Sunday, January 22, 2017

We all are great sinners. Paul said that he was the chief of sinners. God usually does His greatest work through notorious sinners. We all are notorious sinners. When sin entered the world it not only corrupted the whole world but it became the agent to prevent us from enjoying the highest experience of pleasure and peace. You must see that it does not matter how we view sin. There is no man who views sin as it is. Every man views sin for his own benefit. This is the problem with a very narrow understanding of the destructive nature of sin. The very fact that anyone is corrupted with sin is the reason that we miss apply the nature of peace and the success of ability. There is more preventing of ability in the cultural of corruption than in a personal decision. We are all in Adam who brought the culture into opposition to the ability to act at the highest standard. 

The bible teaches that just being a sinner is the same as being infected with a destructive form of speech. The danger is not that sin exist but its that there are two people who are sinners and because of that they prevent each other from the perfect example of righteousness. Any time we add to the miss guided view of perfect righteousness we prevent others from walking in the perfect way. This is why the reality is that we all stand before God as individuals. Because we are unable rise up to the standard of the perfect man and be able to renew the corruption. In some sense we would fair better if we were all alone without the wrong example. Sin is more than just disobedience but it corrupts the culture of success.