritual forces of evil. Gods elect live in a world of violent hatred to the unity that comes from the power in laws work that is founded upon covenant. This personality of grace of covenant law is obnoxious to the natural disposition of the wicked. Gods elect have unlimited power in pronouncing the covenant oaths, arguing and pronouncing the laws standard and cursing the violators who are separated from the covenant. And the wicked have unending blindness and hatred toward this unity. Gods elect control the creation of this unity in pronouncing the covenant law and the curses which work beyond the blindness of the wicked so as to unite the creation.
Christ is the covenant keeper. The covenants are the legal authority that was given to Christ to carry out the law and the curses. Christ obedience is put to our account upon the swearing of His own hurt if the covenant failed. We are tied to the unity of the covenant law as our experience with eternal rest. The only power that we have to overcome our insecure separation of covenant law as the force of the opposition is the pronouncement of death upon law breakers. Knowing Christ is intimately tied to our own healthy disposition.

Monday, December 25, 2017

Ps 8 5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings F18
and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD , our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
This Psalm is teaching that before the worlds were created God planned the beginning of time to the end. The creation is evidence of Gods majesty from eternity past. In other words everything that ever comes into existence created according to the standard of eternal powers and beauty. We see the visual beauty but the designing and the creating was beyond our understanding. In Gods majesty we must accept the descriptions of all the things that He created as within our own small view. So we must be able to distinguish the truth in drawing a line between mystery and fact in describing our motives. In other words we can exaggerate the words and create a false image by our reaction.
The great battle of the garden was not between man and God. But it was between God and Satan. Man was Gods prized creation. We must always keep in mind that we are not the center of this battle. This Psalm is teaching that man got caught in the middle of the battle between the Creator God and the avenger. So we are not born in a world where man is god. We are born in a world where we are caught in between the war of Satan and God. Man is just a son of Satan.
We are taught that God was always in control , even when man fell into sin. Because man is defined by the Second man. I do not believe there was ever a time where the creation was threatened with extension. In other words God did not have to act in response to total destruction. But the great dividing that was part of the opposition of Satan was destroyed and unified by Gods free will in response to the sin in the garden. I mean that God even preordained sin and the right to rule over sin by willing it and the overthrow of it without opposition.
When we think about the strength of sin and the inability of man to overcome sin in himself we must always exalt Gods free will in our salvation. Because if at any time God would respond to the disaster of the fall then He would not be free. In order for God to be free every thing that is ever created must be unified or God would not be free. The only reason that we are saved was because it was ordered by God to bring all things into unity that we cannot understand. Our confidence then is in Gods free choice of us . If God were not free to choose then we are in bondage. In this sense there is no other reason from any one that can move us.
So really salvation cannot really be described in our emotional attraction to the objects of our love. Because perfect unity is found when the blessing meets the cursing. Salvation is the blessing coming from God and the cursing opposing our salvation. So Gods choice of us is what brings the blessing and the cursing together. This is what God preordained to keep the foundation of the majesty of His creation. So we can see that God had absolute control over all things when the opposition came together with the purposes of God in the Cross..the Cross united every thing going backward as well as forward. Because the blood of bulls and goats could not atone for sin. So the ot salvation and the nt salvation are unified.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Ps 28 3 Do not drag me away with the wicked,
with those who do evil,
who speak cordially with their neighbors
but harbor malice in their hearts.
4 Repay them for their deeds
and for their evil work;
repay them for what their hands have done
and bring back upon them what they deserve."

