Tuesday, October 30, 2018

6331  Forums / Theology Forum / Re: Free Will? on: May 23, 2008, 12:10:51 PM
I argue Humanity has NO resistance to sin; any resistance is based not on our strength but on His.  But if we sin or not we still make the choice...

 Forgive me if i got this wrong. But are you saying that something causes our choices, or that we choose ourselves between the rite and wrong? I am not sure.

Everyone get your dive gear, it is about to get deep...

We as humans make our own choices, nothing is driving that other than us...However sin is so ingrained within us, it plagues our being so much that we desire it above all else.  Sin has power over us but doesn't make our decisions for us. 
Sin is a drug to humanity all the pride, jealousy, arrogance, deceit, betrayal, we thrive on it whether we admit it or not. By sending Jesus though, God has set up an intervention and rehab to get us clean and back to Him, back to where we should be...but like rehab, we have to recognize we are addicted and that we need help.  We have to choose to accept the gift...

answer..... I am not trying to be a smart ale c. I hope you dont take this like that. I tend to be a bit one sided so dont be afraid to question my arguments.
We as humans make our own choices, nothing is driving that other than us. Ok i believe that there is a lot that goes on prior to our will being involved. So that there is necessary cause to have a choice. If there is only the will acting on its own, then the only cause of a choice would be an action of the will prior to the new action. This is why choice is from a necessity.
Just like the origin of all things in creation. Something does not come from nothing. There is a cause for every existence. God was there and then the created things. In order for God to create He had to exercise His power over the elements. So He had a counsel of His will, and then the order of creation. He planned the creation prior to creating. He was not under a necessity to create tho. And i guess you could say that the action of planning prior to act of the will in an internal sense.

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