God has decided to recreate every future circumstance by His spoken word. His words prophecy future events. Because there are no events that come into realty that are different from the war between good and evil. Evil is always the same and good is always the same. The arguments between constitutional governments and rebellious nations have always been the same since before the foundation of the earth! Because Gods creative word never violates His law ,covenants, statutes, curse and promises. Never!
When we speak Gods covenants as pronouncements we are prophesying
future events. I prophesied this present political struggle 15 years
ago. I have been pronouncing this event for 30 years.The event is Gods
law that becomes clear as the vehicle to awaken our nation so that once
again there is a clear choice between Gods law and the evil corruption
that man has achieved. Now listen our feelings of worth and success are
tied to finding the revealing of Gods law that smashes the corruption of
the nation. We are never done until the eternal judgement. But for me
it will be an answer to thirty years of pronouncing. The life that I
feel will be like being shocked by the breath of God if Trump wins... I
will gain a new level of confidence in pronouncing....