Most religions focus on mans attitude in repentance. Men think that the bible puts repentance in the context of the spirit of fervency. They will say that sin is one one side and repentance is the proof of the evilness of sin. In two line we are taught that repentance is a gift of God but under sanctification it is a work.This is the problem with two line. It says that repentance through grace is one line and repentance through works is the other line. These two are in direct opposition to one another. We are taught that this is a contradiction. This can influence everything that is taught. Its sort of like Bob Carol Ted and Alice.Its ok to commit adultery as long as you talk about it with your marriage partner. If they both cancel each other out then there is no real repentance. Its not settled is outside of Gods work. This is why I have never written in the fashion of faith that is contradictory. Because I believe that pragmatism is the last man centered focus that dies. I actually put the curses back into the doctrines of grace.
So here in this Psalm the Psalmist is teaching that when we are saved we are given a gift. It is the gift of knowing that we are sinners. Do you realize that the repentance that was preached in the Nation of Israel was to comfort Gods elect? Because anyone who did not see themselves as a sinner could care less about the call to repentance. It was only the elect that set the standard of acceptable citizenship under the law of God. It was a confession that would eliminate lawlessness from the world through a legal war. Why would the Psalmist express his human wishes in this Psalm instead of coming to God through the repentance? Why would the Psalmist blame the wicked for being a road block to eliminating judgement from Israel? He is saying dont let me go where my neighbor is going. Instead please send him there so we can enjoy national unity.
We must understand that the Psalms teach that if we know that we are sinners then we can show our faith by appealing to God for being unfair in treating us like the wicked when we struggle with pain from our weakness. That our sin as Gods elect is looked on as weakness and not a curse. You see the reason that we are gifted with the ability to know that we are sinners is because we cannot be deceived when we pronounce the curses. We cannot be consumed in human hate. The thing that seems to be the most vulnerable to us is to our most advantage.The motive to use everything negative about us as fuel in our prayers and worship is denied by focusing on the fervor and contradictory ideas about repentance.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Ps 31 3 Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me.
4 Free me from the trap that is set for me,
for you are my refuge.
5 Into your hands I commit my spirit;
redeem me, O LORD , the God of truth".
Every person will face many trials in this life. Here the Psalmist is describing the road that we walk has traps. These future events are troubles that we face. The world is filled with evil and trouble. But the Psalmist puts all trials in the context of salvation and deliverance. The Psalmist never describes troubles as a process , as being good in themselves or divorced from level of evil that permeates society. All troubles are described as a pit that is put in front us to cause us to stumble. This pit is distinguished from a permanent eternal judgement that the wicked slide into. But here the Psalmist says that the future trouble is described by another metaphor. This metaphor is a trap.
We must understand that all our trials are good in the sense that they motivate us to seek the Lord with more fervency. So when the Psalmist is describing the trial as a trap , he is saying that there are evil people who use the prophecy of scripture to describe the troubles of the elect with an evil prophecy. This what Christ was saying about the Pharisees. In other words there are some people who practice viewing the weaknesses of others being in need of trials to correct those weaknesses. So they are always viewing people in which the evil that falls upon them as necessary. They are always wishing an evil prophecy.
This self righteous attitude is common in this world. We live in a world where evil is so familiar and the trials are numerous. We just assume that it is the normal way of life. I believe that this problem is enforced by believing there are two equal systems that conflict that can never be reconciled in this life. Anytime you put these words like trials, deliverance, salvation, sanctification etc in the context of a contradiction you deny the reality of both. In other words teaching one truth at the expense of another and vise versa is teaching they both are unexplainable. When you teach contradictions you become the arbitrator.
But all trials in the bible are put in the context of deliverance and not growth. We must always put these words of salvation and sanctification in the context of deliverance and not process. When the bible uses the term of process it is talking about putting the evils on a chain by the curses. This is why the Psalms describe the trials as being a war with an evil prophecy about us. So we get tripped up into pits along the road but we must face the trap that is like the evil prophecy about us. See the danger is not the evil event but its wicked cursing us. Remember this that in all trials God is defending us from the evil events that are designed to destroy the wicked. All trials are common among all men. When the elect get caught in the trap there are millions of other men who are caught. These trials seem to be directed at us but we are only caught in the trial because God is bringing judgement on the wicked. For our trials to be profitable they must have boundaries. All men are blind to their own judgements but describe the judgements of other men with perfect detail in the context of a false justice. It is impossible for a wicked man to escape the evil prophecy of the trial that is in the curse. It is impossible for us to be imaged by the evil prophecy from the curse. Every man is unable to understand the level of evil that is in a trial. This is why the Psalmist is saying the context of deliverance is centered in overcoming the evil prophecy which is the trap.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Ps 130 7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD ,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins."
The bible teaches that Christ is the Lamb of God who sits on His throne. This lamb has paid the price so that all things could be renewed by God. The Psalms describe Redemption as God loving us with an unfailing love. Gods unfailing love is the only foundation of our relationship with Him. The Psalms teach that we must approach God according to His unfailing love. This means that we must order our words according to His laws, decrees , statutes, curses, covenants and promises. We are required to have an understanding of who we are approaching, what He has accomplished, the kind of attitude that we must display and the kind of confidence that is necessary to receive all these gifts from God. So when the Psalmist is describing Gods history of redemption it is always written in Scripture according to Gods laws, decrees..etc.
In order for us to know who we are , we must know and be convinced that there are clear doctrines set out in scripture that provide us with the standard that cannot be crossed. Once we redefine what is clearly taught then we worship another god. It is a god that we make up in our own minds. So the question is if we must not cross the line of the doctrines then we are required to be perfect in our knowledge and understanding. So this is why our only confidence of knowing God stands on the foundation of His unfailing love. Because God cannot be known in the fullest sense.
So God has communicated to us in baby talk. God has not left us without enough knowledge to know who He is and to know what he wants. We must understand that God has created all men and implanted His law in their hearts. All men exist by reasoning according to Gods law. So all of these terms of salvation are not just potential actions of God but are rooted in the legal justification of the existence of all things. This is why God establishes the existence of all things according to Himself. Nothing can be described and explained by any other being. God is the only one who knows the beginning from the end. God must justify the actions that result from the ends of all that He has created. This is why redemption is based upon the work of God alone. For all corruption and sin there must be a price that is paid. But it must be paid on the standard of the Perfect man. For corruption and sin to be justified it takes an eternal sacrifice.
We must understand that we who have been given Gods law are frustrated by the inability for us to unite Gods purposes with our judgements. This is why hope is inseparable from Gods unfailing love and His work of redemption. Without a work that unites Gods purposes with His judgements we all would be hopeless. This is why God has not only gifted us with the grace of salvation but He has also gifted us with His revealed word that teaches us to speak to God according to the way that He works out every thing in this plan of redemption . He has not left us to be in the dark and frustrated with our inability to justify the purposes of all things but He is pleased to listen to us according to His laws, covenants etc. So when the Psalmist proclaims that God Himself will redeem us from all of our sins and troubles He is coming to this understanding as he speaks in these pleasing ways. We are not left to just conclude that God is sovereign and we are frustrated.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Ps 19 12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression."
This Psalm is describing the two revelations of God. One is natural and the other is special revelation. The Psalmist describes how big of a gulf there is between Gods acts in creation and in His written word. He describes the impossibility of man to share in Gods actions of His revelations. God pre ordains whatsoever comes to pass by speaking it into existence and sustaining in His written revelation.
The Psalmist describes Gods creation of all things as a daily preaching of His laws, decrees, statutes, curses and covenants. He is saying that all the truth of reality is described by God in its perfect symmetry and completeness as we live in this time sequence. In other words every man has a biased view of the reality of Gods description that exist as we view it. The words of God describe reality beyond the constraints of time and the meta physical description from mans view. The works of God in these revelations are the boundaries of blessing of His government that define the terms of our salvation. When the Psalmist thinks of the detail and the ability to perform these works of creation and them meta physical works in man , he is confounded. In this mysterious disposition the Psalmist finds that it is impossible to get forgiveness without understanding the gulf between Gods works and mans ability. It is not found in horizontal relationships.
We must understand that when man talks about his needs being met it is always in the context of his view of forgiveness. Our view of God then determines our understanding of forgiveness. You cannot separate God and salvation from your view of forgiveness. The terms and the reality of forgiveness are not found in forgiving one another. The great war of finding forgiveness is our growth in understanding who God is. Forgiveness is not a action that we achieve. Gods forgiveness is not natural to us. It is antithetical to the way that we reason. This is how the Psalmist finds forgiveness. It is in the works of God that are described by the words of the law, covenants, statutes ,curses and promises. The Psalmist is saying that he is satisfied by understanding that Gods view of the Psalmist sin the necessary work that is needed to meet the Psalmist needs is so great that if God revealed the total sin and corruption that was in man , then all men would be vaporized in a second.
The Psalmist is teaching that he can never find satisfaction in knowing the true state of his own heart as God knows it. It is finding rest in Gods knowledge of the Psalmist strikes against the Psalmist natural way of reasoning. In other words the Palmist need is not met in his ability to control forgiveness but in Gods right to forgive the Psalmist according to Gods mysterious understanding of the Psalmist sinful condition. You see how hard it is to understand forgiveness? We must give up control to get it. If we can control forgiveness then we can control God.
Ps 68 1 May God arise, may his enemies be scattered;
may his foes flee before him.
2 As smoke is blown away by the wind,
may you blow them away;
as wax melts before the fire,
may the wicked perish before God.
3 But may the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful."

The Psalms are spoken about the earth and the events of time from Gods view point. It is a book that teaches us that God lowers Himself to our level and speaks according to His view. You cannot assume that the expressions of the normal way that we communicate with one another are the only ones. This is what is confusing to people who have never prayed the Psalms. The normal person who has a knowledge of the Psalms but does not pray them does not understand that the Psalms are contained within themselves. In other words the terrible expressions in the Psalms are there for the people of God to develop in a relationship with the Father and not through meeting the requirements in order to develop the relationship.You see we were made like God and the Psalms teach us that as we think and desire like God , that unity that is developed comes through a growing freedom in which the fellowship is in the contained pronouncements of the Psalms expressed in unity with our Fathers desires.
So we find two extremes expressed side by side with each other. The reason that the Psalms express extreme anger and the highest joy is because we are always motivated in whatever circumstance that we are face by the understanding that God can change everything in our lives by speaking one word. We are never motivated by anything that opposes us. There are many things like pain, people, corruption, sin etc. The Psalms teach that all opposition must be opposed by Gods word. In other words the opposition pushing us in the opposite direction of our desires. We oppose all opposition through Gods pronounced words. We never think of any opposition according to our experience or according to our view of the power of that opposition. We wrestle with opposition as it is defined in the time we oppose it in the pronouncements. One pronouncement leads us to another pronouncement until we are satisfied that we will overcome. This is what is being taught here..i will further explain.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Ps 19 12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression."
This Psalm is describing the two revelations of God. One is natural and the other is special revelation. The Psalmist describes how big of a gulf there is between Gods acts in creation and in His written word. He describes the impossibility of man to share in Gods actions of His revelations. God pre ordains whatsoever comes to pass by speaking it into existence and sustaining in His written revelation.
The Psalmist describes Gods creation of all things as a daily preaching of His laws, decrees, statutes, curses and covenants. He is saying that all the truth of reality is described by God in its perfect symmetry and completeness as we live in this time sequence. In other words every man has a biased view of the reality of Gods description that exist as we view it. The words of God describe reality beyond the constraints of time and the meta physical description from mans view. The works of God in these revelations are the boundaries of blessing of His government that define the terms of our salvation. When the Psalmist thinks of the detail and the ability to perform these works of creation and them meta physical works in man , he is confounded. In this mysterious disposition the Psalmist finds that it is impossible to get forgiveness without understanding the gulf between Gods works and mans ability. It is not found in horizontal relationships.
We must understand that when man talks about his needs being met it is always in the context of his view of forgiveness. Our view of God then determines our understanding of forgiveness. You cannot separate God and salvation from your view of forgiveness. The terms and the reality of forgiveness are not found in forgiving one another. The great war of finding forgiveness is our growth in understanding who God is. Forgiveness is not a action that we achieve. Gods forgiveness is not natural to us. It is antithetical to the way that we reason. This is how the Psalmist finds forgiveness. It is in the works of God that are described by the words of the law, covenants, statutes ,curses and promises. The Psalmist is saying that he is satisfied by understanding that Gods view of the Psalmist sin the necessary work that is needed to meet the Psalmist needs is so great that if God revealed the total sin and corruption that was in man , then all men would be vaporized in a second.
The Psalmist is teaching that he can never find satisfaction in knowing the true state of his own heart as God knows it. It is finding rest in Gods knowledge of the Psalmist strikes against the Psalmist natural way of reasoning. In other words the Palmist need is not met in his ability to control forgiveness but in Gods right to forgive the Psalmist according to Gods mysterious understanding of the Psalmist sinful condition. You see how hard it is to understand forgiveness? We must give up control to get it. If we can control forgiveness then we can control God.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Ps 85 10 Love and faithfulness meet together;
righteousness and peace kiss each other.
11 Faithfulness springs forth from the earth,
and righteousness looks down from heaven.
12 The LORD will indeed give what is good,
and our land will yield its harvest.
13 Righteousness goes before him
and prepares the way for his steps."

