Friday, August 3, 2018

8018  Forums / Main Forum / Why Faith Is A Must on: January 18, 2007, 10:10:25 AM
In any new endeavor in reforming you always must go back to the beginning rather than add on to what is already being practiced. Because the logic is that what you believe will work itself out in your life's purpose and it will effect every thing you do in that purpose. So that the end goal will only be according to the purpose that was caused by how you perceive truth in the beginning.This is the only way to reform.

And so what we are discussing is what are the essential truths of the gospel and what is the the purpose in all of this. It really starts with God and how we view the Trinity and then it works itself out in that purpose as to how we view ourselves in lite of the beginnings the of cause and effect paradigm. Got to go will write later.

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