Saturday, September 30, 2017

Ps 33 4 For the word of the LORD is right and true;
he is faithful in all he does.
5 The LORD loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of his unfailing love".
Gods value of salvation is measured by a different standard than the value that man places on His creation. Man places value in this world by the working principle. But God places the true value of all His creation by the beauty and the love that He has for Himself. No man can share His glory.
God must establish His salvation through the perfect standard of righteousness and justice. He cannot accept work that is performed that is lesser than His perfect standard. So God works beyond the supply and demand system of this world. In fact God must reorder all of mans work. God does this through the standard that He alone has accomplished by His word. Gods word is the only standard that is acceptable to God that orders our salvation. Because we are saved according to the standard of Gods word that was made acceptable by Gods work then the earth is filled with His unfailing love!
Our hope is based not upon our ability to meet the standard of Gods righteousness and justice but upon the true performance of Christ work. So we do not believe in a salvation that could be ours in the future but we believe in a perfect salvation that is ours because of Christ. We live in a kingdom in which we are surrounded and bathed in Gods unfailing love.
Why do we put our hope in the system of this world where the value of things and people are measured by mans false standard? Because we think the end our work brings us acceptability and value according to Gods standard. But God owns all things and He gives them freely. If God did not give us all things freely then there would be no existence of His unfailing love. God would not be our Father but He would be our judge who held us to His standard of righteousness and justice. But God has obtained a salvation that brings us to the Father that has no barriers. His elect are loved according to the love and success that God accomplishes for His own pleasure. When we are saved He opens His arms wide and provides all things for our good. The earth is filled with His unfailing love!

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Matt 11 19 The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.' But wisdom is proved right by her deeds."
We are taught in the gospels that Jesus entered the houses and ate with people who had bad reputations. Lk 5 29"Then Levi hosted a great banquet for Jesus at his house. A large crowd of tax collectors was there, along with others who were eating with them." Here Jesus goes to a party at Levi's house. Was Jesus simply going to the party to witness? No He was going to enjoy the company of men who were notorious sinners.
Jesus developed a reputation of being identified with the wrong crowd. Lk 15 2 So the Pharisees and scribes began to grumble: "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." In fact when the religious leaders had caught a woman in adultery, she was brought out into the public arena and was about to be stoned when Jesus ended the event by saying "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." This reasoning was used by the Jews to defend themselves against the nations. It was very rarely used in the OT to defend a Gentile convert. In the OT the Gentile nations were identified as sinners not the Jewish nation. Could these leaders be accused of the same sin of Adultery? Yes but the scripture teaches that a specific sin points to a much worse condition. No one is condemned because they are have a problem with a sin but they are condemned because their many sins point to their condition of being lost and blind because of Adams original sin.
We can see that Jesus sought to defend the people with a bad reputation with the lowest common denominator. In other words if it was wrong for Jesus to enjoy the company of sinners then the question is if all men are sinners then how can they judge another sinner? What Jesus is showing here was that , God was the only Judge who was able to declare someone guilty. Because God is the only Person who is sinless. In this way Jesus was declaring that He is the standard of perfect justice. In this way there is no person who has the ultimate authority to condemn a sinner. Any earthly ruler has borrowed authority.
So the question is ...if Jesus loved the company of notorious sinners then how can He be holy if He is accused of teaching by example that its ok to accept people who have not repented? So this leads to another point. We are taught that we can be innocent even tho we have friends who have bad reputations. You see the teachers of the law failed to understand the ot teaching on sinners and sin.
We have been taught that there are two lines. Both lines are equally important. One line represents Gods view of sin and sinners. The other line represents the value of being innocent as we judge sin in comparison to other sinners. But this reasoning is contradictory. Because Jesus failed in crossing the line in having a reputation in that society where He was teaching by example that its ok to hang out with friends who are known sinners. This is just intellectually insulting.
But we are taught in the ot that God is the only ruler who has the right to be the judge. Gods law has been established in His counsel from eternity past. So Gods law goes beyond mans system of the chain of command. Gods law cannot be thwarted or overturned. Because Gods law is not silent or a standard of moral ability. Rather Gods law is the agent that eliminates any presence of leaven. It is always speaking ..either the curse or the blessing. Man is only able to govern this earth as God allows him in blessing or prevents him in cursing.