This is the ultimate unity of heaven and earth. This is describing what happened in Christ death and resurrection. We must understand that the events of this earth are never limited by the perfect experience of the unity of God. The Psalms are laws, covenants , curses, promises and statutes that control the kingdom that dwells in our hearts. Our problem is that we limit God by our view very small view in our time sequence.. We actually think that the world is like God. You see God is eternal. He existed in eternity before the world was formed. God describes everything in one view. He is not limited by the progress of time. He sees the beginning from the end. Now listen , in Gods view all things are justified by His cursing and blessing. This is what brings all things to unity.
You see here that love is in the heavens and faithfulness is on the earth. Now listen God made the earth for mankind. He gave the earth and its valuables for us to use and rule over. But the problem is that we are subject to the opposition of sin and corruption. The truth is that we can do nothing without God. We are absolutely dependent upon God. We cannot survive without love from heaven united with faithfulness of His creation. His gifts to us are dependent upon His sustaining and ordering all things. Our problem is that we really do not believe there is a legal pronouncement from heaven on the laws that sustain all things. We are looking to mankind to create the health and the moral structure that gives us peace. But the truth is that God orders all things because He must justify Himself as the perfect Governor.
The Psalmist is declaring the basis of his confidence is in the legal justification of God that prevents the universe from destroying all mankind. The bases of God unifying His work of sustaining all things and providing all things is that God covenanted with His elect to provide for His people with the promise that He would be subject to the harm of man if He were not faithful!!!!!Here the Psalmist is declaring that when he pronounces the laws, covenants ..etc that He experiences the total unity of God legally perfect kingdom that reorders all things in this sin and corrupted world. So he can pronounce the perfect kingdom that is the only hope of finding unity in this world and perhaps experience it in actually in the future as we live under the governments of this world. When the works of God are united with our present experience then we experience the ultimate unity and pleasure of this world.
Ps 69 26 For they persecute those you wound
and talk about the pain of those you hurt."
This Psalm teaches us the cause of all pain. Pain comes from sin and corruption. The very presence of corruption is something that cries out against us. It is like someone presenting a case against us. We must understand that pain is the worst enemy and most personal enemy that we must endure. Pain is a universal problem that is common among all men.
All men possess the law of God. We naturally describe the violation of the law of God in terms of a physical or spiritual pain. All men face a problem when explaining the opposition according to the limits of pain. No matter what we face in this world and the focus we put upon that object it is always put in the language of the weight of joy or pain. So pain can be a stigma to us. Its not the pain that we fear the most but its being under the control of the pain. So all of us understand the power that pain can exercise over us. This is why we use pain as a way to judge the value of everything in this world.
Just think about this. If we experienced no physical or psychological pain in handling the things and relationships in this world then we be free of the control that limits us from exploring our purpose. The truth is that because pain is entwined in our communication as a threat to us we experience the opposition to our full potential.The more that pain influences our culture the more timid we are in reaching our full potential.
We were not made to experience the process of death that results in pain. Our familiarity in experiencing pain is the reason that we inflict pain on others. Pain is like a disease that keeps us from our full potential. The problem is that we lower God to the person who must use pain as we use it. But instead of God being controlled by pain, He is in control of pain.
We must understand that when Adam sinned God cursed all men. This brought about corruption that brought pain into the world. But God never used pain like we use it. God took care of pain as fast as it was introduced to man. God had to destroy sin ,corruption and pain by a substitute. From the very beginning when man sinned God pursued man in the garden to redeem that sin and pain. Now listen to me. God does not inflict pain. Pain is a result of sin. The problem is that we bring God down to our experience and put Him under our control by thinking that pain can only be dealt outside of redemption. God has destroyed pain by His death. This is why we call salvation going from a state of bondage to being set free. God saves us from using pain to accomplish our purposes. He destroys pain in the curse.
And here the Psalmist is complaining about the wicked who are still in bondage to pain. In other words they talk about the pain of the elect in order to inflict the pain of guilt. He describes this as bondage to scorn. In order for the Psalmist to be free from this attempt of the wicked to put him into the bondage of that scorn the Psalmist uses the curses to free himself. You see the presence of pain is the reason that we promote violence in this world. It is the cause of murder. The bondage of pain is so destructive that God had to die in order to destroy it. There is only one way to be free of the culture of the miss use of pain and it is to put it to death in the curse.
November 28, 2016 ·
Ps 31 23 Love the LORD, all his saints! The LORD preserves the faithful, but the proud he pays back in full."
We must make a distinction between an unbeliever who is unable to please God and a believer who possess the same inability but has been given the nature of God in order to overcome sin and corruption. This is why in the bible a saint is technically not a proud man. Here are some very clear examples of what I am saying. 36 11 "May the foot of the proud not come against me, nor the hand of the wicked drive me away." The Psalmist is employing a figure of speech called alteration. So we can interchange the wicked and the proud.Here the Psalmist calls and unbeliever the "proud"
We must understand that as long as we are in this body we share some of the same traits as the wicked. We struggle with the same sins. But the difference is that we no longer are identified with the wicked. It is impossible for us to be righteous and then fall again and become unsaved. So the bible makes this clear distinction so that we are not confused about our eternal salvation.
Let me say this . I have memorized these Psalms and meditated on them for 30 years. After you employ them you begin to understand the importance of the difference the names in appealing to God on behalf of His covenant people. Now do not take this personal but you must understand that anyone who has grown to this point knows how immature a person is who has not gone beyond just a superficial word study. There is a difference between using the Psalms so much that they are a second language and doing a cross reference study.
We cannot be named a proud man because when the Psalmist speaks curses against the enemy He employs the name of the enemy as "proud" .94 2 Rise up, O Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve." Now this is very serious and we must look closely at the teaching of the curse. Because most teachers avoid the teaching of the curse that puts these names in their proper context. Because the teaching of the curse lays down the clear lines that we would not see if we were looking at these words pragmatically. Its easy to take a word out of the context and use it flippantly.
Now let me talk about the relationship between justification and sanctification. Because theologians do not employ the curses as the Psalmist does they do not see how important the state of righteousness is as opposed to the state of death. Its like any teaching. You can be influenced by the predominate teaching of the day which is armininism and Catholicism and still understand the doctrines of grace. This is how a teaching can be warped so that we cross the lines of soverign grace. In my opinion because I have memorized the curses and blessings I believe that it is very easy for a person to interpret something and not understand the emotional bias that he uses in the teaching. We must understand that there is no substitution for advancing in this life by knowing the words enough to understand them like we use our English. In the christian faith what we do not know is our propensity to put our own opinions into our form of speech ... The christian life is a focus on words. Its scrutinizing the words so that we can correct the continuous self talk that we repeat that is false. This life is replacing our own patterns of thought and speaking every word under the authority of the bible.
You must understand that the Psalms teach us to challenge our own self talk. This behavior is absolutely essential in understanding and applying the bible. A person who is schooled in this discipline is like a professional in understanding the problems with people who are infants in their use of scripture. You can get to the point where you do this discipline for hours a day and you can see identify the areas where a teaching is causing the problem Teaching is self talk and self talk is the view we learn about our reality.. A person who uses the Psalms learns a totally different way of viewing the different parts of life. We learn to take a situation and put it through the Psalms pronouncing in order to take the disjointed parts of our the experience and unify everything around us. After many years we are like a cartoon character who depends upon the special powers that we get from our pronouncements so that we cannot exist without the discipline. We would lose the high view that we get from the discipline.
I apologize for my propensity to always correct someone.. Its a habit of mine to hear an expression from a person and turn it over as part of the mediation in the Psalms..Its very hard for me to keep from processing the teaching without a very intent focus. My wheels are always turning so to speak.I have an excuse because my mother was a Newton...i come from a family where everyone is employing as many ideas..reading things about people etc...its what made me hungry for knowledge
Ps 84 11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
the LORD bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
from those whose walk is blameless".
The Psalmist always begins to reason from the ultimate view that God could make all things right in this world by speaking them into existence. We must understand the God is able to overcome all other wills. This is why it is so easy for us to limit our potential by thinking that God is limited by the system of doctrine or the view that we have of relationships in our experience with other people. We must understand that when God created us ,He mades us like Himself. We are creators.
We get pleasure in making things from our ability to view and image in our minds. One of our greatest pleasures is to be free to imagine something that is beyond our normal experience in this world. We are not just physical beings. But we connect with others in a spiritual way. We teach ourselves by the words that we use to describe other people and our own experience. We place limits on our view that are not legitimate. Some people have never learned that the Spirit of God uses the word of God to help us rise above the limits of this world to experience the beauty and power of God. We must learn how to go from word to mystery. Because when we experience mystery we begin to develop a sanctified imagination. The reason that the christian faith comes to us as a negative and constraining experience is because we are living through someone else experience. We will never understand Christian freedom when we limit how God uses us by what other people teach us. The pleasure and positive influence in this life comes from true self knowledge.
This is why interpreting the scriptures and applying them correctly is a life long examination. Because we naturally bring God down to our own level. We must see how constrained the natural man lives. The Psalms teach that the expression of total freedom is the description that God has about the purpose for which He created all things. In other words God enjoys devising, creating and sustaining all things. The spiritual world has not limits of Gods willing and acting. We must understand that our salvation was receiving the implanted word of God. That is the fullness of God. The implantation is the revealed word that describes who we are and what Gods purpose in our lives is. But it is also the residence of all the mysteries of God. So this is why the Apostle prays that we might know that wisdom and love of God that is beyond our understanding. Here the Psalmist is depicting our spiritual world in the kingdom of God in which God sustains and emanates Himself in this legally perfect kingdom to cause us to dwell in the warmth and the light of this mysterious reception of His favor.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Ps 131 1 My heart is not proud, O LORD ,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.
2 But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.
3 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD
both now and forevermore."
The purpose of meditating on Gods law, decrees, curses, promises and statutes is to find rest for our souls. Before the fall man did not experience tension. Tension is the result of opposition. When man sinned we became corrupted in body and soul. There is no part of us that is free of opposition. We are opposed by guilt, shame, sorrow, and fear. We suffer physical pain. But in the Psalms everything that exist can be described in words. All reality is described perfectly by God because God designed it and created it. The perfect description of Gods creation is spoken in pronouncements of Gods law, covenants, curses, promises and statutes.
The corruption is the disjointed and disordered communication that we experience as pain. This is why we as corrupted beings are complicated. If we could have a continuous explanation from God as we face the pain of this disorder then we would experience rest which is an ability to lean on God. But because we are unable to know a detailed explanation of the reasons and the remedy against the opposition then we must learn to live with a incomplete record that is given to us in Gods revelation. In order for us to experience spiritual rest we must learn how to roll all of our troubles and pain over to God.
Some people teach that we simply tell God what we are experiencing and give it to Him. You can program a robot to act in a certain way but self governing beings act by desire and not a bare choice. There are a lot of meta physical actions that we perform before we actually do the act. This is why God has made us like Himself. Because God has designed the things He created and spoke them into existence from nothing. So we are dependent upon the order and unity of all things as the foundation of our spiritual health. So we are very complicated because the corruption that oppose us is both understandable and mysterious. We are naturally made to create as God has created. When we are frustrated by disorder we are opposed as creators.
You see God experiences pleasure in that creative activity. So our hopes and self fulfillment are frustrated by the opposition to our purpose in creating. If we were able to know and understand the corruption as God understands it then we would experience the unity as creators. When we experience this unity we feel in control of the creation.
But God has not left us in total mystery. He has given us the outline of His description in creating all things. We need perfect communication in order to know our purpose and to experience unity of being. God has given us words that are communicated as if they are spoken to us.The words are used by the Holy Spirit to reorder our desires and thoughts so that we experience unity of being.God has made us to think and speak. The law , decrees, covenants , statutes etc are spoken in the form of pronouncements. God create all things by pronouncing them into existence from nothing. This is why we are naturally gifted to recreating the disorder by speaking the pronouncements. So the recreation in our use of the pronouncements is speaking unity into reality.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

