Sunday, July 29, 2018

9000  Forums / Main Forum / Do You Believe In Free Will? on: June 01, 2006, 07:23:14 PM
God is absolutely soveriegn because He is God. Man is responsible because man chose to sin and fallen and fell. We are responsible in Adam.
If man has the ability to choose to sin and fall he would conversely have the ability to choose to accept Gods fee gift and be saved. Either he has the gift or ability, whatever you like
to choose or he doesn’t. If he can’t choose he is not responsible.
God in his sovereignty is entirely within his rights and power to provide man with choice and free will. It doesn’t impact the status of his sovereignty whatsoever. Converesely if He chooses to put certain people to work or to make an example out of or whatever, He is sovereign and can do what he wants.
This used to confuse me but I’m not sure I know what the hubbub is about anymore. First if God gives man the ability to choose within himself to be saved then the ability is really a choice that God makes prior to man choosing. So there are some who are being judged in hell rite now. You can say that God did not have the absolute control, but in your thinking God chose to give a man free will prior to man having free will and then God chooses to send them to hell in-spite of mans supposed free will. There is not much difference in what you are saying and what i am saying.

If man has a free will to choose salvation then why was he held responsible for the sin which adam committed.The sin was actually imputed by God prior to man having to be responsible in himself in time. So the very opposite of free choice existed in man prior to being responsible in that free choice in the age of accountability. If man is personally responsible then why does he die for someone elses sin? The generation that followed adam did not get to be held personally responsible for the physical death state that they entered. It was chosen for them prior to their birth. Everyone will die no matter how good their personal choices are. I am just using your free will argument to prove that there is some inconsistencies in it.

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