Ps 91 1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. F169
2 I will say F170 of the LORD , "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."
The Psalmist is observing the flock of birds as he pins this Psalm. He compares the activity of these birds with two doctrines. One is the Eagle who is a reference to God as our Father. The other is the comparison of the birds who fly in the air with the angels.
We are taught in the revelation that the eagle is a reference to God as our Father. Re 4:7 - The first living creature was like a lion, the second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a flying eagle." The living creatures were responsible for the work that God did through Israel and in the incarnation. So you have God as a lion protected and defended Israel and as an ox.supplying all of Israels daily needs, and the face of a man is Christ incarnation...then you have the reference to the is God as our Father who is the supreme governor over all creation. He is the Most High. Because the eagle is able to capture and destroy the serpent. "13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent". Its a metaphor for Satan.
So these cherubim are the supreme beings who control the air. They accompany the judgements of God upon the nations throughout the history of the world. They are full of eyes which speaks of Gods knowledge and His eternal vision. So the Psalmist is describing the provision and danger to these flock of birds.He is comparing the danger of disease that kills the flock with the future eternal judgement of the nations.
The Psalmist begins by describing the baby eagles who are in the nest of the adult eagle and are being covered by the wings. He is saying that our Father is both our friend and the judge. Our friend takes care of our daily needs and the judge defends us from the dangers of Satan. He is teaching that he is observing an entire flock of birds that are dead because of a disease. He is saying that God will preserve His people from the curse that over takes the birds. In other words the Psalmist experience in using the curses best described in this kind of allegory. He envisions the spiritual success of the curses like the victories that he has experience in fighting wars. These wars are not just between nations but God has responded throughout the history of the world with Gods invisible armies who control the heavens.
He is saying that because we are in the nest of the Eagle that we are able to appeal to the Most High who governs over all things. He protects us in comparison to the dangers that confront the flock of birds.They are in danger of pestilence, arrows that fly in the air, and the serpent that strikes. In the last days the Revelation says that we will experience opposition from the cross that is like a striking serpent. The Revelation describes the power of the opposition that is unnatural to mankind.
The Psalmist begins his opposition in the pronouncements of the curses. He speaks the curses like he is fighting in war. So he gains confidence in total victory as he rises up in the pronouncements by declaring the future and final judgement of God.In pronouncing the end he is resting in the confidence that there is nothing that rises to the level of this future event. He is teaching that just like these flock of birds are subject to death because of disease so Gods judgement of the wicked will be swift and final. In this way the reality of the teaching of the birds and the protection of the Eagle is His experience of pronouncing the curses and resting in the judgement. Its as if all opposition has been destroyed.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Ps 14 4 Will evildoers never learn-
those who devour my people as men eat bread
and who do not call on the LORD ?
5 There they are, overwhelmed with dread,
for God is present in the company of the righteous.
6 You evildoers frustrate the plans of the poor,
but the LORD is their refuge".
God has created a world where He predetermined who would believe and who would oppose His salvation. Man is born into Gods world that is ruled by Gods will. This is why I believe that the first part of Psalm 14 is giving us a general universal truth of all men. But then the Psalm takes a turn like God has chosen these men who have been corrupted as the opposition to the wicked. So instead of showing two kinds of men, the Psalmist is showing two sides to the law. In the first part the law is stating a universal condition of all men but it is in the context of this other use of the law which is to defend Gods elect.
Is it correct that Gods elect are corrupted and unable to do good? Yes but in order for us to establish the difference in the identity of the elect as distinct from the wicked there cannot be an equal relationship to the law in both cases. A lot of people get confused about this teaching of the use of the law is applies to the elect. They teach that the law shows us our sin so that it is necessary in saving us and it must remain as the same instrument to further our growth in the same way that we were saved.But the Psalmist teaches us that the law is an instrument that separates Gods elect from the wicked by it being turned away from the righteous and pointed at the wicked. In these verses above the Psalmist is turning the law away from the righteous and using it to defend Gods people.