We must understand that the ultimate reality is only understood by God. Because God is the only one who is free to do as He wills. God is absolutely free. All other wills can be thwarted. But the real reality is that God created us like Himself. But because our wills can be thwarted we do not have the ability to see reality without some kind of bias. So every persons view of reality is their own view.
This is why that disunity exist in the world. If everyone were able to be completely free they would need to do as they will as God has created them. If everyone were able to do as they will with the fullest expression of their gifts and attributes then the world would be the highest pleasure and appreciation of the exercise of the gifts that answered everyone else gifts. There would never be a reason to thwart someone else will. We must understand that God created us to express our will without opposition. The frustrations of all human beings is the inability to have the freedom to be soverign. I mean a little soverign.
Before sin entered the world man enjoyed the ability to desire, will and act without confusion. But when sin entered then man was made unable to choose good. Now here is the thing...when man is saved that old will is destroyed. Calvin says that the old will in the personal sense in not destroyed. In others words to totally annihilate the will would be to create a robot. But the evil that reigned in man that made him unable to choose good died in Christ. And the will that was under the dominion of the evil desire was destroyed.
This is why mans view of himself and his understanding of God is described in the Psalms as the righteous desire. Any one who has memorized the book of Psalms and meditated for 35 years knows that the desire is the central part of the expression of the law that God implanted in the elect. In other words unless the law is successful in dethroning evil and corruption then we are all hopeless and ruled by the curse. We must understand that just as Gods curse is the weight of the law that prevents man from being as evil as he possibly could be, so the reality that we live in is a wrestling and overcoming the desire of the wicked. Evil is not a mystical force but it is the actions of evil men who get what they desire.
We must know what we desire and we must be able to express our desires to God. Our desires are only real as they are formed by Gods law, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. Now listen...the only true self knowledge is pursuing our desires until they are satisfied. You must understand that the Psalms are written to prosecute our success by our desires. If a persons desires are thwarted then its the same as being a non person. The Psalms teach us how to get what we desire by communicating the gifts. law etc.
We must understand that these gifts are pronouncements that unite our identity with our success. The number one reason that people are not successful is the confusion they have of themselves and their purpose. When we are saved our problem is not that we have too high of a view of ourselves. Because the very fact that we are saved is that we have self knowledge because we know we are sinners. Our problem is that we have too low of a view of ourselves .We do not actively use Gods word to unite our desires with our purpose. The Psalms are pronouncements and human expressions of frustrations of the thwarting of the desire. But the central experience of Christian pleasure is in the desire. So we can focus on the desire and find pleasure that is not determined by anything in this world. If God is free because His will cannot be thwarted then He is pleased to grant us success as He is successful

