Friday, August 3, 2018

8082  Forums / Theology Forum / Weighed Down With The Anxieties Of Life? on: December 15, 2006, 04:09:55 PM
I agree Jeffery, and anxiety is something that we all battle with. As the apostle says that when we get married we are going to add to our temptation to be anxious. As believers we are aware of the temptations to over indulge in all of the luxuries of this life, we are also tempted to live as though we have a separate existence as private citizens in which we live in an extremely computerized society were we are encouraged develop loneliness as a way of life. But because most of our views of our minds in this culture are not really a result of what is going on around us we tend to miss the struggle by focusing on these cultural traps rather than taking control of our minds by meditation.
We will find that within each one of us is an extreme danger of straying from our first love. We are born again and we experience a profound sense of freedom and we have such life in us that we are spiritually aware of the worlds pull on us coming out of our former ways. Then we begin to forget our first love, which happens in all churches and we begin to live life adding our spiritual aliveness to our own set of responsibilities. We fail to see that our inner world is terribly in need of constant attention. Because we were made to be totally dependent of God, and we were made to have His life flow to us and through us so that we not only are saved at a point and time but we are experiencing His presence through His revelation, that we are to constantly fix our eyes on the goal of our faith. When we take our eyes off of Christ we then begin to stray from experiencing our first love.
This is a real struggle to keep our eyes on Christ, because even as believers we struggle with sin,fear, anxiety, distrust, depression, a sense of Gods frown, and coveting things ,thinking that we can get relief from having to face all of these negative realities going on in our minds and hearts. We use the things of this world to keep ourselves from experiencing a sense of loss that we experience as sinners.  That is a loss of joy, peace, comfort, kindness.
If we know that we are very prone to stray from our first love then we are going to become more active in trying to experience that original regenerated life. But as we begin to long for the peace and joy we experienced in God, we begin to increase our experience in sorrow. As we begin to learn more about God in His word we begin to grow in our understanding of Christ work on our behalf.  The nearness of God that comes as a result of growing increases our desires to know more of Him and so with that increase we are prone to increase on the other side seeing that Him being our all in all in a more profound way will also expose to us our deep need because of our lack or ability on that bad experience side.
But there really is a silver lining in our experiencing our inability because we learn that through our inability we are enabled by Him to rejoice in Him with a rejoicing that cannot be compared with anything in this world. We begin to live with an eternal mindset. We begin to to see ourselves as more needing of Him more and more, because we have experienced what it is to have His Spirit speak peace to our souls in our anxiety, and display to us in our experience by meeting our needs as a result of our longing for His comfort. So that we begin to long for heaven , because we know that just as He met our needs in our lack that one day we will have a full experience of Him in meeting all of our needs so that our rejoicing will be constant, unimaginable

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