Ps 21 1 O LORD , the king rejoices in your strength.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!
2 You have granted him the desire of his heart
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
Every person will be restless until they see that the world is a place
where the events of the earth are order by Gods secret counsel. All the
events of our lives are ordered according to Gods law. All of our
frustration is because we fail to be perfect in thinking thoughts after
We must understand that man was made to rule in Gods perfect garden. But when we fell from the original beauty and unity of the culture of Gods prefect creation then we are frustrated because the circumstances after we sinned do not rise up to the level of our needs being met in Gods original garden. Our problem is that we view the world by our experience of corruption and frustration.
This is why God gave us the pronouncements. God determined from eternity past to answer the problems due to the fall of man. Before the fall God made man and walked in fellowship in the garden with man. The purposes of God were not really to answer the problem of sin. But they were to reestablish the fellowship that was lost as a result of the fall. God provided His word to meet the needs as man was made to live in the perfect garden. This is why our natural responses to the pronouncements of the law, curses, covenants, decrees and promises is to view these as extreme.
The only way that God could reestablish the relationship was to provide the communication in His word that established the foundation of the original security that man enjoyed in the garden. When we pronounce the gifts, God is present as if He were speaking. In other words when the only party of the original relationship has not changed then He must act to correct the fall in Himself (the Perfect Man). The history of Redemption is the history of Gods correction. When only one party acts correctly then that party becomes the substitute of the other person in the relationship. God lowered Himself through His word in giving man glimpses of the original fellowship by putting the pronouncements on the lips of man in order to encourage hope, praise, joy, faithfulness etc in cheering God on in the actions of the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises. This is what the Apostle calls our walk as communication.
The gifts not only answer the needs of man as God communicates to him but they also establish the authority of God by the principle of already but not yet. When we are unfamiliar with the fellowship of the garden then we seek to reestablish the relationship on our terms. The Psalms describe this tendency to become our own god as being anxious by not waiting on Gods counsel. The pronouncements were given to us to teach us to wait by cheering God on. These gifts teach us to grow down in order to increase in understanding of God and self.
We must understand that man was made to rule in Gods perfect garden. But when we fell from the original beauty and unity of the culture of Gods prefect creation then we are frustrated because the circumstances after we sinned do not rise up to the level of our needs being met in Gods original garden. Our problem is that we view the world by our experience of corruption and frustration.
This is why God gave us the pronouncements. God determined from eternity past to answer the problems due to the fall of man. Before the fall God made man and walked in fellowship in the garden with man. The purposes of God were not really to answer the problem of sin. But they were to reestablish the fellowship that was lost as a result of the fall. God provided His word to meet the needs as man was made to live in the perfect garden. This is why our natural responses to the pronouncements of the law, curses, covenants, decrees and promises is to view these as extreme.
The only way that God could reestablish the relationship was to provide the communication in His word that established the foundation of the original security that man enjoyed in the garden. When we pronounce the gifts, God is present as if He were speaking. In other words when the only party of the original relationship has not changed then He must act to correct the fall in Himself (the Perfect Man). The history of Redemption is the history of Gods correction. When only one party acts correctly then that party becomes the substitute of the other person in the relationship. God lowered Himself through His word in giving man glimpses of the original fellowship by putting the pronouncements on the lips of man in order to encourage hope, praise, joy, faithfulness etc in cheering God on in the actions of the law, covenants, curses, statutes, decrees and promises. This is what the Apostle calls our walk as communication.
The gifts not only answer the needs of man as God communicates to him but they also establish the authority of God by the principle of already but not yet. When we are unfamiliar with the fellowship of the garden then we seek to reestablish the relationship on our terms. The Psalms describe this tendency to become our own god as being anxious by not waiting on Gods counsel. The pronouncements were given to us to teach us to wait by cheering God on. These gifts teach us to grow down in order to increase in understanding of God and self.