Saturday, November 4, 2017

God acts in all circumstances by His creative word .No matter how hard men seek to change the world ,they cannot achieve it by their actions. There is nothing that transpires in this world unless God decrees it. Now listen ...we are Gods creation. Our physical and spiritual being is a collection of God speaking the smallest atom into existence. We cannot even breath without God speaking it.
God has decided to recreate every future circumstance by His spoken word. His words prophecy future events. Because there are no events that come into realty that are different from the war between good and evil. Evil is always the same and good is always the same. The arguments between constitutional governments and rebellious nations have always been the same since before the foundation of the earth! Because Gods creative word never violates His law ,covenants, statutes, curse and promises. Never!
When we speak Gods covenants as pronouncements we are prophesying future events. I prophesied this present political struggle 15 years ago. I have been pronouncing this event for 30 years.The event is Gods law that becomes clear as the vehicle to awaken our nation so that once again there is a clear choice between Gods law and the evil corruption that man has achieved. Now listen our feelings of worth and success are tied to finding the revealing of Gods law that smashes the corruption of the nation. We are never done until the eternal judgement. But for me it will be an answer to thirty years of pronouncing. The life that I feel will be like being shocked by the breath of God if Trump wins... I will gain a new level of confidence in pronouncing....

Sunday, October 29, 2017

God acts in all circumstances by His creative word .No matter how hard men seek to change the world ,they cannot achieve it by their actions. There is nothing that transpires in this world unless God decrees it. Now listen ...we are Gods creation. Our physical and spiritual being is a collection of God speaking the smallest atom into existence. We cannot even breath without God speaking it.
God has decided to recreate every future circumstance by His spoken word. His words prophecy future events. Because there are no events that come into realty that are different from the war between good and evil. Evil is always the same and good is always the same. The arguments between constitutional governments and rebellious nations have always been the same since before the foundation of the earth! Because Gods creative word never violates His law ,covenants, statutes, curse and promises. Never!
When we speak Gods covenants as pronouncements we are prophesying future events. I prophesied this present political struggle 15 years ago. I have been pronouncing this event for 30 years.The event is Gods law that becomes clear as the vehicle to awaken our nation so that once again there is a clear choice between Gods law and the evil corruption that man has achieved. Now listen our feelings of worth and success are tied to finding the revealing of Gods law that smashes the corruption of the nation. We are never done until the eternal judgement. But for me it will be an answer to thirty years of pronouncing. The life that I feel will be like being shocked by the breath of God if Trump wins... I will gain a new level of confidence in pronouncing....

