Sunday, July 29, 2018

8917  Forums / Main Forum / Cheap Grace? on: June 23, 2006, 10:32:57 PM
I have been thinking about the cause and effect paradigm in all logical thinking. As the cause is so is the effect. The effect has the essence of the cause in it. So the closer we get to the effect the stronger will be the cause. The greater distance from the cause the weaker the the effect.

Now Here in this verse in Pauls letters about working out your own salvation because it is God who works in you is more of this cause and effect relationship than a 50-50 relationship. It is not Gods done his part and now its your job to finish it. In our day and age we hear this proposal constantly. There is a misunderstanding of this cause and effect relationship that this verse is puts forth here.

In our modern day thinking when we say that there is this 50-50 relationship here in this verse we are saying that there is an abiding truth outside of the realm of theology where man is represented here as doing something to achieve the ends that God wants him to accomplish. This doing something is represented as strictly mans action and Gods reaction. Or Gods commands and mans obedience.  In other words what we have in the 50-50 is man is all action and God is all command. This verse is not teaching this philosophy. This verse does not define man this way.

Obviously the closer you get to the cause the more the cause will define who you are, and the farther away you get from the cause the more you will define who you are. This is what the verse is depicting here in God working in you. In a 50-50 relationship what is equal is your will and Gods will working in unison. When we define us having a self determined will we are saying that we have just as much rite for us to define who we are as people as God does.What we are saying is that we can have a philosophy of 50 -50 about ourselves that is equal to the theology taught here in this cause and effect relationship.

The whole universe is a cause and effect universe because God created the universe and in that creation is the explanation of the cause. God defines who He is by the creation. And yet there are also characteristics within the physical aspects of creation that are in the cause and effect paradigm in the universe. In how the universe functions is included in the cause and effect paradigm. All the moral decisions in the universe are a part of the cause and effect paradigm in all of those things that run the physical parts of the universe, including mans decisions. To say that there is no cause and effect the moment time started in all of the moments of time both physical and non physical is to just create an irrational paradigm of existence.

A self determined will has no cause since it is neutral not desiring good or evil. To will is to desire one thing over another, to be undetermined about the choice of two equal objects presupposes no cause in the supposed self determined will. In this 50 -50 view of this verse there really is no cause in the choice and so there really is no understanding of the effect or real experience in effects but rather a rationalization , and an illogical determination of who God is and our relationship to Him.

The logical cause and effect is that God cause all things to work together for good for those who love Him. In our working he is the cause of our working and He is in the effect of our working. The closer we get to the cause the more we are going to work in line with His design and the farther we get from the cause the less we will be in line with His will. We must see that there is a cause in the universe and there is a cause in our choices. We desire one thing over another because one desire is stronger than the other and the reason is because there is a cause for our choice to desire one thing over another. Our new life in us is the cause. The more we experience God presence in His word the more we will choose by cause the good and work out our salvation.

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