Ps 143 5 I remember the days of long ago;
I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
Meditating on Gods word opens up a meta physical world behind the physical world. The reality of the world is according to our view. Each person views the world different from the next person. When we mediate on Gods word we are creating a new reality that the Psalmist calls Gods works. God has ordained whatsoever has come to pass by doing the work necessary to accomplish the creation of every thing. Our view of the world according to our limited space, our imperfect knowledge of origins and the working of all things , and our biased corruption. But God works every thing by creating from nothing. The reality of existence coming into the physical world by the will or desire of God is what the Psalms describe as a wonder
When the Psalmist extols Gods grace he is describing it as being present in a world in which all every thing that exist is a gift. There is a difference between an intellectual knowledge that God gifts us with every thing and sense of the presence of God as the creator of those gifts. The Psalmist is describing the wonder of Gods emanations that come through God speaking the next event into existence. The apostle says that we live and move and have our being in God, In this way as we meditate and consider we sense the wonder and beauty of the creation of the next event. To consider is to be wrapped up in the pleasure of the work of God that exist as the meta physical foundation that prevents men from being consumed by sorrow. This experience is the reality of Gods recreation
When the Psalmist speaks of being blessed by God, he is in some ways talking about being enlarged by this pleasure that is coming toward him In this way we all live beyond the physical experience of this world. We walk around in the meta physical reality which is the measure of the unity and cohesiveness of our experience.Ps 1 "2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers". The Psalmist is teaching that the holistic experience in life is done through the art of mediation. He compares the results of mediation as a tree growing by the source of life. He is establishing the foundation of the existence of the meta physical blessing of God.
This is why the Psalmist teaches that every thing that is put into existence comes from Gods word. Nothing would be exist or be sustained unless God spoke. In this sense as we experience reality in this world we are under the constraints of the creation of all that we experience according to God speaking. 17 4 As for the deeds of men-by the word of your lips I have kept myself
from the ways of the violent.5 My steps have held to your paths;
my feet have not slipped. The Psalmist is not just saying that he walks according to Gods law that prevents him from violent men but he is saying that all the words of God create the environment in which the Psalmist is protected from violence. The Psalmist is not declaring that he has become God by living according to Gods law but that the blessing of the covenant is equal with the total establishment of the sphere of protection. So the actions of men and Gods word are the sphere of Gods creation.107 20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave".19 till what he foretold came to pass,till the word of the LORD proved him true". Gods word is a prophetic pronouncement of a new event that proves that He is true.Its true from the single view from eternity.
12 6 And the words of the LORD are flawless,like silver refined in a furnace of clay,purified seven times. In this Psalm he is teaching that every reality is described by God. All the things that are spoken into existence have a reason and a purpose that can be described by God. The entrance of sin was the beginning of the redefining of reality, You could put into a parenthesis the purified reality of God as Gods kingdom and mans false system or government as mans experience of the curse. When the Psalmist is speaking about Gods word being purified seven times he is talking about its effectiveness to overcome all opposition. And so it is in the context of Gods sphere of protection over His elect; The pronouncement of His laws , decrees, statutes, curses and covenants are the creation of the new reality just as the existence of the law of gravity.
I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.
Meditating on Gods word opens up a meta physical world behind the physical world. The reality of the world is according to our view. Each person views the world different from the next person. When we mediate on Gods word we are creating a new reality that the Psalmist calls Gods works. God has ordained whatsoever has come to pass by doing the work necessary to accomplish the creation of every thing. Our view of the world according to our limited space, our imperfect knowledge of origins and the working of all things , and our biased corruption. But God works every thing by creating from nothing. The reality of existence coming into the physical world by the will or desire of God is what the Psalms describe as a wonder
When the Psalmist extols Gods grace he is describing it as being present in a world in which all every thing that exist is a gift. There is a difference between an intellectual knowledge that God gifts us with every thing and sense of the presence of God as the creator of those gifts. The Psalmist is describing the wonder of Gods emanations that come through God speaking the next event into existence. The apostle says that we live and move and have our being in God, In this way as we meditate and consider we sense the wonder and beauty of the creation of the next event. To consider is to be wrapped up in the pleasure of the work of God that exist as the meta physical foundation that prevents men from being consumed by sorrow. This experience is the reality of Gods recreation
When the Psalmist speaks of being blessed by God, he is in some ways talking about being enlarged by this pleasure that is coming toward him In this way we all live beyond the physical experience of this world. We walk around in the meta physical reality which is the measure of the unity and cohesiveness of our experience.Ps 1 "2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night.3 He is like a tree planted by streams of water,which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.Whatever he does prospers". The Psalmist is teaching that the holistic experience in life is done through the art of mediation. He compares the results of mediation as a tree growing by the source of life. He is establishing the foundation of the existence of the meta physical blessing of God.
This is why the Psalmist teaches that every thing that is put into existence comes from Gods word. Nothing would be exist or be sustained unless God spoke. In this sense as we experience reality in this world we are under the constraints of the creation of all that we experience according to God speaking. 17 4 As for the deeds of men-by the word of your lips I have kept myself
from the ways of the violent.5 My steps have held to your paths;
my feet have not slipped. The Psalmist is not just saying that he walks according to Gods law that prevents him from violent men but he is saying that all the words of God create the environment in which the Psalmist is protected from violence. The Psalmist is not declaring that he has become God by living according to Gods law but that the blessing of the covenant is equal with the total establishment of the sphere of protection. So the actions of men and Gods word are the sphere of Gods creation.107 20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave".19 till what he foretold came to pass,till the word of the LORD proved him true". Gods word is a prophetic pronouncement of a new event that proves that He is true.Its true from the single view from eternity.
12 6 And the words of the LORD are flawless,like silver refined in a furnace of clay,purified seven times. In this Psalm he is teaching that every reality is described by God. All the things that are spoken into existence have a reason and a purpose that can be described by God. The entrance of sin was the beginning of the redefining of reality, You could put into a parenthesis the purified reality of God as Gods kingdom and mans false system or government as mans experience of the curse. When the Psalmist is speaking about Gods word being purified seven times he is talking about its effectiveness to overcome all opposition. And so it is in the context of Gods sphere of protection over His elect; The pronouncement of His laws , decrees, statutes, curses and covenants are the creation of the new reality just as the existence of the law of gravity.