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Ps 35 7 Since they hid their net for me without cause
and without cause dug a pit for me,
8 may ruin overtake them by surprise-
may the net they hid entangle them,
may they fall into the pit, to their ruin.
9 Then my soul will rejoice in the LORD
and delight in his salvation.
10 My whole being will exclaim,
"Who is like you, O LORD ?
You rescue the poor from those too strong for them,
the poor and needy from those who rob them."
The christian faith is a faith of having a family of friends. The Psalms teach that a friend of God is a friend of a friend of God. We are taught that when we are saved we become soldiers who fight along side of each other in the same trench. In this way salvation is not a positive verse negative message. Salvation is not ignoring the negative. This verse is teaching us that we when we are saved we can identify with Christ in His healing or His defending His people. Salvation means that we are saved from evil and the schemes of the Devil. So we believe that encouragement in the bible is from the positive side which is to speak in a way that upholds a person. But it is also expressed in a negative way which is the defense of the person.
The reason that people do not understand our responsibility to defend is because they view the christian life is trying to make people happy. But we cannot approach our relationships on just the positive input. The Psalm teach that our christian experience is either going up or going down. We reject the idea that Christians are described as staying in the same place.
We must understand that being on top of the mountain is no different than being in the valley. Because we are baptized into Christ. So we have been given His life. Christ enjoyed the company of sinners as well as enduring the pain and suffering on the cross. Christ took all of the emotion of the experience upon Himself in identifying with us. As for the potential that we enjoy ...we have been promised more than we could ever ask for. And as to the trials of this life we have our captain who endured the curse for us. So He took our curse upon Himself.
This means that the negative experiences in our lives have already been overcome by Christ. This means that we no longer need to atone for our weaknesses and sins. If we had to atone for them then we would need to take the curse upon ourselves. But we no longer are under the power of the curse. So we now can use the curse to go down in identifying with each other. We no longer are under the power of Satan or sin. So we are not motivated by emotion or the experience of the trial but we are motivated by the gift that we are given to use the curse to overcome the trial. So we have been given the simple way to motivate what has already been accomplished. Now because Christ accomplished everything then His word is yea and amen.
Now we can control the good and the bad by the use of praise and cursing. We can overcome any opposition through the curse. This gives us the ability to spend our time defending our brothers rather than simply identifying with them in their trial. Because our working out salvation is a legal defense by blessing and cursing. To neglect our encouraging others is the same as the neglect of defending their purposes by this legal responsibly before God. This Psalm teaches us how to get joy out of going down to the level of a persons trial and defending them.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ps 33 4 For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love".
Gods value of salvation is measured by a different standard than the value that man places on His creation. Man places value in this world by the working principle. But God places the true value of all His creation by the beauty and the love that He has for Himself. No man can share His glory.
God must establish His salvation through the perfect standard of righteousness and justice. He cannot accept work that is performed that is lesser than His perfect standard. So God works beyond the supply and demand system of this world. In fact God must reorder all of mans work. God does this through the standard that He alone has accomplished by His word. Gods word is the only standard that is acceptable to God that orders our salvation. Because we are saved according to the standard of Gods word that was made acceptable by Gods work then the earth is filled with His unfailing love!
Our hope is based not upon our ability to meet the standard of Gods righteousness and justice but upon the true performance of Christ work. So we do not believe in a salvation that could be ours in the future but we believe in a perfect salvation that is ours because of Christ. We live in a kingdom in which we are surrounded and bathed in Gods unfailing love.
Why do we put our hope in the system of this world where the value of things and people are measured by mans false standard? Because we think the end our work brings us acceptability and value according to Gods standard. But God owns all things and He gives them freely. If God did not give us all things freely then there would be no existence of His unfailing love. God would not be our Father but He would be our judge who held us to His standard of righteousness and justice. But God has obtained a salvation that brings us to the Father that has no barriers. His elect are loved according to the love and success that God accomplishes for His own pleasure. When we are saved He opens His arms wide and provides all things for our good. The earth is filled with His unfailing love!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Matt 11 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."
We are taught in the gospels that Jesus entered the houses and ate with people who had bad reputations. Lk 5 29"Then Levi hosted a great banquet for Jesus at his house. A large crowd of tax collectors was there, along with others who were eating with them." Here Jesus goes to a party at Levi's house. Was Jesus simply going to the party to witness? No He was going to enjoy the company of men who were notorious sinners.
Jesus developed a reputation of being identified with the wrong crowd. Lk 15 2 So the Pharisees and scribes began to grumble: "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." In fact when the religious leaders had caught a woman in adultery, she was brought out into the public arena and was about to be stoned when Jesus ended the event by saying "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." This reasoning was used by the Jews to defend themselves against the nations. It was very rarely used in the OT to defend a Gentile convert. In the OT the Gentile nations were identified as sinners not the Jewish nation. Could these leaders be accused of the same sin of Adultery? Yes but the scripture teaches that a specific sin points to a much worse condition. No one is condemned because they are have a problem with a sin but they are condemned because their many sins point to their condition of being lost and blind because of Adams original sin.
We can see that Jesus sought to defend the people with a bad reputation with the lowest common denominator. In other words if it was wrong for Jesus to enjoy the company of sinners then the question is if all men are sinners then how can they judge another sinner? What Jesus is showing here was that , God was the only Judge who was able to declare someone guilty. Because God is the only Person who is sinless. In this way Jesus was declaring that He is the standard of perfect justice. In this way there is no person who has the ultimate authority to condemn a sinner. Any earthly ruler has borrowed authority.
So the question is ...if Jesus loved the company of notorious sinners then how can He be holy if He is accused of teaching by example that its ok to accept people who have not repented? So this leads to another point. We are taught that we can be innocent even tho we have friends who have bad reputations. You see the teachers of the law failed to understand the ot teaching on sinners and sin.
We have been taught that there are two lines. Both lines are equally important. One line represents Gods view of sin and sinners. The other line represents the value of being innocent as we judge sin in comparison to other sinners. But this reasoning is contradictory. Because Jesus failed in crossing the line in having a reputation in that society where He was teaching by example that its ok to hang out with friends who are known sinners. This is just intellectually insulting.
But we are taught in the ot that God is the only ruler who has the right to be the judge. Gods law has been established in His counsel from eternity past. So Gods law goes beyond mans system of the chain of command. Gods law cannot be thwarted or overturned. Because Gods law is not silent or a standard of moral ability. Rather Gods law is the agent that eliminates any presence of leaven. It is always speaking ..either the curse or the blessing. Man is only able to govern this earth as God allows him in blessing or prevents him in cursing.
Ps 91 1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. F169
2 I will say F170 of the LORD , "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."
The Psalmist is observing the flock of birds as he pins this Psalm. He compares the activity of these birds with two doctrines. One is the Eagle who is a reference to God as our Father. The other is the comparison of the birds who fly in the air with the angels.
We are taught in the revelation that the eagle is a reference to God as our Father. Re 4:7 - The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle." The living creatures were responsible for the work that God did through Israel and in the incarnation. So you have God as a lion protected and defended Israel and as an ox.supplying all of Israels daily needs, and the face of a man is Christ incarnation...then you have the reference to the is God as our Father who is the supreme governor over all creation. He is the Most High. Because the eagle is able to capture and destroy the serpent. "13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent". Its a metaphor for Satan.
So these cherubim are the supreme beings who control the air. They accompany the judgements of God upon the nations throughout the history of the world. They are full of eyes which speaks of Gods knowledge and His eternal vision. So the Psalmist is describing the provision and danger to these flock of birds.He is comparing the danger of disease that kills the flock with the future eternal judgement of the nations.
The Psalmist begins by describing the baby eagles who are in the nest of the adult eagle and are being covered by the wings. He is saying that our Father is both our friend and the judge. Our friend takes care of our daily needs and the judge defends us from the dangers of Satan. He is teaching that he is observing an entire flock of birds that are dead because of a disease. He is saying that God will preserve His people from the curse that over takes the birds. In other words the Psalmist experience in using the curses best described in this kind of allegory. He envisions the spiritual success of the curses like the victories that he has experience in fighting wars. These wars are not just between nations but God has responded throughout the history of the world with Gods invisible armies who control the heavens.
He is saying that because we are in the nest of the Eagle that we are able to appeal to the Most High who governs over all things. He protects us in comparison to the dangers that confront the flock of birds.They are in danger of pestilence, arrows that fly in the air, and the serpent that strikes. In the last days the Revelation says that we will experience opposition from the cross that is like a striking serpent. The Revelation describes the power of the opposition that is unnatural to mankind.
The Psalmist begins his opposition in the pronouncements of the curses. He speaks the curses like he is fighting in war. So he gains confidence in total victory as he rises up in the pronouncements by declaring the future and final judgement of God.In pronouncing the end he is resting in the confidence that there is nothing that rises to the level of this future event. He is teaching that just like these flock of birds are subject to death because of disease so Gods judgement of the wicked will be swift and final. In this way the reality of the teaching of the birds and the protection of the Eagle is His experience of pronouncing the curses and resting in the judgement. Its as if all opposition has been destroyed.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ps 14 4 Will evildoers never learn-
those who devour my people as men eat bread
and who do not call on the LORD ?
5 There they are, overwhelmed with dread,
for God is present in the company of the righteous.
6 You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor,
but the LORD is their refuge".
God has created a world where He predetermined who would believe and who would oppose His salvation. Man is born into Gods world that is ruled by Gods will. This is why I believe that the first part of Psalm 14 is giving us a general universal truth of all men. But then the Psalm takes a turn like God has chosen these men who have been corrupted as the opposition to the wicked. So instead of showing two kinds of men, the Psalmist is showing two sides to the law. In the first part the law is stating a universal condition of all men but it is in the context of this other use of the law which is to defend Gods elect.
Is it correct that Gods elect are corrupted and unable to do good? Yes but in order for us to establish the difference in the identity of the elect as distinct from the wicked there cannot be an equal relationship to the law in both cases. A lot of people get confused about this teaching of the use of the law is applies to the elect. They teach that the law shows us our sin so that it is necessary in saving us and it must remain as the same instrument to further our growth in the same way that we were saved.But the Psalmist teaches us that the law is an instrument that separates Gods elect from the wicked by it being turned away from the righteous and pointed at the wicked. In these verses above the Psalmist is turning the law away from the righteous and using it to defend Gods people.
If we say that the law is used as an instrument to convict the wicked and destroy their will but at the same time it is also used for the elect to show them their sin then we are stating a contradiction. Because if Christ fulfilled the law on behalf of His elect then where is the difference if the law has the same function toward the wicked as it does toward the righteous? Then Christ work would be of no value. This is the danger of holding onto contradictions.
We must understand that this christian experience is not based in a process orientation but rather it is God pronouncing all reality. It is easy for us to step into process because we are discussing ideas. This is why we fall into patterns of embracing contradictions because it is natural to our corruption. We must understand that the more we trust in contradictions the more we are gonna talk about these truths in inward emotional reactions. Its very dangerous for us to learn how to separate our feelings of conviction or joy and trust that we are following the correct path. This Christian experience is based solely on the knowledge of who we are that is taught to us in specific doctrines that are laid out so that we can argue and create opposing sides.We ares speaking the law, covenants, curses, and promises in order to create our image. We are not trusting in convictions, joys, satisfactions etc.
The head is always in control of the soul. No matter how we feel at a given situation it must be challenged with these pronouncements. Our christian lives are not really devotional but an exercise of applying presuppositions that tells us how to think and feel. This is why we stand on the side of the law that is used to oppose our opposition. We go from a totally blind state where we are condemned by the law to being made complete but not yet enjoying it until we get to heaven. We already are but not yet. In order to prevent contradictions we must be apologist and not passive.We must now be shown the law by using it to destroy the opposition. This is exactly what the Psalmist is practicing here.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Ps 20 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
When we are saved we are implanted with the word of God. Our old will is destroyed and we receive Gods desires. God saves us by giving us grace to believe and to receive salvation. If our salvation depended upon our wills then God could not free us until we "come clean." Some people teach that we cannot saved be unless we acknowledge the whole truth about our condition. But we believe that God cannot accept our own repentance. It doesnt matter how bad we feel, how much we confess, whether we get to a point where we understand salvation. The only hope we have is for God to do a work in our hearts that does not depend upon our understanding.
If salvation depended upon our own repentance then we could never meet the standards of the truth that God requires for our our old will to cross the line of acceptability. This work of destroying the will is a secret work of God. This is why there are people who grow up in the church who never had a time where they prayed a prayer. At some point the inward work of the Spirit changed their wills. This is what we are taught in the Psalms. There are people focused on a decision. If we are confident in the strength of our decision then we can be confident in our salvation. But this will not teach us assurance. Rather if a person is struggling with whether they were sincere the Psalmist teaches that we must rehearse how God saves us.God gives us grace in order to repent. He gives us grace in order to receive our new desires and He settles the question by our resting in His gift of salvation.
We must understand that a christian is no longer divided in the will. The Psalmist teaches that we are required to unite our desires as a community by speaking a blessing on all other christians who want their desires fulfilled. This Psalm teaches the rule in christian relationships. When we speak or describe anything about another christian that is not based upon the pronouncement of blessing to other brothers and sisters then we are sinning. I am speaking of unity in doctrine. Just like the law teaches us the line that we cannot cross so this Psalm prevent us from paganism by being the rule in which we speak to one another in christian fellowship. When we speak this Psalm on a daily basis it teaches us to control our tongues. 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
The Psalm teaches us that we all are seeking the same goal that makes all of us the happiest. When we are saved we put down the arms to change each other. And in seeking the blessing of each other we become successful. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
The christian spirit that prays for all the believers desires to be fulfilled leads to the unity that wins all battles. The apostle teaches that our christian fellowship is like marriage. In marriage the two partners are a reflection of one another. The success of one person depends upon his belief that the other person should be treated like he wants to be treated. God has made oneness to be expressed as one self. In other words when we describe the other person we speak like we are describing ourselves. We speak as if the love for ourselves and our own success is dependent upon what we say about the other partner. And this is the same reflection that all share in our doctrinal relationships within the church. This Psalm is our fall back position when we see the abuse of language spoken about other christians. So we meditate on this Psalm in order to withdraw from these abuses. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
We see that when one brother is blessed and successful then the whole body is blessed and successful. Its just like marriage.
Ps 2 4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then he rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 "I have installed my King
on Zion, my holy hill."