If we say that the law is used as an instrument to convict the wicked and destroy their will but at the same time it is also used for the elect to show them their sin then we are stating a contradiction. Because if Christ fulfilled the law on behalf of His elect then where is the difference if the law has the same function toward the wicked as it does toward the righteous? Then Christ work would be of no value. This is the danger of holding onto contradictions.
We must understand that this christian experience is not based in a process orientation but rather it is God pronouncing all reality. It is easy for us to step into process because we are discussing ideas. This is why we fall into patterns of embracing contradictions because it is natural to our corruption. We must understand that the more we trust in contradictions the more we are gonna talk about these truths in inward emotional reactions. Its very dangerous for us to learn how to separate our feelings of conviction or joy and trust that we are following the correct path. This Christian experience is based solely on the knowledge of who we are that is taught to us in specific doctrines that are laid out so that we can argue and create opposing sides.We ares speaking the law, covenants, curses, and promises in order to create our image. We are not trusting in convictions, joys, satisfactions etc.
The head is always in control of the soul. No matter how we feel at a given situation it must be challenged with these pronouncements. Our christian lives are not really devotional but an exercise of applying presuppositions that tells us how to think and feel. This is why we stand on the side of the law that is used to oppose our opposition. We go from a totally blind state where we are condemned by the law to being made complete but not yet enjoying it until we get to heaven. We already are but not yet. In order to prevent contradictions we must be apologist and not passive.We must now be shown the law by using it to destroy the opposition. This is exactly what the Psalmist is practicing here.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Ps 20 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
When we are saved we are implanted with the word of God. Our old will is destroyed and we receive Gods desires. God saves us by giving us grace to believe and to receive salvation. If our salvation depended upon our wills then God could not free us until we "come clean." Some people teach that we cannot saved be unless we acknowledge the whole truth about our condition. But we believe that God cannot accept our own repentance. It doesnt matter how bad we feel, how much we confess, whether we get to a point where we understand salvation. The only hope we have is for God to do a work in our hearts that does not depend upon our understanding.
If salvation depended upon our own repentance then we could never meet the standards of the truth that God requires for our our old will to cross the line of acceptability. This work of destroying the will is a secret work of God. This is why there are people who grow up in the church who never had a time where they prayed a prayer. At some point the inward work of the Spirit changed their wills. This is what we are taught in the Psalms. There are people focused on a decision. If we are confident in the strength of our decision then we can be confident in our salvation. But this will not teach us assurance. Rather if a person is struggling with whether they were sincere the Psalmist teaches that we must rehearse how God saves us.God gives us grace in order to repent. He gives us grace in order to receive our new desires and He settles the question by our resting in His gift of salvation.
We must understand that a christian is no longer divided in the will. The Psalmist teaches that we are required to unite our desires as a community by speaking a blessing on all other christians who want their desires fulfilled. This Psalm teaches the rule in christian relationships. When we speak or describe anything about another christian that is not based upon the pronouncement of blessing to other brothers and sisters then we are sinning. I am speaking of unity in doctrine. Just like the law teaches us the line that we cannot cross so this Psalm prevent us from paganism by being the rule in which we speak to one another in christian fellowship. When we speak this Psalm on a daily basis it teaches us to control our tongues. 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
The Psalm teaches us that we all are seeking the same goal that makes all of us the happiest. When we are saved we put down the arms to change each other. And in seeking the blessing of each other we become successful. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
The christian spirit that prays for all the believers desires to be fulfilled leads to the unity that wins all battles. The apostle teaches that our christian fellowship is like marriage. In marriage the two partners are a reflection of one another. The success of one person depends upon his belief that the other person should be treated like he wants to be treated. God has made oneness to be expressed as one self. In other words when we describe the other person we speak like we are describing ourselves. We speak as if the love for ourselves and our own success is dependent upon what we say about the other partner. And this is the same reflection that all share in our doctrinal relationships within the church. This Psalm is our fall back position when we see the abuse of language spoken about other christians. So we meditate on this Psalm in order to withdraw from these abuses. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
We see that when one brother is blessed and successful then the whole body is blessed and successful. Its just like marriage.
