Ps 62 3 How long will you assault a man?
Would all of you throw him down-
this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
4 They fully intend to topple him
from his lofty place;
they take delight in lies.
With their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse."
The Psalmist has spent hours in pronouncing Gods law which is the standard of Divine love, the curses which are the human and divine desires expressed as partners in overcoming all violent speech,the covenants which are the legal defense of God to treat His elect according to the standard of law keeping of Christ,the statutes which are the holistic vision of Gods kingdom in order to enjoy rest and freedom from being under constraints, and His promises which promote greater desires for more gifts. God has provided us with a language that promotes growth and wholeness.
But when sin entered the world man began to speak a violent language. The natural opposition in corruption is the violent attempt to devalue Gods work in the creation of the gifts of his neighbor. Man is unable to overcome the desire to level the playing field in redefining Gods law. There is no natural defense that was placed in man after the fall. The only defense that man has is Gods word.
We must understand that salvation is never experienced outside of God. To attempt to find help in the world is like trying to trust in the wild beast. This is why the first Psalm sets meditation of these gifts as Gods counsel. Man naturally seeks other ways to find satisfaction and wholeness. We must understand that we are forced into a corrupted world where we are being defined downward. The Psalmist is teaching that Gods purpose of revealing Himself to us in His word is to teach us the true value that He places on us that cannot be learned in any other relationship.7 My salvation and my honor depend on God ,he is my mighty rock, my refuge". Without Gods standard of love, His defense of His elect,His holistic power to constrain us, His legal declaration of our innocence and His giving us ability by giving Himself to us, we would suffer serious abuse. 4 They fully intend to topple him from his lofty place;
You see Gods word orders all things to work together for His pleasure. But because the world is corrupted God had to reveal Himself in containing His kingdom success in His word apart from corruption. So Gods salvation is set apart from the world. When we are saved we are totally accepted. We are completely sanctified. But salvation is an ongoing process by which we become like we already are. This is why the Psalmist speaks of salvation as uniting His desires with Gods desires in the time sequence.35 3Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, "I am your salvation." The Psalmist is expressing a desire to understand Gods word as God unites His desire with the Psalmist in a physical blessing that leads to a greater illumination of Gods salvation. When the apostle prays the the saints might know beyond their understanding he is saying that God standard in relationship is based upon His eternal love. This means that the standard is beyond any relationship that we experience on this earth. So the standard is learned by pronouncing the, covenants etc creating the new illumination of greater beauty of Gods love for us. It is an event that is beyond the normal goodness that we experience on this earth.
We must understand that salvation is an eternal kingdom breaking into our normal world. The kingdom is created by the eternal words of God. This means that nothing in this world is real unless it is seen through the pronouncements. Because the pronouncements recreate the events and our view of reality. The apostle calls this setting your hearts on things above, not on the things of this world. You see the word of God is eternal. It is not constrained by time. When we meditate on Gods word we think in a timeless kingdom. Those hours of meditation visit us as the past experience breaking into the present. So whatever situation we find ourselves, whether we are suffering in the present or experiencing a fresh illumination of Gods salvation the remembrance of the past experience in the activity of the recreation of Gods pronouncements visits our present reality.
We must learn to develop a standard that is beyond the constraints of this world.We must be familiar with Christ as if He was the other person in the room.We must learn the pronouncements so that without the meditation we are desperate to carry on a relationship that is the foundation of all that we experience in the present. We must learn to go out of this world in the Psalm meditation and feel comfortable.
Would all of you throw him down-
this leaning wall, this tottering fence?
4 They fully intend to topple him
from his lofty place;
they take delight in lies.
With their mouths they bless,
but in their hearts they curse."
The Psalmist has spent hours in pronouncing Gods law which is the standard of Divine love, the curses which are the human and divine desires expressed as partners in overcoming all violent speech,the covenants which are the legal defense of God to treat His elect according to the standard of law keeping of Christ,the statutes which are the holistic vision of Gods kingdom in order to enjoy rest and freedom from being under constraints, and His promises which promote greater desires for more gifts. God has provided us with a language that promotes growth and wholeness.
But when sin entered the world man began to speak a violent language. The natural opposition in corruption is the violent attempt to devalue Gods work in the creation of the gifts of his neighbor. Man is unable to overcome the desire to level the playing field in redefining Gods law. There is no natural defense that was placed in man after the fall. The only defense that man has is Gods word.
We must understand that salvation is never experienced outside of God. To attempt to find help in the world is like trying to trust in the wild beast. This is why the first Psalm sets meditation of these gifts as Gods counsel. Man naturally seeks other ways to find satisfaction and wholeness. We must understand that we are forced into a corrupted world where we are being defined downward. The Psalmist is teaching that Gods purpose of revealing Himself to us in His word is to teach us the true value that He places on us that cannot be learned in any other relationship.7 My salvation and my honor depend on God ,he is my mighty rock, my refuge". Without Gods standard of love, His defense of His elect,His holistic power to constrain us, His legal declaration of our innocence and His giving us ability by giving Himself to us, we would suffer serious abuse. 4 They fully intend to topple him from his lofty place;
You see Gods word orders all things to work together for His pleasure. But because the world is corrupted God had to reveal Himself in containing His kingdom success in His word apart from corruption. So Gods salvation is set apart from the world. When we are saved we are totally accepted. We are completely sanctified. But salvation is an ongoing process by which we become like we already are. This is why the Psalmist speaks of salvation as uniting His desires with Gods desires in the time sequence.35 3Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to my soul, "I am your salvation." The Psalmist is expressing a desire to understand Gods word as God unites His desire with the Psalmist in a physical blessing that leads to a greater illumination of Gods salvation. When the apostle prays the the saints might know beyond their understanding he is saying that God standard in relationship is based upon His eternal love. This means that the standard is beyond any relationship that we experience on this earth. So the standard is learned by pronouncing the, covenants etc creating the new illumination of greater beauty of Gods love for us. It is an event that is beyond the normal goodness that we experience on this earth.
We must understand that salvation is an eternal kingdom breaking into our normal world. The kingdom is created by the eternal words of God. This means that nothing in this world is real unless it is seen through the pronouncements. Because the pronouncements recreate the events and our view of reality. The apostle calls this setting your hearts on things above, not on the things of this world. You see the word of God is eternal. It is not constrained by time. When we meditate on Gods word we think in a timeless kingdom. Those hours of meditation visit us as the past experience breaking into the present. So whatever situation we find ourselves, whether we are suffering in the present or experiencing a fresh illumination of Gods salvation the remembrance of the past experience in the activity of the recreation of Gods pronouncements visits our present reality.
We must learn to develop a standard that is beyond the constraints of this world.We must be familiar with Christ as if He was the other person in the room.We must learn the pronouncements so that without the meditation we are desperate to carry on a relationship that is the foundation of all that we experience in the present. We must learn to go out of this world in the Psalm meditation and feel comfortable.