This Psalm is teaching that there is only One Ruler over the all governments and kingdoms. This Ruler can not be thwarted. He has created all things according to His law. This law speaks at all times. The law is carried out in the voice of blessing and cursing. You see here that it is described as God rebuking wayward kings. This means that at all times God is speaking life and death according to His pure justice. When the law curses sinners it cries out in voice of rebuke. In other words Gods response to the wicked is the only stable foundation of His sovereign success. When we see the terrible attempt of the wicked to break Gods chains the curse cries out death to the wicked. In these pronouncements we are taught this sure foundation.
In the curses are Gods scoffing at the wicked. We all are taught that we must always be positive and loving. But God does not love without pure justice. In other words in every government we find that the law that is carried out protects the innocent. It is the same love for Gods defense that we find in this legitimate scoffing. We are saved by Gods pronouncements from believing in a cheap love.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ps 1 1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night".

The Psalmist opens the book up by pronouncing a blessing on those who meditate on the law of God. He is saying that understanding the biblical counsel comes from the experience we have when we are illuminated by the Spirit when we mediate on these Psalms. In order for us to understand Gods counsel we must be in the practice of using the five gifts that the Psalmist pronounces as he stands, walks and sits.
We must understand that the Psalmist is not describing the American system of psychological and emotional integration.I am not gonna discuss physical brain injuries that lead to chemical imbalances. That require a Psychiatrist who can prescribe medication. But we must understand that the context of all these words used in the Psalms are fighting political , religious, and national wars. We are taught that we are born in a world were we are caught in spiritual battle between God and Satan who control the wicked. The Psalms give us five gifts to fight in this war that is beyond our power and ability. The five gifts are the law, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. So the world of integration is a imaginary world.Because it lowers the image of man and position that God established in order for man to prosper. It gets man to focus on the things that are only temporary solutions. And it also lowers the power and blurs the deceptive schemes of the opposition.Any time we integrate behaviors in order to change a relationship we are only satisfying the desires of the parties involved. We are destroying the underlying opposition.
This why the apostle teaches us to put the flesh to death by the Spirit. In other words we must kill all opposition by Spirit and word. This is the approach that we find in the Psalms. These five gifts that we are given are the tools that we use to establish our way in confronting the spiritual schemes of the wicked. The law is Gods gift that speaks death to violators. It sets the standard that cannot be lowered. God does not lower the standard of the law in order to give us success. The spiritual success that we experience is accomplished by God whose will cannot be thwarted. The covenants are Gods sworn oath to His own hurt that He will perform His purpose in our lives. God is moved to answer our petitions based solely on His covenants. The curses are Gods weight of sorrow that prevents the wicked from prospering. The promises or the blessings are Gods goodness that prevents us from acting toward our brothers outside of His completed kingdom. It allows us to grow by the principle of learning our new identity. So we fight against the counsel of political and religious opposition. We are engaged in a national war.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ps 18 42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.

46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!"
We must understand that Gods description of our experience is contained in Gods word. However God describes the total extent of His revealed description is all the reality that we can pronounce. This thinking confronts the imagination of man. If there is anything that a sinner believes that is real, then they can share in Gods recreation through His word. But we believe that we know things of life that are hidden from the wicked.How come most people believe a wicked man... as if he understands reality? The reason that we are so easily deceived is because we do not really believe that Gods word judges all ideas. And its easy for us to think that Gods judgement of His word is our learning something and comparing it to Gods word. But Gods word even judges the meta physical health of every reality.
This is why I teach that Gods word is a prophetic word. It pronounces reality from before the foundation of the earth. Even tho the future event has not come into time, yet it is just as real when God spoke it into time. So Gods word is the only eternal revelation that is sure to take place in future. It pronounces the world in the future from Gods view of complete unity and single purpose. These pronouncements are pre conceived before the future event. There are axioms that are sure to take place as God works everything out for His purpose. These set laws cannot be thwarted by man. These laws of the Ten commandments are enforced by curses. There is no time where a violator of a law escapes the pronouncement.The power that is exercised in a response to law breakers is always complete and sure in the curse. I mean you cannot imagine that a wicked person has become safe in Gods patience. He is always under the full judgement that the law requires. If we make excuses then we will go outside of Gods contained will for us. But its impossible for us to be unsaved even tho we stray outside. We are implanted with Gods containing word.
But we can pronounce Gods absolute maxims that are spoken to bring all things into the future judgement. In other words we are contain in the total destruction of opposition even tho that destruction will take place in the future. But our reality is full in that we are contained in Gods pronouncements that are final. Any one who says that pronouncing Gods word, laws,decrees, statutes, curses, and covenants is not that big of a deal is making Gods command to meditate on Gods law nite and day of no consequence. You see we are always deceived by what we fail to do.
Ps 20 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
When we are saved we are implanted with the word of God. Our old will is destroyed and we receive Gods desires. God saves us by giving us grace to believe and to receive salvation. If our salvation depended upon our wills then God could not free us until we "come clean." Some people teach that we cannot saved be unless we acknowledge the whole truth about our condition. But we believe that God cannot accept our own repentance. It doesnt matter how bad we feel, how much we confess, whether we get to a point where we understand salvation. The only hope we have is for God to do a work in our hearts that does not depend upon our understanding.
If salvation depended upon our own repentance then we could never meet the standards of the truth that God requires for our our old will to cross the line of acceptability. This work of destroying the will is a secret work of God. This is why there are people who grow up in the church who never had a time where they prayed a prayer. At some point the inward work of the Spirit changed their wills. This is what we are taught in the Psalms. There are people focused on a decision. If we are confident in the strength of our decision then we can be confident in our salvation. But this will not teach us assurance. Rather if a person is struggling with whether they were sincere the Psalmist teaches that we must rehearse how God saves us.God gives us grace in order to repent. He gives us grace in order to receive our new desires and He settles the question by our resting in His gift of salvation.
We must understand that a christian is no longer divided in the will. The Psalmist teaches that we are required to unite our desires as a community by speaking a blessing on all other christians who want their desires fulfilled. This Psalm teaches the rule in christian relationships. When we speak or describe anything about another christian that is not based upon the pronouncement of blessing to other brothers and sisters then we are sinning. I am speaking of unity in doctrine. Just like the law teaches us the line that we cannot cross so this Psalm prevent us from paganism by being the rule in which we speak to one another in christian fellowship. When we speak this Psalm on a daily basis it teaches us to control our tongues. 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
The Psalm teaches us that we all are seeking the same goal that makes all of us the happiest. When we are saved we put down the arms to change each other. And in seeking the blessing of each other we become successful. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
The christian spirit that prays for all the believers desires to be fulfilled leads to the unity that wins all battles. The apostle teaches that our christian fellowship is like marriage. In marriage the two partners are a reflection of one another. The success of one person depends upon his belief that the other person should be treated like he wants to be treated. God has made oneness to be expressed as one self. In other words when we describe the other person we speak like we are describing ourselves. We speak as if the love for ourselves and our own success is dependent upon what we say about the other partner. And this is the same reflection that all share in our doctrinal relationships within the church. This Psalm is our fall back position when we see the abuse of language spoken about other christians. So we meditate on this Psalm in order to withdraw from these abuses. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
We see that when one brother is blessed and successful then the whole body is blessed and successful. Its just like marriage