Ps 2 4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs;
the Lord scoffs at them.
5 Then he rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,
6 "I have installed my King
on Zion, my holy hill."

This Psalm is teaching that there is only One Ruler over the all governments and kingdoms. This Ruler can not be thwarted. He has created all things according to His law. This law speaks at all times. The law is carried out in the voice of blessing and cursing. You see here that it is described as God rebuking wayward kings. This means that at all times God is speaking life and death according to His pure justice. When the law curses sinners it cries out in voice of rebuke. In other words Gods response to the wicked is the only stable foundation of His sovereign success. When we see the terrible attempt of the wicked to break Gods chains the curse cries out death to the wicked. In these pronouncements we are taught this sure foundation.
In the curses are Gods scoffing at the wicked. We all are taught that we must always be positive and loving. But God does not love without pure justice. In other words in every government we find that the law that is carried out protects the innocent. It is the same love for Gods defense that we find in this legitimate scoffing. We are saved by Gods pronouncements from believing in a cheap love.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Ps 1 1 Blessed is the man
who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners
or sit in the seat of mockers.
2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
and on his law he meditates day and night".

The Psalmist opens the book up by pronouncing a blessing on those who meditate on the law of God. He is saying that understanding the biblical counsel comes from the experience we have when we are illuminated by the Spirit when we mediate on these Psalms. In order for us to understand Gods counsel we must be in the practice of using the five gifts that the Psalmist pronounces as he stands, walks and sits.
We must understand that the Psalmist is not describing the American system of psychological and emotional integration.I am not gonna discuss physical brain injuries that lead to chemical imbalances. That require a Psychiatrist who can prescribe medication. But we must understand that the context of all these words used in the Psalms are fighting political , religious, and national wars. We are taught that we are born in a world were we are caught in spiritual battle between God and Satan who control the wicked. The Psalms give us five gifts to fight in this war that is beyond our power and ability. The five gifts are the law, covenants, curses, statutes and promises. So the world of integration is a imaginary world.Because it lowers the image of man and position that God established in order for man to prosper. It gets man to focus on the things that are only temporary solutions. And it also lowers the power and blurs the deceptive schemes of the opposition.Any time we integrate behaviors in order to change a relationship we are only satisfying the desires of the parties involved. We are destroying the underlying opposition.
This why the apostle teaches us to put the flesh to death by the Spirit. In other words we must kill all opposition by Spirit and word. This is the approach that we find in the Psalms. These five gifts that we are given are the tools that we use to establish our way in confronting the spiritual schemes of the wicked. The law is Gods gift that speaks death to violators. It sets the standard that cannot be lowered. God does not lower the standard of the law in order to give us success. The spiritual success that we experience is accomplished by God whose will cannot be thwarted. The covenants are Gods sworn oath to His own hurt that He will perform His purpose in our lives. God is moved to answer our petitions based solely on His covenants. The curses are Gods weight of sorrow that prevents the wicked from prospering. The promises or the blessings are Gods goodness that prevents us from acting toward our brothers outside of His completed kingdom. It allows us to grow by the principle of learning our new identity. So we fight against the counsel of political and religious opposition. We are engaged in a national war.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Ps 18 42 I beat them as fine as dust borne on the wind;
I poured them out like mud in the streets.
43 You have delivered me from the attacks of the people;
you have made me the head of nations;
people I did not know are subject to me.
44 As soon as they hear me, they obey me;
foreigners cringe before me.
45 They all lose heart;
they come trembling from their strongholds.

46 The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock!
Exalted be God my Savior!"
We must understand that Gods description of our experience is contained in Gods word. However God describes the total extent of His revealed description is all the reality that we can pronounce. This thinking confronts the imagination of man. If there is anything that a sinner believes that is real, then they can share in Gods recreation through His word. But we believe that we know things of life that are hidden from the wicked.How come most people believe a wicked man... as if he understands reality? The reason that we are so easily deceived is because we do not really believe that Gods word judges all ideas. And its easy for us to think that Gods judgement of His word is our learning something and comparing it to Gods word. But Gods word even judges the meta physical health of every reality.
