Monday, January 23, 2017

Ps 19 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge"......
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
Gods elect have both human desires and spiritual desires. We must understand that our frustrations about the events of this life are experience by our miss understanding of these desire. Everything that we understand about ourselves and God is displayed as we speak. So we can teach truth but the order of our teaching and the application exposes our personal understanding of how we relate to God and to the physical universe.Everyone who teaches or gives an opinion will expose how they feel about themselves and how they relate to God. We used to say that a preacher is exposing himself when he preaches.
Now listen , we must understand that the unity and the beauty of creation is showing who God is. You can sit under the stars and experience the communication of God as He is. Because there is symmetry, order, warmth, beauty ,unexplained movements, exposure of knowledge, the mystery of power and expanse that swallows our space. Its God standing before us and opening Himself up as He speaks with authority about something that we see but also experience in mystery. With God nothing is surprising or out of order. In other words what God says will happen and He cannot order things that He has not decreed from eternity past. God is very simple.
We must understand that God is not like us. We are very complicated. God created us like Himself in that what we desire would be successful. The very fact that we experience opposition is not natural to us. God never changes but we change all the time. So this opposition is coming from a source that was introduced when we fell into corruption
This is why the Psalmist gives us the order of this majestic view in repetitious days. In other words what appears to us as complicated is happening by an order that is simple. This simplicity is enforced for the purpose of believing that God has revealed a certain amount of words that cannot be overturned. God could have written all that He has done and who He is in books that would be printed through eternity. But God only gives us promises and pronouncements that spoken over and over again that orders and sustains all things. So God orders things by simplicity to complexity,
This is why we have a desire for complexity. We must experience mystery in order to be whole. Some people miss use knowledge and application. They say that knowledge is learned by simplicity. But this is not how we apply the bible. We study the meat of the word as the means by which we purify the simplicity of the gospel. This is how we differentiate the teaching from the exposure of the teacher. In other words when we attempt to simplify the scripture we expose the shallowness of our understanding of God. Everything that we are is a book before others. So this is why the Psalmist pronounces the simple and limited words of God that lead to mystery. The word that is eternal cannot be used enough.

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