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Ps 18 6 In my distress I called to the LORD ;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him, into his ears.
7 The earth trembled and quaked,
and the foundations of the mountains shook;
they trembled because he was angry.
8 Smoke rose from his nostrils;
consuming fire came from his mouth,
burning coals blazed out of it.
9 He parted the heavens and came down;
dark clouds were under his feet."
The Psalmist uses the words that explain our salvation in the context of war. The gospel is not a message that we receive in a class room setting and explain it so that other people can explain it. But the gospel is the power that destroys the enemy...its the power of God unto salvation...or being delivered from Satan and from this world. The gospel promises death to violators and eternal life to Gods elect. It is a gospel of God who responds to the helpless voice of sinners with the highest armies of heaven. The value of the gospel is shown but the extent God takes to deliver one person.
When we cry out the earth and the mountains shake, God becomes angry and responds with His eternal and universal wrath. Some people make the gospel fit into mans history or the quiet culture of America, the system of free markets by which we receive gifts , a message that we share, or offering Gods love.But the gospel is not our words that God responds too but its a display of His power. What kind of power?
You see here the gospel is the only message where all men are reduced to complete weakness. It is message that shuts mens mouths. 44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.45 They all lose heart;they come trembling from their strongholds". The gospel cries out against those who oppose must be silent or you will suffer. We must realize that the gospel is Gods defense of His elect. Its the power of God to subdue all things. 37 I pursued my enemies and overtook them;I did not turn back till they were destroyed.
38 I crushed them so that they could not rise;they fell beneath my feet".
If God promises that He will deliver us dont you think that He will do it on His terms with His vision and His power? And if you compared Gods power with human strength dont you think that the great gulf that exist teaches us that God will respond to our needs with unimaginable strength and wrath? How come we are always reducing the gospel to something that man controls that has no bite to it? You see if we do not accept the entire counsel of Gods description of His salvation then we will make it subjected to our power. But the gospel is Gods final victory over the city that has been completely destroyed. 39 You armed me with strength for battle;
you made my adversaries bow at my feet.
40 You made my enemies turn their backs in flight,
and I destroyed my foes.
41 They cried for help, but there was no one to save them-
to the LORD , but he did not answer.
42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.
46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!
47 He is the God who avenges me,
who subdues nations under me,
48 who saves me from my enemies.
You exalted me above my foes;
from violent men you rescued me.
49 Therefore I will praise you among the nations, O LORD ;
I will sing praises to your name.
50 He gives his king great victories;
he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed,
to David and his descendants forever.
Ps 18 42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.

46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!"
We must understand that Gods description of our experience is contained in Gods word. However God describes the total extent of His revealed description is all the reality that we can pronounce. This thinking confronts the imagination of man. If there is anything that a sinner believes that is real, then they can share in Gods recreation through His word. But we believe that we know things of life that are hidden from the wicked.How come most people believe a wicked man... as if he understands reality? The reason that we are so easily deceived is because we do not really believe that Gods word judges all ideas. And its easy for us to think that Gods judgement of His word is our learning something and comparing it to Gods word. But Gods word even judges the meta physical health of every reality.
This is why I teach that Gods word is a prophetic word. It pronounces reality from before the foundation of the earth. Even tho the future event has not come into time, yet it is just as real when God spoke it into time. So Gods word is the only eternal revelation that is sure to take place in future. It pronounces the world in the future from Gods view of complete unity and single purpose. These pronouncements are pre conceived before the future event. There are axioms that are sure to take place as God works everything out for His purpose. These set laws cannot be thwarted by man. These laws of the Ten commandments are enforced by curses. There is no time where a violator of a law escapes the pronouncement.The power that is exercised in a response to law breakers is always complete and sure in the curse. I mean you cannot imagine that a wicked person has become safe in Gods patience. He is always under the full judgement that the law requires. If we make excuses then we will go outside of Gods contained will for us. But its impossible for us to be unsaved even tho we stray outside. We are implanted with Gods containing word.
But we can pronounce Gods absolute maxims that are spoken to bring all things into the future judgement. In other words we are contain in the total destruction of opposition even tho that destruction will take place in the future. But our reality is full in that we are contained in Gods pronouncements that are final. Any one who says that pronouncing Gods word, laws,decrees, statutes, curses, and covenants is not that big of a deal is making Gods command to meditate on Gods law nite and day of no consequence. You see we are always deceived by what we fail to do.
Ps 18 42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.

46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!"
We must understand that Gods description of our experience is contained in Gods word. However God describes the total extent of His revealed description is all the reality that we can pronounce. This thinking confronts the imagination of man. If there is anything that a sinner believes that is real, then they can share in Gods recreation through His word. But we believe that we know things of life that are hidden from the wicked.How come most people believe a wicked man... as if he understands reality? The reason that we are so easily deceived is because we do not really believe that Gods word judges all ideas. And its easy for us to think that Gods judgement of His word is our learning something and comparing it to Gods word. But Gods word even judges the meta physical health of every reality.
This is why I teach that Gods word is a prophetic word. It pronounces reality from before the foundation of the earth. Even tho the future event has not come into time, yet it is just as real when God spoke it into time. So Gods word is the only eternal revelation that is sure to take place in future. It pronounces the world in the future from Gods view of complete unity and single purpose. These pronouncements are pre conceived before the future event. There are axioms that are sure to take place as God works everything out for His purpose. These set laws cannot be thwarted by man. These laws of the Ten commandments are enforced by curses. There is no time where a violator of a law escapes the pronouncement.The power that is exercised in a response to law breakers is always complete and sure in the curse. I mean you cannot imagine that a wicked person has become safe in Gods patience. He is always under the full judgement that the law requires. If we make excuses then we will go outside of Gods contained will for us. But its impossible for us to be unsaved even tho we stray outside. We are implanted with Gods containing word.
But we can pronounce Gods absolute maxims that are spoken to bring all things into the future judgement. In other words we are contain in the total destruction of opposition even tho that destruction will take place in the future. But our reality is full in that we are contained in Gods pronouncements that are final. Any one who says that pronouncing Gods word, laws,decrees, statutes, curses, and covenants is not that big of a deal is making Gods command to meditate on Gods law nite and day of no consequence. You see we are always deceived by what we fail to do.