Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Ps 40 11 Do not withhold your mercy from me, O LORD ;
may your love and your truth always protect me.
12 For troubles without number surround me;
my sins have overtaken me, and I cannot see.
They are more than the hairs of my head,
and my heart fails within me."
God is a covenant keeping God. Now listen , ever thing that was ever created by God was gifted to man through covenant. When we say that God cannot be pleased with anything outside of Himself we are saying , He must not only design what is accomplished but He must create and act perfect in order for it to be pleasing. Every thing that man possesses is borrowed from God. In other words God must give the gift to man upon the authority of His own character. In other words God must swear to His own hurt if He is not faithful, kind, generous, loving and long suffering in accomplishing His glory as He provides His elect with all that they need.
We see that God has established covenants between men. We have seen our leaders place their hands on a bible and take and oath to uphold Gods law. So ever man lives a righteous life by his covenants. But Gods covenant with us and mans covenant to God and other men are not the same. In order to understand salvation and deliverance we must grasp the teaching of the covenant. Because the covenant is interrelated with the law of God. And there is no reality without it being described according to the law of God. The law stands over all created things. It does not matter what we think about perfection or obedience. The law of God is never lessened by our inability to understand it completely , our miss application, or our lack of ability to meet its standards. The law always allows and prevents according to the working of God. We cannot do one good thing without Christ.
But the law and the covenant are the only instruments by which God orders all things for His glory. The reason that God can only give gifts to man by covenant is because man fails to rise up to the standard of law keeping. So what ever believe about salvation and our need for deliverance is tied how we view the covenant.You see the covenant is Gods promise in acting on our behalf according to His faithfulness, kindness. etc. God had to pronounce death to all violators of His law. So the curse stands over all men. This makes it impossible for us to come to God according to the demands of the law. God views His covenant as proof of the reality of relating to us. So when we approach Him on the basis of His law it strikes against His faithfulness , kindness,,etc. This attitude of man being confident in his own works is detestable to God. This is why the Psalmist views the evil of the wicked as a threat to Gods covenant word of promise.
Evil is not dangerous in itself. Evil is only dangerous by its power to devalue and blind Gods covenant word of promise. In other words evil is a violation of the terms of relationships. This is why the Psalmist curses the wicked. Because as the beauty of Gods covenant to us fades so does our salvation. As the covenant is maligned, treated with disdain and mocked at so our faith is attacked.
This is why the curses are so important. Because man naturally believes that the display of the love of God is based upon mans actions and behavior. But Gods covenant to us is secure by His ability over life and death. You see God hates anyone who comes to Him according to the law. He despises proud men. The Psalms say that God will burn them like a candle for eternity. This is why a covenant attitude of anger in the elect is satisfied in Gods curses.Because these curses are building a conviction that we can only be saved by God proving Himself! This is why there are so many covenant breakers. Because man naturally believes that he can keep his covenants by his own ability. So man builds his own world and glory's in his own ability. When man does this he curses himself. His witness is that the universe is man centered as he rises to the top. But God rules every thing by His covenant faithfulness! Man is not on display but God is. So God had to curse the wicked in order to save His people from being covenant breakers. You see the covenant is the basis of our happiness, our spiritual health, and our ability to endure this life as we go from one deliverance to another. And in the covenant there is only one way to be delivered and it through cursing and blessing. This person will not be a covenant breaker.