Monday, January 16, 2017

Ps 9 10 Those who know your name will trust in you,
for you, LORD , have never forsaken those who seek you."

When God created man , He put all things under mans feet. 8  6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet:" When man fell into sin God had to renew mans original position by covenant. God reestablished His law in creation by a covenant.  We must understand that all power on this earth is borrowed and is scrutinized by Gods law. God always establishes human power in an eternal republic. Every person who ever governed the earth entered that position by a covenant. He swears upon his own life that he will be faithful to Gods governing law. This is what David is saying in this verse. So any man who lowers the covenant lowers Gods law. You must understand that anyone who prays the Psalms knows that these pronouncements are a sworn promise of God to deliver His people.  But the problem is that God always upholds His end of the covenant but man is never compliant.

This is why the laws, covenants, curses , promises and statutes are not given in a system of shared powers. Every person has been implanted with Gods law and is required to full obedience. We never have a position by being in that position. We always have a position in life with the law being the judge. So Gods covenant is only authoritative by Him acting according to the full demands of the law.  These pronouncements of His law, etc cannot be pragmatic. These pronouncements are the laws of governing that have absolute power over all things. Salvation is a sworn testimony that all the full weight of the curses fall on anyone who presents himself as able to obey Gods pronouncements in himself. A lot of people teach that salvation is simply getting grace that we do not deserve. In our culture salvation has become an intellectual description of the purity of grace as that which represents the conviction of ones belief. But salvation is in a military context. It is swearing upon Gods covenant that God would work according to His law, covenants, curses, etc at all times in pronouncements that overcomes all opposition. The whole of salvation is our dependence upon God as we pronounce His law and covenants that must be established in order for us to be delivered! We swear upon the curses that God alone will be glorified upon enacting the full weight of the law on anyone one who worships another god.

We must understand that the covenant is a promise by God to preserve His people for eternity.In order for God to be faithful His word must be absolute. These pronouncements cannot be thwarted. The words" I will never leave you" are equal to saying my pronouncements will never fail. Without Gods word creating and recreating at all times man would speak and act as a traitor to Gods standard of salvation and deliverance. This is why we spend so much time praying and pronouncing the Psalms.