Saturday, September 15, 2018

7296  Forums / Theology Forum / 33% Or Less... on: June 27, 2007, 02:56:21 PM
God does not have two wills. He can at the same time decree the hardness of the heart of an individual and judge that individual for their sin and still will that it would be for their good and His glory, since He is patiently allowing them time to repent. If God was divided then His will would cease to be exercised. If His disposition could effect a change in His decreeing will then He has no decrees. God has a disposition of love for all mankind but He has not decreed that all mankind be saved.
First of all, he didn't say God has two wills, he said there are two words for "will" in the original language, and that they each mean very different things.

Beyond that though, if you really believe what you say, then how can you stand to worship a god like that? (Oh yeah, you don't think you have a real choice...)

I mean, if I grab my child's hand, force him to touch a light socket, and than tan his hide for it, aren't I responsible for both the sin and the punishment, and wrong for doing both? Yet while you would rebuke a human parent who did such a thing, you claim that your god is such a parent, and at the same time that he deserves our worship and adoration.

I'm just curious how you reconcile that in your own conscience...C
PC, I am really confused about what you believe. I mean if you really believed in free will then you are responsible to either stand or fall on you own choices. How does that work in you system of no eternal consequences for your bad choices?  

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