This is why I teach that Gods word is a prophetic word. It pronounces reality from before the foundation of the earth. Even tho the future event has not come into time, yet it is just as real when God spoke it into time. So Gods word is the only eternal revelation that is sure to take place in future. It pronounces the world in the future from Gods view of complete unity and single purpose. These pronouncements are pre conceived before the future event. There are axioms that are sure to take place as God works everything out for His purpose. These set laws cannot be thwarted by man. These laws of the Ten commandments are enforced by curses. There is no time where a violator of a law escapes the pronouncement.The power that is exercised in a response to law breakers is always complete and sure in the curse. I mean you cannot imagine that a wicked person has become safe in Gods patience. He is always under the full judgement that the law requires. If we make excuses then we will go outside of Gods contained will for us. But its impossible for us to be unsaved even tho we stray outside. We are implanted with Gods containing word.
But we can pronounce Gods absolute maxims that are spoken to bring all things into the future judgement. In other words we are contain in the total destruction of opposition even tho that destruction will take place in the future. But our reality is full in that we are contained in Gods pronouncements that are final. Any one who says that pronouncing Gods word, laws,decrees, statutes, curses, and covenants is not that big of a deal is making Gods command to meditate on Gods law nite and day of no consequence. You see we are always deceived by what we fail to do.
Ps 20 4 May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
When we are saved we are implanted with the word of God. Our old will is destroyed and we receive Gods desires. God saves us by giving us grace to believe and to receive salvation. If our salvation depended upon our wills then God could not free us until we "come clean." Some people teach that we cannot saved be unless we acknowledge the whole truth about our condition. But we believe that God cannot accept our own repentance. It doesnt matter how bad we feel, how much we confess, whether we get to a point where we understand salvation. The only hope we have is for God to do a work in our hearts that does not depend upon our understanding.
If salvation depended upon our own repentance then we could never meet the standards of the truth that God requires for our our old will to cross the line of acceptability. This work of destroying the will is a secret work of God. This is why there are people who grow up in the church who never had a time where they prayed a prayer. At some point the inward work of the Spirit changed their wills. This is what we are taught in the Psalms. There are people focused on a decision. If we are confident in the strength of our decision then we can be confident in our salvation. But this will not teach us assurance. Rather if a person is struggling with whether they were sincere the Psalmist teaches that we must rehearse how God saves us.God gives us grace in order to repent. He gives us grace in order to receive our new desires and He settles the question by our resting in His gift of salvation.
We must understand that a christian is no longer divided in the will. The Psalmist teaches that we are required to unite our desires as a community by speaking a blessing on all other christians who want their desires fulfilled. This Psalm teaches the rule in christian relationships. When we speak or describe anything about another christian that is not based upon the pronouncement of blessing to other brothers and sisters then we are sinning. I am speaking of unity in doctrine. Just like the law teaches us the line that we cannot cross so this Psalm prevent us from paganism by being the rule in which we speak to one another in christian fellowship. When we speak this Psalm on a daily basis it teaches us to control our tongues. 1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.
4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
The Psalm teaches us that we all are seeking the same goal that makes all of us the happiest. When we are saved we put down the arms to change each other. And in seeking the blessing of each other we become successful. 5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
6 Now I know that the LORD saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.
The christian spirit that prays for all the believers desires to be fulfilled leads to the unity that wins all battles. The apostle teaches that our christian fellowship is like marriage. In marriage the two partners are a reflection of one another. The success of one person depends upon his belief that the other person should be treated like he wants to be treated. God has made oneness to be expressed as one self. In other words when we describe the other person we speak like we are describing ourselves. We speak as if the love for ourselves and our own success is dependent upon what we say about the other partner. And this is the same reflection that all share in our doctrinal relationships within the church. This Psalm is our fall back position when we see the abuse of language spoken about other christians. So we meditate on this Psalm in order to withdraw from these abuses. 4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the LORD grant all your requests.
We see that when one brother is blessed and successful then the whole body is blessed and successful. Its just like marriage