we see with our eyes has a great effect upon what we struggle with in
fear. Here is a situation and it is mounting with more difficulty as
time goes on. The situation has great effect upon our trust in God as
it relates to His abilities, and it causes us much anxiety. There are
things that we do to increase this anxiety. We fix our gaze upon the
problem in that anxious state and then we begin to increase its power
over us. Being in an anxious state is what we must overcome. First of
all it our position is that in anxiety we stand in between the insurmountable problem and the absolute trustworthiness of God. We are
captivated in focusing and talking about these insurmountable problems.
The reason we focus on the difficulty is because our problem with sin
and then there is the problem with how we view ourselves in light of
Gods absolute trustworthiness. Behind us is the reminder of Gods
deliveries, that is all the past instances where we have been delivered
by God. Now this is the art of motivation in struggling with fear and
anxiety. Here there are these reminders. What we have as believers is
the absolute trust of God and we have the absolute faithfulness of God.
He is a God who knows the details of these anxious situations. The
scripture declares that we have a refuge. Yet here we are in the
situation enamored with the trouble that is staring us in the eye. We
are sorta under its spell. There are declarations in scripture and then
there is an intimate knowledge of these promises that must be ingested.
This process of ingesting is a learned process.It is a two headed
process. One is its illumination into the mind, and the sweetness of its
discovery. Two is its illuminated application in the disposition we are
in at the present existence in our world. It is applied by
illumination. Existing in a disposition of anxiety has forces that
are beyond our ability to overcome in that illumination process of
ingesting the word. This is the reality so that we are motivated to
apply the illumination in a disposition of pain. Why would it be a trial
if the insurmountable difficulties were visible to us without the
inward struggle. If it did not effect us inside it would not be a trial. The
anxious spells strength drives us away from that sweetness of the
illumination to focus only on the source of the illumination. Its as if
we are enamored with the words ability to enliven us. Then we are under
the spell of the trial and that enamored illuminated spell is broken and
we in our desperation are driven from the concept of the illuminations
power over us to focus on the word\" I am the God of refuge.\" In the
desperation of the spell we desperately cast ourselves upon the sure
word and not the ability of the word to illuminate us. There is this transference of anxious spell in that process of meditation on these
abilities in God. Yet there is a war of holding on to that spell of
anxiety. Its as if it is being pried from us and yet going through the
process of hoping in His word creates its own illumination. That new
illumination is not understood in our most desperate times. Its only
after we have overcome that we understand its ability to go beyond the
surface of our former trust and in that pain- word process it becomes
sweeter than pre- pain illumination.
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